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2024 Hypothetical Astros Trades Thread

Discussion in 'Houston Astros' started by Snake Diggit, Apr 23, 2024.

  1. ac in austin

    ac in austin Member

    Jul 31, 2000
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    I’ll bet you $500 that Bregman isn’t traded. Maybe Altuve has no say…but more than that guys that are used to winning don't ****ing give up. Crane isn’t going to trade anyone this year for future benefit. I’d rather pocket your money but we can make it a tip jar bet if you prefer.
    raining threes likes this.
  2. raining threes

    Jun 26, 2008
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    While I somewhat agree with this, living in the real world, this group of players has been together for a long time and they still believe they can make the playoffs. Continuity and a togetherness in the clubhouse is very important to winning championships. This is a simple case of do you give the players a vote of confidence by adding a couple of pieces (Not expensive pieces guys like Hunter Harvey and say Taylor Ward) to try to help out the guys who've helped build this culture over the past 7-8 years, or do you want to trade off Bregs/Tucker, Framber etc... BTW, I'm not against trading Framber this off-season if the haul is big enough.
  3. IdStrosfan

    IdStrosfan Member

    Nov 26, 2021
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    How about the 1990 Houston Astros?

    Traded their set up guy (Andersen) who was a rental to Boston for Jeff Bagwell.

    Traded starting 2b (Doran)who was a rental to Reds for a SP prospect (Henry) who was 2nd on the team in GS and IP in 1992 before being drafted away in expansion draft, plus 2 other prospects who didn't work out.

    Traded an average Rp (Schatzedar) for 2 prospects who didn't work out.

    Traded starting 1b (Davis) who will be a FA after season for CF prospect (Finley) who started 4 seasons with 16.1 WAR before being traded away, a SP prospect (Harnisch) who started 117 g in 4 years w/ 8.2 WAR before being traded away, and another pitching prospect (Schilling) who had a good but unimportant season in the bullpen in 1991 before STUPIDLY being traded away.

    The Astros in 1992-1999 had 8 consecutive 500 or better seasons and won 3 division titles largely because of those trades.
  4. IdStrosfan

    IdStrosfan Member

    Nov 26, 2021
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    You replied to yourself.
    Are you betting yourself?
    The Beard likes this.
  5. Wulaw Horn

    Wulaw Horn Member

    Jun 13, 2018
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    Marlins won a WS 4 years after their fire sale. I would take that if it was a guarantee or
    Something- it’s obviously not but the fact that people still ridicule that move is silly as it worked out for them obviously.
  6. The Beard

    The Beard Member

    Oct 31, 2012
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    If you trade away Bregman, Pressly and Montero, you are only trading away 1 core piece, who you could still sign as a FA if Crane is going to give out a long term deal (unlikely)

    The other two you are trading away salary to make improvements next year

    Crane won't allow a full rebuild
    Radricky and raining threes like this.
  7. The Beard

    The Beard Member

    Oct 31, 2012
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    It's more than just the record, and by the way i'd feel much better if we were 4 games under .500 right now

    We are 10 back and going through a period of games against poor teams, and we are doing so without Tucker, JV, now Yordan

    We really have no idea how long Tucker/JV will be out. I know they said Tucker was a bruise, but the Astros are not honest with injuries, and if it was a bruise damn, it's been two weeks already. JV is out with a sore neck, Javier just had Tommy John on his sore neck

    It's not just the record
    Radricky and raining threes like this.
  8. The Beard

    The Beard Member

    Oct 31, 2012
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    My only issue with this post is

    Dana Brown don't make those decisions. Bregman would probably settle for a 7 year deal, but I don't think Crane would go that long

    The path I would take is seeing where we are closer to the deadline, if we are out of it (very likely) than I would tell Alex we want him here long term but we are going to trade him to bring back some assets, and we would love to have the opportunity to sign him back in the offseason
    Radricky and raining threes like this.
  9. The Beard

    The Beard Member

    Oct 31, 2012
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    I don't think any of us want them to trade Alex today, I know I don't (unless the offer was just stupid)

    But we are 10 games back, 7.5 back of the wild card with most of the League ahead of us

    We just lost to the CWS and face the best pitcher in baseball tonight. Then we have the Orioles coming in this weekend, without Tucker and JV at the least

