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Houston Sports media, writers & bloggers owe Jalen Green a apology

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by rocketchamp, Mar 23, 2024.

  1. Swapshop

    Swapshop Member

    Feb 13, 2016
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    Whatever excuse you want to blanket him with sucking is still sucking. The stats and eye test back that up. Also he is the oldest out of the young core. Finally it isn't the Rockets fault that he impregnated someone so that isn't an excuse. Taking time to develop wasn't the issue, it was the fact that he was developing more slowly than anyone else and in fact his percentages were regressing year after year.
  2. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    Jalen for the most part passed out well except for holding it on top long sometimes.

    I trust Ime's words over yours.

    He has the same issue as Sengun in that he wants to do too much when getting doubled sometimes where just quickly passing out is the better option.

    Even Luka struggled the few times we actually did blitz him.
    Bo6 likes this.
  3. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
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    Jan 23, 2013
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    This is just the obvious truth but the superfans can't tolerate the object of their affection being criticized, no matter how accurate the criticism is.

    Jalen had a very nice stretch of games, but that doesn't change the past.... it doesn't make past criticism retroactively invalid.

    Will we get more of the new and improved Jalen or will he regress back to the guy we have seen for the first 2.5 years of his career? Only time will tell, but it would be MUCH better for the team if he can actually build on the hot streak rather than it being a fluke like all of the times in the past.
  4. DatRocketFan

    DatRocketFan Member

    Mar 15, 2015
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    Brewer 2.0 being his ceiling isnt even a criticism nor was it accurate either. It was a sht take based on knee jerk reactions and lack of patience.
  5. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
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    Jan 23, 2013
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    See, when you lie like this, it doesn't really help you... it just says that you aren't an honest person.

    What was said was that his floor could be Corey Brewer if he didn't improve the way his superfans were assuming he would. That a guy who is all athleticism and no skill was an inherently risky pick.

    I'm sure you know this, and I'm sure you've been corrected before.... just like I'm sure you'll be back to lying again before long.

    Just be honest my guy, it's easier.
  6. Houston77

    Supporting Member

    Aug 31, 2018
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    Actually, what you sad was even sadder. You literally implied that you believed Green would be worse than Brewer. It was a dumb take then, and it's even dumber for you not to acknowledge it.

  7. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
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    Jan 23, 2013
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    I was talking about the initial statement that had Jalen Green superfans throwing their tampons.

    And yes, earlier this season it was looking A LOT like Jalen wouldn't make it 13 years in the NBA with how his play continued to get worse year after year. Those aren't "dumb" statements....they are accurate portrayals of how the situation was at the time.....and a random hot streak doesn't retroactively change that.

    When that was said, Jalen was performing like one of the worst players in the entire league....he was so bad for so long that even his recent hot streak hasn't been able to fully lift his season numbers out of the dumpster. The only thing his hot streak has done is revive some hope that MAYBE there's a chance he can save his career and make something of himself.
  8. DatRocketFan

    DatRocketFan Member

    Mar 15, 2015
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    Your stance was green floor could be Corey Brewer 2.0?
    The floor? My a$$. Folks brought up him being the next Kobe and u counter with green being the next Corey Brewer.

    U seem to b confused with floor vs ceiling.

    Yea sure u were referring to floor. And this was this last December
  9. rocketchamp

    rocketchamp Member

    Apr 29, 2012
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    So a young player struggles up until the all-star break under a new system sucks? No its something that is common. Kudos to Stone & the organization for understanding sometimes a young superstar needs room to develop. Jalen is our franchise & being patient paid off
  10. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    There was no "developing more slowly than every other young core member".

    It was literally Sengun that he was behind. That was literally it. You know why? Because he was he only other one developed to be a primary creator. Would fail if he was asked to do what Green is asked to do. Same with Amen, Tari and Cam.

    Green is a self creating guard. That is a long development pipeline compared to being groomed as a utility or 3 and D guy.
  11. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
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    Jan 23, 2013
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    It seems you don't understand what floor means...

    I get it, delusional fanbois that were expecting a superstar thought pointing out the floor was disrespectful just like normal people thought the Kobe 2.0 comments were delusional.... but I'm not going to cater my speech to the delusional fanboi.

