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It's a matter of Bidenomics!

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by adoo, Jun 28, 2023.

  1. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Member
    Supporting Member

    May 2, 2014
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  2. astros123

    astros123 Member

    Mar 28, 2013
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    According to this own graph of yours the majority of states have big macs for less than 5 bucks but you use the 5 dollar number cuz you're a disingenuous dipshit and always has been. You use whatever number that's worst for biden.

    Again right now on the McDonald's app there's a daily special for buy 1 get 1 free big mac. McDonald's has had this special for months. You can getv2 big macs for less than 5 bucks
  3. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Member
    Supporting Member

    May 2, 2014
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    Screenshot 2024-06-15 at 4.01.30 PM.png
  4. astros123

    astros123 Member

    Mar 28, 2013
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    Folks who don't have stocks who you're talking about can't afford big macs can't use an app to get a free burger? Are you this braindead stupid. Lower income folks go coupon hunting more than anyone else. The prices you are showing are not app prices.

    You can get 2 quarter pounders
    right now for less than 5 bucks. Right now
  5. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Member
    Supporting Member

    May 2, 2014
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    you seem like an angry little man
    Invisible Fan likes this.
  6. astros123

    astros123 Member

    Mar 28, 2013
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    Lumber prices are cheaper today than they were in 2018. Again at some point you folks will realize @Os Trigonum is a disingenuous dipshit who lies to help trump

    No I just hate boomers like yourself who lie all day cuz they have no life.

    You keep lying about everything cuz you wanna help trump. You're an awful human being and always have been
  7. dmoneybangbang

    May 5, 2012
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    Back on D&D after a little hiatus… or were you caught up in the Jan 6 breaking and entering and finally free?
  8. dmoneybangbang

    May 5, 2012
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    And if you are phony “moderate conservative” hiding behind extremism, your appeal to the little people is laughable.

    Your side is kicking off the little people from Medicaid, CHIP, gutting school lunches, and rolling back child labor laws.

    Not to mention… your side has a very “Islamic” stance on child brides and age of consent… or more accurately the Christians are back at.
  9. astros123

    astros123 Member

    Mar 28, 2013
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    He was too embarrassed to post here after his 450+ page thread he use to jerk off too every day fell apart. He claimed for months biden would be exposed as some huge corruption scandal.

    Now that time has past he thinks folks will forget his braindead conspiracies he spun for months. He has no shame cuz he's a MAGAT
  10. Amiga

    Amiga 10 years ago...
    Supporting Member

    Sep 18, 2008
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    I bought a few cedar wood pieces over the years for outdoor gardening projects. My memory might be a bit off, but I recall the prices being roughly:
    • 2x6x8 Cedar: $8 (2009)
    • 2x6x8 Cedar: $13 (2016)
    • 2x6x8 Cedar: $19 (2018)
    • 2x6x8 Cedar: $38 (2021) — too expensive, so I went with a prefabricated (plastic) solution instead
    • 2x6x8 Cedar: $24 (today) --- prefabricated solution held up nicely; not planning to go back to wood

    Here is some trend data

    20-year trend: You can see the huge spike due to the pandemic. It was returning back to normal until 2023. See below for why.


    5-year trend: The 2023 hike was due to the Canadian wildfire. It hasn't gone down since but hasn't gone up either.

    I don't think these macro trends are impacted by the POTUS unless they impose heavy tariffs on lumber.

    Expect Another Rise in Lumber Prices — Here's Why (familyhandyman.com)
    Updated: Aug. 08, 2023

    After reeling from unprecedented price hikes on lumber and other building materials during the pandemic, the construction industry has been experiencing some normalcy. While many building materials are still considerably more expensive than before the pandemic, almost all prices dropped from their record highs and remain relatively stable.

    But things may be changing soon due to environmental impacts in Canada. Keep reading to learn more about rising lumber prices and their effects on the construction industry in the U.S.

    Lumber Prices in Early 2023
    In early 2023, contractors dependent on framing lumber were a happy bunch. After dealing with mid-pandemic price hikes that drove the cost of lumber to $1,400 per thousand board feet, prices fell to below $400. A slight jump occurred in mid-February. But overall, prices remained relatively stable through the first 23 weeks of the year.

    How Canadian Fires are Impacting Forests
    Thanks to unseasonably warm temperatures and dry conditions, wildfires in the Canadian provinces of Alberta and Quebec popped up and spread quickly, leading to widespread damage and forced evacuations. As of late July, the wildfires scorched more 30 million acres of Canadian land, with some fires crossing the U.S. border into Washington State.

    Canada’s forests cover 42% of its land— about 990 million acres. That means wildfires have impacted up to three percent of all Canadian forests — an area roughly as large as Maryland, Massachusetts, Vermont and Delaware combined.

    These wildfires also took a sizable chunk out of the softwood lumber supply the construction industry uses for framing and plywood. As fires encroach upon lumber operations and sawmills, many businesses temporarily shut down, halting lumber production completely.

    While wildfires don’t necessarily render all the wood in a forest unusable, they make it difficult or impossible to reach salvageable wood in time to save it.

    Why Canadian Lumber is a Big Deal
    Canadian lumber is a big deal for the U.S. construction industry. The U.S. purchases approximately 80% of its lumber from Canada, including spruce, pine and fir species. While there are other lumber sources available, including domestic, none are as convenient, stable or predictable as Canadian lumber.

    The timing couldn’t be worse for the U.S. construction market. With the U.S. experiencing a housing shortage and housing construction finally taking off, the loss of Canadian lumber sources will inevitably cause prices to climb. The cost of future home construction projects will likely increase as well.

