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[WSJ Editorial Board] The Shooting of Donald Trump

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by Os Trigonum, Jul 14, 2024.

  1. PeppermintCandy

    Oct 25, 2009
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    Newlin and Astrodome like this.
  2. Amiga

    Amiga Member

    Sep 18, 2008
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    It's why you wait for details. No idea what his motive was. Remember that John Hinckley's motive in shooting Reagan was to impress Jodie Foster.
    mdrowe00 and RedRedemption like this.
  3. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Member
    Supporting Member

    May 2, 2014
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  4. STR8Thugg

    STR8Thugg STR8Thugg Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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  5. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    Go look up the assassination of John Lennon as well. It’s very often that these type of assassination attempts are just simply crazy people who should have never had access to weapons to begin with.

    The fact is there is no political benefit to making Trump a martyr. Anyone with half a brain knows that. Which is why Occam's Razor would point heavily to the theory that this gunman didn’t have half a brain.

    Even more baffling is this guy had no ID on him, He left no known manifesto. It’s about as random and random can get. It doesn’t fit the profile of a foreign national assassination. It doesn’t fit the profile of a military operation. Etc etc. this looks like a crazy person who shouldn’t have had a gun got one, and wanted to go out in a blaze of glory.

    Maybe more information comes out that explains this more but right now this looks about as random as random can get, and more of a security disaster than anything. The fact that a crazy person wanted to shoot Donald Trump shouldn’t be something that the secret service doesn’t plan out extensively at events like this. This is a massive security planning failure.
    #25 dobro1229, Jul 14, 2024
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2024
    mdrowe00 likes this.
  6. SamFisher

    SamFisher Member

    Apr 14, 2003
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    Hey WSJ - @Os Trigonum


    subtomic likes this.
  7. CrixusTheUndefeatedGaul

    Jun 1, 2022
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    Still believe in bushiit.
  8. durvasa

    durvasa Member

    Feb 11, 2006
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    I’m assuming he will appoint people to carry out the Project 2025 agenda, and there will be no resistance against it if GOP takes control of Congress. Any waffling about it now is purely calculated to maximize his chances in a general election. Once in office, he will do whatever he can to aggrandize himself to his conservative base.

    I don’t speak in existential terms, because I have not lost all hope that we can endure and recover to some extent from major erosions in democratic institutions under his watch. But I don’t begrudge people who do, and I still think there is a very real chance that he will do lasting damage. Moreover, voting for someone who actively tried to overturn the results of the prior election and commit fraud against voters to stay in office is a nonstarter for me. It would be conceding that election integrity doesn’t matter.

    That is enough for me to vote for whoever is running against him, as lackluster a candidate as they would likely be.
    fchowd0311, mdrowe00, Newlin and 2 others like this.
  9. cdastros

    cdastros Member

    Nov 6, 2002
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  10. Space Ghost

    Space Ghost Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    First, I don't condone this type of speech.
    Second, no where did he say he wanted to be dictator or that he is the rightful winner. What he did say (and I disagree) that everything should be thrown out and a new election to be casted.

    I'm not sure why ai have to point out the blatantly obvious words there.
  11. durvasa

    durvasa Member

    Feb 11, 2006
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    He said he would be a dictator "for a day" to close the border and "drill, drill, drill". But after that, no longer a dictator. LOL.

    If Trump aspires to be dictator for a day, why would he not want it for more than a day? Because he respects the law? He has already claimed and received immunity against being prosecuted for disregarding the rule of law as President.
    FranchiseBlade likes this.
  12. Invisible Fan

    Invisible Fan Member

    Dec 5, 2001
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    I abhor and denounce violence and political assassination, though that quip about Jefferson and revolutions seem more spot on by the minute.

    So no to killing presidential candidates. Yes for the option of rattling lawmakers to hear the needs of the public, for once.
  13. Astrodome

    Astrodome Member

    Apr 23, 2015
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    He may have been on a message board and was trying to impress posters like @da dakota who post their glee at the thoughts of trump's death.
  14. Andre0087

    Andre0087 Member

    Jan 16, 2012
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    If they could both hold a joint conference and condemn political violence together, live on screen, it would go a long way to alleviate some of these issues.
    RedRedemption and FranchiseBlade like this.
  15. Kemahkeith

    Kemahkeith Member
    Supporting Member

    Mar 27, 2018
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    Better do it before 8PM.
    That's night night time for paw paw
  16. cdastros

    cdastros Member

    Nov 6, 2002
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    Trump had fake electors sent to the Capitol and Trump tried to get Pence to throw out Biden electors from swing states is just some of the evidence that Trump wants to be a dictator. I don't need Trump to say I want to be a dictator.
    FranchiseBlade likes this.
  17. Amiga

    Amiga Member

    Sep 18, 2008
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    Sounds like the father knew something. At minimum, with that level of concern, you do not provide AR15..

    Trump Rally Gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks Said to Have Been Loner Who Rarely Voiced Politics - WSJ

    The man who authorities say tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump was a quiet student who took advanced classes and a sometimes-bullied loner who wasn’t vocal about his political views, classmates said on Sunday, as a portrait began to emerge of the gunman who shocked an American public already becoming inured to escalating political violence.

