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(Kelly Iko) Pelicans offering Ingram for Sengun

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by REEKO_HTOWN, Jun 20, 2024.

  1. Le$$

    Le$$ Member

    May 28, 2016
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    Isn't adding Ingram redundant? They have same or younger version in Green. Plus Ingram is bad at defense, why they want to dump him. There only 1 ball out there this green and segun team. Draft Shepherd he will probably be next kidd/Nash on the court, he's got game.
    cmoak1982 likes this.
  2. sefril

    sefril Member

    Oct 11, 2009
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    Zion?? Knowing our team bad luck with injury, he will get a career ending injury after only playing half season for us
  3. sefril

    sefril Member

    Oct 11, 2009
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    Well with Zion you got both of them, he’s too big (overweight) and will stay at home a lot (injured) lol :D
    Dobbizzle, harold bingo and J.R. like this.
  4. KingCheetah

    KingCheetah Notable Member
    Supporting Member

    Jun 3, 2002
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    [2023/24] Zion 70 games played -- Sengun 63
    jim1961 and SamFisher like this.
  5. Hank McDowell

    Hank McDowell Member

    Jun 13, 2002
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    Ingram is a nice player, but he's playing on an expiring contract and would be tough to keep. There's no way in hell I'd give up Sengun for him, but I think it was smart for New Orleans to ask. You miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take!
    Mr.Scary likes this.

    ROXTXIA Member

    Apr 25, 2000
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    Ingram is also eligible for a gigantic contract extension that no one should pay. I mean, yeah, he'll get paid, but not PAID.
    Hank McDowell likes this.
  7. Hemingway

    Hemingway Member
    Supporting Member

    Oct 15, 2016
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    Amen is much better than Brooks. So keeping Brooks for defensive purposes is a non-starter. Brooks defense is above average, but it went down hill just like his 3 pt shot. I don’t want Ingram, because he costs too much and will cost too many positive assets to obtain. He is not enough of a difference maker to pay 40M and give up one of our core and draft assets. If it’s Brooks and a future lottery protected pick, sure. Then if he is a big difference maker you can sign him to a big contract. It’s a moot point, NOP are delusional on what they want.
  8. hlmbasketball

    hlmbasketball Member

    Jul 18, 2006
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    Its not odd, I just have an idea of what I want in a NBA Player. I like players who play on both sides of the floor.

    I know every player can not play on both sides of the floor but your center and pg are important to having those aspects.
  9. rimrocker

    rimrocker Member

    Dec 22, 1999
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    1: It was an early rumor and countered by multiple public statements since training camp.
    2. That was before Sengun played at a near all-star level this year while coming off of two miserably coached seasons where the staff had a "system" but no idea on how to coach to the talent they had on the team.
    3: That was a Landale hedge as at the time, he was playing poorly. There is definitely a need for a decent backup 5.
    4: Not wanting to trade Sengun would seem to counter the point you're trying to make.

    Trading Sengun at this point in his career for two picks in this draft would be criminal.
    AroundTheWorld and cmoak1982 like this.
  10. coachbadlee

    coachbadlee Member

    Feb 5, 2010
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    Criminal only to Sengun fans. Understandable to Rockets fans who want the team to win. Not just see one player put up pretty stats.
  11. hakeemthagreat

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Which one the Celtics & Spurs best players can't shoot 3s or defend like Sengun? Remember what Jake Valanciunas does to us every year
  12. Mad Cornbread

    Mad Cornbread Member

    Jun 26, 2023
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    Segun needs to show more this year in the first half of the season or he is maybe not gone but not going to be happy with the contract he has EARNED FOR HIMSELF just like Green....let someone else overpay..........
  13. Francis3422

    Francis3422 Member

    Mar 14, 2000
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    I agree on Amen obviously. Tari is also better than Brooks. And yeah, I would not even trade number three straight up for Ingram. But Brooks and a couple future firsts (Not Brooklyn picks) would interest me I think as long as he was extended. I don’t actually know if he’ll get the max and I probably wouldn’t do that but I do think that 40 million a year isn’t going to look bad two or three years down the line for him.

