I'm anti-trump. I'm anti-Biden. one of them is president right now, and border security/illegal immigration is a massive issue. I'm against the one who is president showing zero leadership, and doing everything in his power to secure the border.
You do understand that the President isn’t a dictator who can change laws and get funding without Congress. Even Trump couldn’t close the border or get his wall funded because the Republican controlled Congress and courts didn’t go along. There is a bipartisan deal that is being held up (along with aid to Ukraine and Israel) because Trump has told Congressional republicans not to support it.
How without invoking the Insurrection Act? National Guard troops can serve in three different capacities. In their default and usual role, State Active Duty (SAD) status, soldiers are exercising state functions at the request of the state government and are generally governed by state law. A second Title 32 status (a reference to that part of the U.S. Code that deals with the National Guard) permits the state National Guard troops to remain subject to state command and control but are used for federal missions authorized by Congress. From the states’ point of view Title 32 deployments are desirable because the personnel and other costs are borne by federal taxpayers. Finally, Title 10 status occurs when state National Guard units are “federalized” by the president of the United States pursuant to one of the statutory authorities for doing so. Once federalized, National Guard troops come under the full command and control of the secretary of defense. In essence, National Guard troops become part of the federal military until and unless they are returned to state status.
Save your intelligence friend you’re better off teaching fish how to speak Chinese woke are dumb as chicken abortions @Salvy @AroundTheWorld
This is a pdf. https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/LSB/LSB10121 Here is another link https://www.justsecurity.org/92568/...ional-guard-and-domestic-use-of-the-military/
Really? Trump campaigned on controlling the Border and would rail about “caravans of very strong migrants coming”. He couldn’t shut down the border and was stopped by the courts and Congress. So why do you think presidential powers between the 45th and 46th Presidents have suddenly changed?
Dude, the way you deflect with no substance and one-to-two-word answers show you really aren't in a genuine debate.......you just move the goalpost without offering what you really think or any other opinion to dissuade anyone.......................just little quips.
Yep. So in the face of evidence we see no substantial counter argument but weird non-sequitors about “wokeness”.
Since maga republicans have decided to not do anything about the border, they are left only with lying about it...
Trump was president and couldn’t close the border even though he talked about it all the time. so what gives Biden any more powers than Trump, Obama, Eisenhower or any other President to unilaterally close the border?