    Schoolmates said Crooks, at times dressed in camouflage or hunting attire, had few friends and interacted awkwardly at school. “If someone would say something to his face, he would just kind of stare at them,” said Julianna Grooms, who graduated one year after Crooks. “People would say he was the student who would shoot up high school.”

    Others in his tidy, suburban neighborhood of brick ranch homes said they had no recollection of him at all. Students from area high schools, gathered at summer parties this weekend, were checking their social media feeds for any trace of him and found little.

    Law-enforcement officials struggled to quickly identify him after Saturday’s shooting, finding no photo ID on his body. They said the AR-15 rifle he used belonged to his father, and they were trying to determine whether he took the weapon without the older man’s knowledge. The elder Crooks assumed his son had gone to a gun range on Saturday, but became concerned when he couldn’t reach him and called police after news of the shooting, people familiar with the investigation said.

    Crooks had fired multiple times from a rooftop roughly 400 feet away from where Trump spoke, killing one spectator, critically injuring two others and leaving the former president bloodied and defiant.

    Investigators found rudimentary explosive devices in Crooks’s car parked near the rally in Butler, Pa., and found bomb-making materials at his family’s home, one hour to the south, said Federal Bureau of Investigation officials, who were working to determine what they were made of and if they were viable.

    Crooks acted alone, and investigators were still trying to determine his motive and ideology, said Kevin Rojek, FBI special agent in charge of the FBI’s Pittsburgh office. Part of the challenge, officials said, was that they hadn’t found any of the kind of writings or manifestos that often surface after such attacks. FBI agents were urgently working to get access to Crooks’s cellphone, which they had shipped to the bureau’s lab at Quantico, Va. But the limited insights they had been able to glean into his recent communications hadn’t revealed anything about his motive or suggested anyone else was involved.

    Crooks hadn’t been on the FBI’s radar as a possible threat before the shooting, and investigators had found no indications of mental-health issues, Rojek said. Crooks’s family was cooperating with investigators.

    “We continue to look at all his social-media accounts and look for any potential threatening language,” he said, “but as of right now, we have not seen it.”

    The streets around the Crooks home in Bethel Park were blocked off on Sunday as camera crews descended on the middle-class Pittsburgh suburb and police continued to investigate how a 20-year-old was able to climb with a rifle to the top of a building with a clear line of sight to Trump.

    “We’re still trying to work through the details as far as his affinity for weapons and how much, if any, times he went to the range,” Rojek said.

    He appeared to have little social-media presence or much record of political activism. Crooks appeared to have an account on Discord, a social-media outlet popularized by videogame enthusiasts, but hadn’t used it much. He hadn’t posted with the account in months, a spokeswoman for the platform said, adding that Discord had removed Crooks’s account based on its off-platform behavior policy.

    On President Biden’s inauguration day, Crooks gave $15 to the Chicago-based Progressive Turnout Project, a Democratic-aligned political-action committee that rallies voters, according to Federal Election Commission records. Pennsylvania voting records show he was a registered Republican.

    “He never outwardly spoke about his political views or how much he hated Trump or anything,” said Sarah D’Angelo, another classmate of Crooks at Bethel Park High. She recalled him playing games on his laptop during homeroom before the school day began.

    She and others described him as somewhat of a loner, saying he had “a few friends,” but “didn’t have a whole friend group.” Crooks would sometimes sit alone at lunch, said Kendall Spragg, who was a year behind him at Bethel Park High School. “He didn’t really fit in with everybody else,” she said.

    As a sophomore, Crooks was photographed in the yearbook wearing a T-shirt of an American flag with the faces of past presidents at Mount Rushmore. As a senior, he won a $500 National Math & Science Initiative Star Award, according to TribLIVE, a Western Pennsylvania news outlet. The Bethel Park School District confirmed Crooks was in the graduating class of 2022 and said it was cooperating with law enforcement.

    On Sunday, a girls’ lacrosse team was playing on the field at Bethel Park High School, but the gates were closed to the public to prevent reporters from talking to spectators. A police car was parked by the football field parking lot entrance. The sign out front reads “Municipality of Champions,” in all caps, with the high school’s blackhawk logo and a list of state sport championships the school had won over the years. Above the doors is a large banner noting the school is a national blue-ribbon school.

    That tightknit community appeared to leave Crooks on the outside. “You either fit in in Bethel Park or you don’t,” Spragg said.
  18. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    Do you ever wonder how a trans person or Muslim American or migrant might feel about how the ire of extremist rhetoric by the GOP is pointed at them?

    Do you sincerely care about violent rhetoric targeted at groups of people?
  19. Astrodome

    Astrodome Member

    Apr 23, 2015
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    Are you accusing me of something? I can ensure that my family and I do not participate in violent rhetoric. The rhetoric is not OK and I am not sure why you are excusing it.
  20. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    I've never seen you address concern about it. You address a lot of concern about people being mean towards Trump, a political actor.

    Yes I question anyone who magical suddenly cares about our polrict rhetoric resulting in violence just because Trump got targeted in an assassination attempt and never once called out the rhetoric that leads to stuff like 20 people dying in a El Paso Walmart.

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