Really?! Now?! Hope this doesn’t take away or distract from the team. It shouldn’t but damn wait til the offseason for infighting
A year or two ago, we all wanted Cal to sell the team. If this plays out, and the ultimate decision is to sell the team and split the money or something, how do we feel? I'm on the fence...
Do we get to keep Hannah? Because if we do we can get rid of Cal and the rest of the McNair clan today as far as I'm concerned.
Correct. He had a chance to be part of the Texans leadership when the team was first announced, but he wanted nothing to do with it back then. It seems like he sees the writing on the wall, and wants in now. Someone needs to tell that mofo he's been watching too much Succession. Either that, or this is just straight up the plotline of Tommy Boy. Cary playing the part of Rob Lowe now that the team is good and valuable fits perfectly.
Judge should see right through this and the NFL could step in. As a Texans fan, I don't know who this guy is but I at least know who Cal and Hannah are... what they mean to the city at this point. It would hurt the franchise immensely because of one thing... CJ Stroud likes Cal and Hannah. That's really the only thing that matters in keeping "potentially" one of the greatest QB's ever. I'd stop being a fan of the team if this guy comes in, tears everything down and Stroud left. I'd be done.
Fcking...what a damn leech. Didn't make a peep when things were down, but the moment he sees the future value of the team pointing up with a star QB...he wants to force his way in. Here for the good times. Or maybe he's been bidding his time and waiting for Janice to age and deteriorate more before he made his move.
When Amy Skank passes on, I hope Hannah stops by the gravesite with a Cologuard box full of Cals poops after a night of drinking a 12 of Lone Star and eating day old sushi.
Love that she leaned into this. She's right. The Titans ownership is mega bratty and wildly petty towards Houston still. Sister-bro Strunk, it's been more than 20 years. Get over it and leave Houston alone. The Houstonians who still have the Titan T up their butt are weird. Ready for all of them, including Pancakes, to move on.
I wish Strunk would respond lol. Or need to go look at the titans forums to see how they are feeling haha