    I think that the big thing I’m having trouble with philosophically is seeing a scenario where a clear top five or 10 player becomes available and Houston has the assets to acquire him. We have some assets for sure, but there are other teams with more attractive war chests. The most likely scenario would be said player kind of forcing their way to Houston. I guess I see Ingram As someone that could kind of help make us attractive in that sense. A very good third option. And maybe we get lucky and two or three years down the line. Some combination of our young guys are options A and B with Ingran as C. Or maybe Ingram as B.

    I love our young players for sure. But I am super interested in bringing in a player that represents a significant talent upgrade for this coming season.

    I think Amen/Jabari/Tari Are going to blow up and I really have bigger aspirations than just making the playoffs. I believe with a significant talent addition we could win a round or two.
  14. TimDuncanDonaut

    Feb 20, 2009
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    Sengun is the first of the young 6 to bloom. Putting aside the Rockets fan / anti-fan faction: He's recognized by those around the league... first since Hareden era to get noticeable number of All Star votes. Between Sengun and FVV, could have argued either was the #1 on the team last year.

    Team has drafted top 4 three years in a row. I maintain that both Alp and Tari's contracts are still best among some of the rookie contracts at Rockets and around the entire league. They were drafted in the mid-teens.

    Here's a list of current NBA centers by annual salary. You have the usual paid suspects at the top: AD and Jokic.

    But Sengun's AAV is at #45 at $3.8 million. For a starting center in the NBA; 30 teams. That's incredible value. Sengun will get a payday soon, but if averaging out his rookie contract and his likely extension; the org likely will get better overall value (per year basis) for his tenure here. It's not just that Sengun is good, young with upside, but he outplayed his contract and last few years, we can actually say have been a rookie at a bargain, instead of on the negative (investment cost).

    His backups: past (Landale $8m) and future (Steven Adams. $12m) all make more than him. On that list, there's plenty of drop defensive centers available at the $5m - $13m, if you don't care about upside but want someone proven to compliment Alp, might be better to get one of them instead of drafting a Clingan.

    Situationally speaking, Rocket is positioned very well with Adams. Yes Adams is older, but in 2-3 years, if you need another complimentary center.... as seen from the list... there's plenty of "young vet" or "vet" centers at an affordable range. Paying that same range for a #3 where you have to develop might not be good value.

    A #3 salary is decent but not super cheap, with shooting being a premium, might be better to spend the premium on a shooter (Reed) than a drop big (Clingan), since the regular flavor centers (non-switching centers) are abundant in that salary range. We keep Sengun for the upside and go with Reed or a Reed equivalent.
    #254 TimDuncanDonaut, Jun 21, 2024
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2024
    AroundTheWorld likes this.
  15. larry cook

    larry cook Member

    Jan 17, 2013
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    Charlotte are the clear winners in this scenario by obataining the number 3 pick and Cam by only swapping the 6th and trading Miles Bridges who doesn't have any trade value at the moment.
    jch1911 likes this.
  16. Reeko

    Reeko Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    What was this “Ime not a fan of Sengun” rumor people are talking about? I must’ve missed that one
    AroundTheWorld and cmoak1982 like this.
  17. Mad Cornbread

    Mad Cornbread Member

    Jun 26, 2023
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    Segun and Green either need to show significant progress early in the year or be benched........then floated as trade bait........then we'll see what offers they get.........

    Those guys seem like "ME FIRST" players.....they believe they are entitled to start.......they aren't.....they need to earn it.......

    Don't see them yet as warranting an "alpha" status..........

    Hope they prove me wrong.....
  18. Dobbizzle

    Dobbizzle Member

    Feb 1, 2021
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    Pretty sure it's the same place as the FO 100% having moved on from Jalen Green and he's 100% getting traded before last trade deadline.
  19. Plowman

    Plowman Member

    Sep 26, 1999
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    NO can send us Ingram and next year's first ( plus maaaybe #21 this year) for #3.
    #259 Plowman, Jun 21, 2024
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2024
  20. HTownTmac1

    HTownTmac1 Member

    May 31, 2006
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    Ingram is an inefficient BALL HOG ! No thanks . I would prob legit not watch the rockets for a while

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