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Jalen Green will be the Rockets' Numero Uno

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by kpdark, Jan 2, 2024.

  1. TimDuncanDonaut

    Feb 20, 2009
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    The when he's hot, very hot and when not... is very cold, leads me to believe it could be very opponents teams driven. Some teams have the scheme/personnel to kryptonite him and other teams don't.

    Guys like fvv and Dillon have had scouting reports on Jalen from their previous teams. Same with Ime and his assistants. I'd dust them off and sit with Jalen to see if there are any low hanging fruits and counter moves to help Jalen out.

    This is the summer, now is the time to work on his game.
    #2641 TimDuncanDonaut, Jun 19, 2024
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2024
    Stephen_A and Strawberry Gum like this.
  2. Mathloom

    Mathloom Shameless Optimist
    Supporting Member

    Oct 4, 2008
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    The only problem with Green’s 3PT shooting is that he takes too many. It’s that simple. He should be taking 4-5 per game. He was never supposed to be and has clearly not been good enough to be taking 7 3PA per game. It’s a total fabrication to say that your SG has to be good at taking SEVEN 3pters a game between the ages of 18 and 21.

    He takes too many. He needs to regulate that. However there is one more complicating factor: Ime Udoka’s offense. I suspected this before Sengun went down but one silver lining of the Sengun injury was it showed us what proportion of the blame is on Udoka.

    Green was putting up historic FTA numbers for his age before Udoka arrived. You must admit, it would be rational to expect a tough guy coach would prefer to build on the elite ability to get to the rim rather than 3PT shooting. So what happened? Udoka’s offense severely limited Greens ability to get to the rim and line - very similar to how it limited a more mature Jaylen Brown earlier. Overly packed paint has been a feature of Udoka’s career. This forced Green to take more 3PTers. You could hear this pressure from Udoka, pushing Green to take more 3’s while he’s shooting 34% from there.

    How do we know it’s the packed paint ? Because for two years under Silas Green was elite at getting to the line for his age. That’s not a chucker. Chuckers aren’t prolific at getting to the line, they’re not interested in that . Then in the quarter of a season under Udoka when we played Jabari at the 5, he went Nova. All the rebounding, defense and passing Udoka taught him PLUS the easy scoring. If - like me - you were wondering what would happen if we paired Jalen with a stretch 5 or an elite rim runner… we got our answer and the answer was amazing. Like max-worthy amazing.

    I don’t believe at all that Sengun/Green can’t help each other. It was clear at the end of the season Udoka finally understood this. Jalen is not a spot up shooter for Sengun. A lot of people around here are married to Udoka’s now-defunct offense. They’re trying to get a shooter at the 2, building on a flawed offense. We’re a horrifyingly bad offensive team, this is not a matter of a sacrificing penetration for shooting - that’s just a swap.

    We know now that for Green it’s all about getting to the line. When he is given an average-ly packed paint he gets to the rim with ease. When he gets to the rim, defenders back off him and that lifts his 3PT%. That’s why his overall scoring and 3PT% have strong correlation.

    It’s very important for Green to keep working on his shot selection and mechanics. However it’s equally important for our team success that next season Udoka takes responsibility for merging our two weapons and making them complimentary (Sengun/Green).

    Which is exactly what he said we’re going to do. He’s dreaming of Sengun/Green pairing in the PnR and I think it’s going to work. I don’t really BLAME Udoka because there was so much to fix and he fixed almost everything in one season. I think he’ll get it done next season.

    We’re in for a hell of a season from this team.
    #2642 Mathloom, Jun 19, 2024
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2024
  3. Corrosion

    Corrosion Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    IF they give him 5.5 years, that means paying him .....

    Again, what does that contract look like?
  4. Stephen_A

    Stephen_A Member

    Mar 18, 2016
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    There’s too much reliance on the high screen and roll though and I think he needs to be creative like letting green screen for Sengun and slipping into the paint. Or have Sengun come out of a pindown from low to high then have a shoot pass option etc. More elbow DHO’s. Our offense too predictable and remember teams are loading up on Jalen after a high screen. Its on Jalen to shoot better but its on everyone else as well and I really hope Sengun can be a stretch 5.
    fchowd0311 likes this.
  5. Stephen_A

    Stephen_A Member

    Mar 18, 2016
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    Great point. To illustrate this in 22-23 Green was 7th in the league in FTA per game on drives to the paint. That’s right behind guys like Luka, SGA, and morant.

    His Personal Foul freq on drives was 13.1 which was higher than Lillard, SGA, and Morant on less drives per game.

    His Shooting foul freq, and1 freq, and FT freq on ISO’s were better than Tatum, Trae, and Booker on less ISO plays per game.

    As I said less FVV touches and dribbles and put the ball in the hands of the 2 best players in Green and Sengun.
    Dobbizzle likes this.
  6. bustamove

    bustamove Member

    May 20, 2024
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    Thank Silas
  7. AlperenSengun

    AlperenSengun Member

    Oct 12, 2021
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    I ‘d say this was ‘introduction to nba 101’ by udoka to green, which was what Silas supposed to do. Instead he gave complete freedom to green and kpj to do whatever they wanted. While both accumulated counting stats and Jalen used his talent to draw fouls, they literally learned nothing. So I think too early to judge udoka’s offense, and I would say it was generally successful despite some major holes in the roster.