    Lumber Price Forecast
    Unfortunately, the Canadian wildfires aren’t under control yet, and the season isn’t over. The wildfire season usually ends around October, leaving two full months of potential burning ahead.

    While there’s no way to forecast the exact impact these fires will have, there is some good news: Prices shouldn’t reach anywhere near the record highs they hit during the pandemic. Contractors and homeowners can expect a more modest increase, with the actual impact felt after the fires are under control and sawmills reopen.
  11. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Member
    Supporting Member

    May 2, 2014
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    good response
  12. Xopher

    Xopher Member
    Supporting Member

    Feb 1, 2017
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    Where is gas 4 bucks a gallon? Not in Houston. I paid 3.49 for PREMIUM today.
  13. Xopher

    Xopher Member
    Supporting Member

    Feb 1, 2017
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    Got it. McDonald's prices are way outpacing inflation, but it is somehow Biden's fault.
  14. astros123

    astros123 Member

    Mar 28, 2013
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    Again. It's only outpacing inflation if you're too lazy to download the app and use the app to order. McDonald's has a daily special for buy 1 get 1 free for most of all their burgers. You can get 2 quarter pounders for less than 5 bucks using the app

    Why is the price of lumbar more important than the 40 million people who have student loans who had their payments slashed to almost zero or the 30 million folks who have obamacare who are paying close to nothing
  15. juicystream

    juicystream Member

    Apr 17, 2001
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    Inflation is real. Housing has been crazy the last 3 years. Cars got crazy. Eating out had gotten bad.

    Fortunately for me grocery prices aren't a problem. Chicken is the biggest cost increase in my staple purchases, but even then it's still cheap. Might be because I will pretty much substitute anything. I'm not brand loyal for much and don't mind switching types of food week too week.
  16. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Member
    Supporting Member

    May 2, 2014
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    while Mrs. Trigonum is in Canada getting the last 8-week old puppy the Center for Disease Control will ever let her get, I decided to treat myself to dinner.

    rabies threats.jpg
    Biden's CDC says these Canadian puppies are a serious rabies threat
    So, recently assured by (how does @rocketsjudoka put it?) "another poster" that a meal at McDonalds would only run me about five bucks, I decided to go for it.

    First, checking my fixed income wallet, I determined I had the requisite five bucks in hand as well as a couple extra dollars to account for contingencies. I figure I was safe to go to McDonalds.

    McDonalds meal money.jpg
    Another poster told me this would be plenty
    So I hopped into my wife's Subaru (she's got the truck with the camper this weekend, otherwise it would have cost me a couple of gallons of gas in the truck for this burger run) and headed down into town. Gas was on her dime.

    I arrive at the local McDonalds and head inside. Gazing up at the meal board, however, I was disheartened, nay, dismayed! to see that all the combo meals were in the ten to eleven dollar range, and I only had seven dollars. Plus, I don't really care for any of those sandwiches--to be honest, I'm not much of a McDonalds guy, occasionally I'll stop for coffee or a breakfast sandwich when traveling, but that's about it. Last time I stopped at a McDonalds was last fall over a race weekend.

    combo meals.jpg
    When you get right down to it, McDonalds food sucks
    So, I decided to do the next best thing: order off the dollar menu . . . "so-called."

    dollar menu.jpg
    Hope all you Houstonians appreciate my cropping out the Buffalo Bills promotion on the right
    So I got myself a couple of McDoubles with no cheese. (Honestly, who likes McDonalds' cheese anyway? gross.)

    I added a shake and fries. When they rang up my order, lo and behold:

    happy meal.jpg

    In case you can't see the fine print:

    the fine print.jpg
    The key to a sub-fifteen dollar meal is ordering off the dollar menu, apparently
    I will say, the food itself was pretty unsatisfying . . . and the wait to get it after ordering, well, let's just say in a big-ass university town which used to employ a lot of college students trying to pay off their student loans, there were no work-study college students to be seen. Only three fairly overworked-looking adults who all appeared to be about three hours beyond their normal Saturday shift endurance. And they were slow, slow, slow.

    But . . . I have to admit--"another poster" was right. A meal at McDonalds does NOT cost fifteen dollars. It costs fourteen dollars and eighty-seven cents.

    So clearly I lied and spread Russian disinfo about McDonalds, about Bidenomics, and about inflation. For that I am truly sorry.

    ThatBoyNick likes this.
  17. Invisible Fan

    Invisible Fan Member

    Dec 5, 2001
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    Big Mac prices have been used to compare cost of living standards between countries.

    Americans are sour on Biden's economy in the polls and they've already listed why.

    Month by month inflation could be improving, but we've been accustomed to Dollar Menu items for a good 20 years, that there will be political payback for not owning up to the 2021 Transitory spike.

    Did all Americans earn more to beat that spike back then? Have they now 3 years later?

    Inconvenient Truths for an echo chamber...
    pgabriel likes this.
  18. Mr.Scarface

    Mr.Scarface Member

    Jul 8, 2003
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    I can use the app and get that same meal for less than $10 here in Houston.
  19. Invisible Fan

    Invisible Fan Member

    Dec 5, 2001
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    The suggested price is a floor for prices at other restaurants. It’s easy to compare McD because it’s everwhere.

    I pay like 24 bucks + TaT at a taco stand for a burrito and 2 enchiladas. It used be reasonable at 16 four years ago.

    I mean I made that 45-50% bump but I doubt Everyone Else did.

    Those who didn’t are not gonna be happy with the guy currently in office. The Everything is Awesome vibes makes it worse.
  20. astros123

    astros123 Member

    Mar 28, 2013
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    The same morons who predicted a massive recession in 2023 are claiming others live in a echo chamber. Funny

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