Brown, Hutchinson, Skowronick (sp?) maybe even Woods. Brown is obviously over Metchie. Skowronick does things those other dudes can't. that leaves Hutch/Woods/Metchie/Cephus fighting for last spot to me not sure how Sims works since hes a special teams guy
Well, that 50% he has to make the team is backed by CJ, so that makes his 50% chance to make it, a lot bigger than the 50% not to.
Seems like Diggs, Nico, Tank, and Metchie all use the same guy. Nick has nailed it with Nico and Tank. Are we really going to be surprised if Metchie ends up replacing a 31 year old Diggs production next year?I don't know if I will at this point with the track history. I also wouldn't be surprised if the hype machine of Texans Training camp which has tricked us many of times proves to just be all hype on Metchie and he amounts to a WR4 type guy his whole career. What a blessing our WR depth is. Empty sets and Metchie on a LB or box safety in the slot could be really fun.
Guys, Metchie is going to make the team. Put it in the bank. Since Noah Brown is confirmed healthy and doing well in camp, WR1-WR5 isn't in much doubt.
Metchie is going to be the #4 or #5, Brown, and then Hutchinson. With the suspension of Autry, i wont be surprise of they cut Woods.
6 . Metchie is fighting for that 6th spot. Brown, hutch, and skowronik are all above him in my mind and maybe Sims too since Sims does kick returns. Even if he manages to make the team, he will be low on pecking order.
He earns a roster spot in my opinion, just on that outside spin cut That is literally crazy ,... In all seriousness, that was great but i'm so glad he showed improvement because I didn't want him not making the team
Sure, a minimum of a 2nd rounder. Mainly because I like Hutchinson also, but would honestly rather keep Metchie for next year. He'll be the clear #3 when Diggs leave, but then Metchie will need to get paid but I assume it won't be expensive.
I feel like absolute best you could expect is a 2nd rounder. But given what he has actually put out on the field, I’m betting the highest offer would be a 4th, maaaaybe a 3rd. Keep in mind, as recently as after the 2nd preseason game we were debating him even being on the team. I’d say his value is = hutch, and I don’t see hutch garnering a 1st-2nd. All that being said, I wouldn’t trade him for any of that. I think he’s gonna be a massive threat at WR4 and he can grow into Diggs’s role for next season.