    Stephen_A likes this.
  8. bustamove

    bustamove Member

    May 20, 2024
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    JOFs want Silas back and Ime out LOL
  9. Dobbizzle

    Dobbizzle Member

    Feb 1, 2021
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    Oh look, more made up narratives. Cut the bullshit, there are no rabid "JOF's" anywhere. If you want to see the non-stop 3 year b**** fest that is "SOF" please feel free to actually read the forum.
    fchowd0311 and Stephen_A like this.
  10. Stephen_A

    Stephen_A Member

    Mar 18, 2016
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    Those people ignorant and childish. Nowhere did anyone state they wanted Silas back.
  11. Stephen_A

    Stephen_A Member

    Mar 18, 2016
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    Silas worked with what he had which was 2 young dynamic guards and a young talented center. His offense has always been free flowing based on reading and reacting to defenses. Based on principles and player decision making rather than set plays. They played a lot of 5 out ball, iso, and pistol formation instead of high screen and roll. I agree with your point somewhat in jalen not learning as much as he was supposed to but this was mainly due to the roster not having vets and guys with winning experience on the team. That’s Stone and management’s fault. Udoka is the better and more savvy coach no doubt and likely have showed Jalen different things than Silas did.
  12. cumutk

    cumutk Member

    Jun 28, 2022
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    Jalen Green is not even a proven NBA player yet..
    And some fools think he will be our numero uno huh..

    I believe it is Apri Fool's Day joke..

    If he continues his inconsistency,he will carry his career outside of NBA by his late 20's...
  13. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    Rockets must be the sorriest franchise in professional sports history to have someone who doesn't even belong in said pro league be the youngest player in their franchise history to reach 4000 points with second place in franchise history doing it almost two years older.

    The March of Green is the most dominant a Rocket has been since prime MVP caliber Harden.

    That is the ceiling for Green. It wasn't just "hot shooting" that made him one of the best players in the league for a 15 game stretch at age 22.

    To say you don't see a route where he can be the best player in the team is absurd. You can say there is a big chance he won't be because of his inconsistency. But to assume it's a absurd hypothetical after showing such highs in his first few seasons with the bad lows is kinda absurd.

    Has he been slightly disappointing so far I his career? Sure. Most players of his archetype are high volume inefficient players on mediocre to bad teams. Booker was putting up inefficient numbers on horrendous teams for his first 4 seasons. At least Green was doing what he did on a decent team this season.

    If you let Green continue his bad habits of not giving effort on defense and let the Silas regime continue and not get FVV, and just let Jalen "cook" he'd probably put up third year Booker numbers and the Rockets would be a 25 win team.

    Ime made him learn other aspects of his game and didn't let him expand his role as a lead ball handler until he proved it in other areas like consistent defense. I expect a second year with Ime and having one year of conditioning of playing with effort on both sides through 82 games (only guy to start all 72) is going to allow him to make the offensive leap next season.

    This approach might hamper his offensive numbers early in his career but will pay off for him in the long run.
    #2653 fchowd0311, Jun 20, 2024
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2024
  14. cumutk

    cumutk Member

    Jun 28, 2022
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    The problem of the American fans or some of he fans is that you give so much emphasis on athleticism but not fundamentals.

    Thats why best players of NBA are European players.

    Green's situation is complex that he almost has zero basketballl fundamentals. Does not know when to shoot when to pass..
    Cause he did.not play in professional league( NBA ignite is not professional league, he does not have the background of Alpi for example, Who played against real man)
    March madness of him does not show anything,this team has been carried out by two cornerstones Fred and Alpi untill now.
    Green needs much more time to be real,consistent player.
    A great potential but lacks basic basketball background, and if a player kind of this shoots low percentage in 3pt shooting, or inconsistently- because he only has shooting weapon, he does not have the creativity or court vision of Alpi or Fred etc.. this inconsistency harm Rockets.

    Most Euroleague teams' backup SG's are more complete products compared to Jalen.
  15. Mad Cornbread

    Mad Cornbread Member

    Jun 26, 2023
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    Green has tools but needs rules and fuels to be GREAT............and every year he should be adding to his arsenal like Dream would........if not important to him......the he will never truly progress enough to be considered somewhat consistent much less GREAT usually.........


    Just like with the other guys on this team drafted early........

    Here comes another.........
  16. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    I guarantee you are a empty vessel of platitudes when it comes to "fundamental basketball".

    Btw Green arguably is the most skilled player with Sengun amongst the young core. In fact he definitely is more skilled than Amen, Cam, Tari etc.
    Dobbizzle likes this.
  17. Verbal Christ

    Verbal Christ Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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  18. Dobbizzle

    Dobbizzle Member

    Feb 1, 2021
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    Nice try, most Euroleague players aren't good enough to make the G-league. That's why they're spending their careers playing a sport almost nobody in Europe cares about. If you hate the NBA (where the actual talented people play) so much, why not stick to watching piss-poor Turkish basketball and hoping that there's an odd Euroleague game that doesn't put you to sleep in the first quarter?..
  19. Dobbizzle

    Dobbizzle Member

    Feb 1, 2021
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    I actually find this interesting, because Green seems to have a lot of missed calls on his drives, so this could be even better.
  20. Verbal Christ

    Verbal Christ Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    Luka entered the Finals exalted and exited them exposed. For such a "fundamental" bunch why the aversion to playing defense?

    Thats a good point. I think adding some weight to finish through contact will help him earn even more whistles. When Jalen learns how to use tempo to his advantage it will help him grow as a player.
    Stephen_A likes this.

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