I agree that a nuclear Iran is a grave threat to the world. Saudi Arabia would likely develop nuclear weapons in response and regional tensions would, somehow, get even higher. Unlike Gaza and southern Lebanon, Iran is a huge, mountainous country. Their nuclear facilities are spread out and many are buried deep within mountains. Militarily it seems like apples and oranges compared to bombing Gaza. I wouldn't be so confident that it'd be easy for Israel to quickly destroy their capabilities without provoking all-out war. Finally, I'm not sure the American people agree with you about the value of fighting a war with Iran. I've thought that our all-volunteer military means that, by and large, the lower classes of American society bore a disproportionate weight of death and injury from two decades in Afghanistan and Iraq. I don't know that our society has an appetite or budget for more war after two decades of it hollowing out whole communities.
Trump at his recent rally in PA looks like a dead body they put makeup on for viewing Who the hell is doing his makeup? This has got to stop.
Imagine being an academic and insulting a business move of the richest man alive (who is self made). WOW. Twitter is going to be a home run for Musk and as a side benefit gives him a megaphone that no one else has (THAT is what he shares in common with Trump). Musk today can affect the moves of any human on earth by tweeting. That's power. And you have it backwards on Trump being after Obama. Trump was the first one to puncture Obama's media bubble -- and forced him to release the long form birth certificate. And of course Obama's bad policies and obsession over race ultimately got Trump elected in 2016. GOOD DAY
Nah. He is still doing several press interviews and podcasts so that argument doesn't work. Face it: it was a dumb and desperate play by the Kamala campaign to pretend this "concert" was something it wasn't. So much so even ABC News said "nope that's not what happened". Where's the proof the Trump campaign wanted him to answer more questions? The only people doubting his cognitive abilities are Dems who are trying hard to meme the same medical issues Biden had on Trump. Anyone who saw Trump during the Bloomberg interview yesterday knows his cognitive abilities are fine.
They asked Trump nicely and even said the magic word. Anyone that saw the Bloomberg interview yesterday, knows that Trump has no understanding of anything he's talking about, and it confirms he doesn't understand how tariffs work, or the effect it would have if he was able to remove everyone from the nation he wanted to use. Fact: Trump wants to use the same act used to imprison Japanese residents in internment camps during WWII to do his plan.
It's getting harder and harder to ignore that something is seriously wrong with him. All you have to do is watch him interview or watch him speak, and his latest rally and interview are perfect examples. His decision making is absolutely nuts, and his inability to speak rationally for even 5 minutes is completely gone.
Is the concentrated effort by team MAGA to misrepresent the poll numbers and hype Trump's standing in the polls part of a strategy to sell the cheating accusation if he loses?
Trump projects everything dirty his campaign is doing. The world will be better off when he is taking that long dirt nap. DD
I have no doubt that we and more importantly Israel knows where Iran's nuclear facilities are located. Agreed, about the volunteer military and it's another reason the draft needs to be re-instated if things are truly the way you describe. BTW, I've got family who have built a nice life and retired from the military that started out poor just like all of us when we were kids. With all of that said, taking out Iran's nuclear facilities needs to be job number 1 regardless of whether we do it or the Israeli's do it. Most of the ME would back us on this.
So do you agree that US made goods should face significantly higher taxes overseas compared to the much lower taxes placed on foreign goods entering the US? I'm curious why that would be fair, especially in a global economy that promotes a level playing field. This isn't 1950 where the US was top dog, Europe was recovering from war, and China was developing.
Nobody is suggesting zero tarrifs. What is clear is that Trump has no idea how Tarrifs work. Companies manufacturing overseas can't magically have manufacturing plants here instantly. Consumers end up paying more and there would be huge shortages. It was clear that Trump had no idea about any of that.
gawd damn…looks like a shriveled up albino raisin that’s been underneath somebody’s fridge for 10 years