    Maybe we go 4-1 these next 5 games and cut into that lead a little bit

    More likely though. . . .
    raining threes likes this.
  10. The Beard

    The Beard Member

    Oct 31, 2012
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    If we are only 5 back at the deadline I wouldn't trade anyone, you can make up 5 games in a very short period of time. It's happened over and over in baseball

    Right now we are 10/7.5 back, and that is moving in the wrong direction. We would actually have to go on a pretty good run to be within 5 games, unfortunately it's more likely we go into next week more than 10/7.5 back
  11. IdStrosfan

    IdStrosfan Member

    Nov 26, 2021
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    I agree 5 games back would be a big improvement

    But this team will need to look a whole lot different for me to have any confidence about them catching anyone.
  12. The Beard

    The Beard Member

    Oct 31, 2012
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    If we get to 5 back, we will all feel alot better about things

    There are a ton of things we can point to that got us in the situation we are in

    But the biggest in my opinion is all the times we have faced truly bad competition and we simply haven't taken advantage of it
    raining threes likes this.
  13. IdStrosfan

    IdStrosfan Member

    Nov 26, 2021
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    Thats enough - let's just try it and see. . .
  14. Radricky

    Radricky Member

    Nov 1, 2020
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    9 games back in the division and 6.5 in the wildcard.
    Only teams below us in the wc are the angels, A’s, and white Sox.
    I guess technically the rangers are below us seeing as how we are tied.
    everyday eddie likes this.
  15. Amadeus Rooster

    Apr 10, 2023
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    8 back now. Rolling! Lessgo!
    raining threes likes this.
  16. Kemahkeith

    Kemahkeith Member
    Supporting Member

    Mar 27, 2018
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    Problem as I see it is. the Mariners can add bats to bolster the lineup they have.
    I don't see many options for the Astros without further decimating the farm. 1b has been a black hole all season. Who can we possibly get for little being given up.
  17. backwardhead

    backwardhead Member

    Aug 3, 2001
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    I'm ready to turn the page. As far as I'm concerned I'd like to rebuild for next year now. That means trade everyone other than our future stars (Dias, Brown, Blanco, Pena, Alvarez) our current vets who are still making a positive impact (Altuve, Hader) and consider offers on everyone else (Tucker, Verlander, Valdez, Pressley, etc.).

    Im not suggesting we trade them for peanuts. Only consider trading to contending teams with young talent on the up. We need a future first baseman, third baseman, and right field.

    We won't pay Tucker and he and his agent have given no indication he's wanting to retire and Astro. I love this team but all good things must come to an end and it feels to me like we are needing to turn the page in order to make one or two more runs while Altuve is still playing.
  18. Kemahkeith

    Kemahkeith Member
    Supporting Member

    Mar 27, 2018
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    I know I'm in the minority but I have been advocating trading Tucker for a bit now.
    You can get a comp pick next year or fill the cupboard by trading him this year.

    I get replacing Tuck is impossible and he is my favorite player on the team.
    But man the haul.
  19. Amadeus Rooster

    Apr 10, 2023
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    BMTH, Baby! But man the haul.
  20. Htown Legend

    Htown Legend Member

    Jul 31, 2018
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    The next month or so will dictate everything. My thought process is this: The Astros can not afford to lose Tucker for nothing once his contract runs out. Throughout this “Golden Era” run- the Astros have been able to “replace” the Springers, Correas, Mortons, and Coles of the world from within the organization. The cupboard is running thin. There is no star outfielder waiting in the wings to replace Tucker at the moment. That could change between now and next summer… but thus far it’s not the case.

    If I’m Jim Crane- I’m aggressively doing what I can to extend Kyle Tucker over the next 6 weeks. As we get closer to the deadline and if a deal hasn’t been reached, I’m giving my final and best offer. I’m talking about the absolute max amount of money, years, and AAV Crane is willing go to.

    If the Astros enter the week leading up to the deadline within striking distance of a playoff spot- then I would possibly be on board with being *moderate buyers*. If not, you have to entertain trading Tucker. We’d be looking at a haul comparable to what the Nationals got for Soto (who received 2 potential stars in CJ Abrams and James Woods, plus Mackenzie Gore who was considered a top pitching prospect at the time).

    I love Kyle Tucker. He’s a hell of a player. I’d love him to spend his entire career in Houston. But Jim Crane has shown zero indication that he’s willing to offer the type of contract Tucker will certainly command on the open market. We just can’t afford to lose a talent like that for only a comp pick.

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