Pretty underwhelming, especially after Ime says "There's only way to go" followed by pushing an elevator Up button lol. But at least had some nice moments from last year and it didn't overwhelm with the music. Guess one of the two is the slogan.
I really want a Rockets rebrand. Especially after seeing what the Astros and Texans have done. The R just feels underwhelming. It's time for something new.
As basic/simple as the phrase "Liftoff" is, it seems fairly appropriate. Straight up, is there any roster in the NBA more athletic than us? I feel like we have the most athletic squad. Amen's got to be top 5, Jalen's got to be top 10 if not top 5 himself, Cam's like a taller Westbrook when he dunks. We know Reed's got hops too.