Posting tweets from the guy who was used by the Russians to push their propaganda and was paid handsomely for doing so isn't doing anything other than degrading your reputation.
Do you actually read or listen through all of the stuff you post? It says out door events or gatherings during the pandemic but did not say people were fined just for going outside. In fact during the pandemic the MN Dept. of Health were saying it was safe to go out and exercise outdoor individually or very small groups and even encouraged it. Here is a video I shot outside In Minneapolis during the pandemic lockdown and I wasn’t fined or even warned to not do it.
We need a picture with a newspaper containing today's date and you eating bacon. We have to make sure you aren't in one of Walz's Muslim reeducation camps.
No way. Tim Walz is dear leader who is the great defender of the Socialist paradise of the Red North Star State. I wake to sing the praises of Leader Walz and willingly practice Sharia Socialism. [blinks twice]
That's really cool, Judo. I'll never look at a park bench in quite the same way again. Sure, most of them I couldn't do, but a few are doable. Oh, and ATW is crazy as a loon.
Time keeps ticking…. and still, surprisingly - Trump and his army of social media misfits … haven’t figured out a successful area of attack against a woman they claim is a DEI candidate and supposedly is stupid…
Yet has a law degree, and was a state prosecutor...against a dumbass man who daddy gave millions too .....Trump is a certifiable moron. DD