    When I said "closer to Corey Brewer than Kobe" that was because it was objectively true at the time. Jalen was objectively dogshit for the first 2.5 seasons of his career... his recent hot steak hasn't changed the past.... hell, he's still closer to Brewer than Bryant even with the brief hot streak.
  12. DatRocketFan

    DatRocketFan Member

    Mar 15, 2015
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    Your stance was green ceiling is Corey Brewer 2.0 not floor dumba$$. Btched basically all 3 season of how dogsht green was and him being the worst player in the nba. And now u spinning it as corey Brewer 2.0 as green's floor?

    Your revisionist stance:
    If green never improves he is Corey Brewer 2.0. That's the ceiling. No one says if he never improves his floor is Corey Brewer 2.0.
    #212 DatRocketFan, Apr 1, 2024
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2024
  13. RHU525

    RHU525 Member
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    Sep 9, 2002
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    These guys are very irrational. He's definitely still closer to Corey Brewer than Kobe. The thing that made Kobe was his work ethic and competitive drive. Jalen does not possess those traits at this time at all.

    Honestly the best current comparison for Jalen is Gerald Green.
    Bobbythegreat likes this.
  14. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    The early judgements of Jalen Green, and rumors about him being on the block as early as this past trade deadline are mostly an indictment of the reality of home grown prospect contracting in the NBA than it is about everyone's opinions.

    The fact is the Rockets between this past December and this Summer needed to formulate a projection for Jalen Green that would determine how they contract him moving forward, and if there are no positive contracting situations for the team, then to look to trade him.

    That's jus the way it was. Obviously nobody knew if he was going to be another Corey Brewer or Leandro Barbosa type of player, or if he'd make a jump to be a max type of starting 2 guard. Anyone trying to dunk on posters here, or the media or whatever for making a judgement based on a lack of evidence, are doing something silly like anointing themselves as a Vegas insider for betting 10 dollars on black at Roulette, and winning a hand.

    Nobody knows if betting on Jalen Green is a winning bet. However before All Star Break Jalen Green, and Post All Star Break Jalen Green are two significantly different bets because of new evidence that exists.

    You guys are not smarter than everyone else just because you held firm in your beliefs. Calm down.
    charlieaustin likes this.

    ROXTXIA Member

    Apr 25, 2000
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    "Jalen is our franchise." Come on, now.

    If the hot-streak Jalen continues, with the occasional "meh" game (which happens even to the greats), awesome. But if this hot streak coincides with him wanting (and so far not justifying) a max extension.....

    Many's the franchise that got buried under paying too much money to a player not earning it, then watching the player backslide into bad habits.
    charlieaustin likes this.
  16. Tuckmose

    Tuckmose Member

    Jun 17, 2022
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    There's still a massive risk in signing Jalen to a big contract, you don't want to repeat the same mistake Minny made after giving Andrew Wiggins a max deal after an improved 3rd season following two mediocre seasons. He immediately regressed in every way, despite having a real hard-ass coach in Thibedeau. He eventually got his act together at age 25, but has been declining ever since as he doesn't have to worry about a new contract until 2027.
    Bobbythegreat likes this.
  17. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    Continuing to lie won't help you kiddo.

    When I said that Corey Brewer was his floor, it was before he was even drafted.... then we got 2.5 seasons of him performing as one of the worst players in the league.

    Again, I know you'll just continue to lie because that's just the kind of person you are... but you have to realize it's why I can't take you seriously.

    What's funny to me is that you'd think his superfans would be happy about Jalen Green's hot streak.... instead it just caused you guys to cry and try to rewrite the past.

    He really was performing like one of the absolute worst players in the league for the first 2.5 years.... nothing can change that. Just try to enjoy that most of his recent performances have been very good.
  18. rocketchamp

    rocketchamp Member

    Apr 29, 2012
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    I mean you can keep lying to yourself but he's on a different level. Not just on offense but defensively as well. Who else do we have that'll give us 35pts & make a difference on defense?
  19. meh

    meh Member

    Jun 16, 2002
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    The fact that the Rockets still have him for another year before RFA means there's absolutely zero reason to make any decision on him this offseason. Technically, he can play to a level so high that the Rockets would do well to extend him, but that requires him to go efficient 30+ppg rest of the year, get the Rockets into the play-in, get the Rockets 2 wins in the play-in, and then ball out in the first round. If he can do that, then I'd say max extension is on the table. Anything less and you just roll over to next year and make him prove it for an entire season.
    Little Bit likes this.
  20. astrosrule

    astrosrule Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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    There is one player in the nba who’s capable of that, and he’s sure as hell not on the rockets

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