yep, he would’ve at least gone a long way back then if he had just stayed in shape, but he didn’t. Morey and the rockets tried to get this guy on a bus and every other chance, he seemed like he just didn’t want to work except on his own terms. Airlines aren’t going to hire pilots who are scared and say itst about accommodating everyone, hell even the circus wouldn’t hire this clown, because this is ENTERTAINment, traveling is embedded in and a well known frustration fo these players. They just upgraded to private jets in the 80s, before that it was commercial for 7 footers! I’m fine raising the bar, but Royce white has fraud written all over him. The data didn’t work out this time, morey.
Is this? I’m only so far reading this on clutchfans. If this guy has accused raped, it needs to be known to those people walking behind him with their fist up. Charlatan.
saw this thread got bumped so dropped in hoping to find pix of him living under a bridge somewhere... but prison stripes would be a nice alternative... cant wait for this turd to get his...
I saw his interview with David Packman. Royce White is a weirdo. I can't believe people considering voting for him.
My hero! Putting my city's name in Minnesotas history books! From now on every time Royce Whites name is mentioned they will have to add " was drafted by the Houston Rockets". Way to go Senator White!!