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Sengun Injury Thread (UPDATE: Severely sprained ankle, bone bruise knee)

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by BigMaloe, Mar 10, 2024.

  1. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    People do not realize that the Play In are 2 games for a lower seed.

    It is not nothing but it is not everything.

  2. peleincubus

    peleincubus Member

    Oct 26, 2002
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    if you lose the first it's just one game.
    daywalker02 likes this.
  3. cmoak1982

    cmoak1982 Member
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    Jul 13, 2012
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    What full time drop? Ime himself has said they don’t run it full time.
    And our best player isn’t getting Pipp’d.
    The defense has been way worse with Alp out btw
  4. Joe Joe

    Joe Joe Go Stros!
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    May 3, 1999
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    Caveat: I think the Rockets are better at handing better teams with Sengun (i.e., other than the Cavs game, I really didn't think Sengun was needed prior to the game). I also think the Rockets are getting the benefit of teams not being prepared for how the Rockets play without Sengun.

    No. 1 FVV is the best Rockets player this season overall. Sengun started out playing better, but FVV has been the better player since about mid December.
    No. 2 The Rockets defense has a 109.5 Defensive Rating since Sengun's injury (i.e., better than with Sengun). When the Rockets go with Landale, other teams have just not scored well on the Rockets (Net Rating of 98.4). Now if you want to say the Rockets starting lineup (i.e., without a center) has basically not being playing good defense while blowing teams out offensively, that is a fair criticism as small ball is designed to juice the offense while weakening the defense. The starting lineup isn't the only place affected by Sengun's absence, though. As soon as Landale comes in for JSJ or Landale is in with JSJ at the 4, the Rockets have been shutting teams down. Landale playing more has really helped the defense and I don't think that happens with Sengun. Granted, Sengun is a much better offensive player.

    I get that the Rockets have been playing weak teams, and the Rockets small ball will likely falter against better teams when offense isn't as good. Hopefully, Landale will start when the Rockets face teams that the Rockets could really use Sengun and the small ball lineups don't get killed as badly against non-starting lineups on the defensive end as they have against the starting lineups of weak teams. JSJ just does not have the strength to be a center, instincts/experience of a center defensively, much less a starting one without having even another PF out there to help him out.

    Edit: JSJ's best quality defensively is being able to switch and guard a bunch of different types of players reasonably well even though he struggles against the strongest of players. Without a center or another PF in the lineup, when he switches, FVV is basicaly in rim protection mode (hyperbole).
    #644 Joe Joe, Mar 21, 2024
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2024
  5. cmoak1982

    cmoak1982 Member
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    Jul 13, 2012
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    If you want to play semantics, that’s fine.
    Best “young” player. Even then Alp has been overall the best player on the team on the season by almost every metric.
    Second, of course I mean the starting lineup. That’s where Alp plays. I’m glad Jock is playing good ball right now, but you expect the defensive intensity to pick up against backups. That’s the same reason our backups have better defensive ratings as a whole.
    Offensively we have been playing well, that includes before Alp went down. But the caveat is we’ve been playing bad defensive teams outside of the Cavs who weren’t at full strength.
    The point is, no real rockets fan thinks Alp is going to get Pipp’d. It’s stupid and rooted in a bias that is dumb.
  6. bloodwings19

    bloodwings19 Member

    Jul 12, 2006
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    If Sengen re-aggravates it, it is going to be a serious injury. His ankle is healing, any more stress on it, the injury will linger forever. Rockets need to be smart unless he is not with the Rockets long-term. If Rockets reach Conference Finals, then we should play him unless the current roster are smoking opponents. Take his basketball shoes and uniform away from the locker so he doesn't have the urge to play. Young players don't think long-term.
  7. Believe It!

    Believe It! Member

    Jun 25, 2015
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    I don't know who the POS in the background is but the fact that John and Lance did not shut him up, says a lot.
  8. Easy

    Easy Boban Only Fan
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    Jul 23, 2002
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    The Rockets played SAS, WAS, CLE (and WAS again) in Sengun's absence. These three teams ranked 26, 27, 18 respectively on offensive efficiency. Spurs and Wizards are bad offensive teams. Cleveland's offense is mediocre at best. To compare our defense in these games with the rest of the season isn't fair.
  9. JayZ750

    JayZ750 Member

    May 16, 2000
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    I dont even think its their (rockets) defense that has been good. it's their offensive efficiency that has been crazy good.

    Chalk that up to: (1) Wizards twice - this team currently has the worst DRtg in nba history, (2) JG explosion - YAY, (3) Amen explosion - chalk this up to new role, unscouted by defenses, and especially these ASS defense, (4) everyone's shooting - even Jeff Green is hitting 3s now, (5) increase pace

    We know Alpi would benefit a lot from increased spacing. We've seen it. We know that Alpi would also benefit from increased pace. We've seen it. The best individual Rockets performance in 3.5+ years was Alpi's 45/16 game against the Spurs. We know the improvement started before Alpi's injury (4-1 in last 5).

    Its unclear how Amen would fit into a starting lineup with Alpi back. Its unclear if JG will continue at his current pace or not.
    #649 JayZ750, Mar 21, 2024
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2024
  10. OremLK

    OremLK Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    Has to suck getting hurt on a hustle play after being the best scorer on the team all season, then you get ass-hat "pundits" making xenophobic remarks and cheering your absence
    Moe, maypk, clutchdabear and 3 others like this.
  11. hlmbasketball

    hlmbasketball Member
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    Jul 18, 2006
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    Im almost sure John and Lance were joking but that's why we need to be careful what we say, because people take things differently.

    Also, I think Sengun would have had a good game too against Washington but my point is what about Jabari, Landale, Jeff Green and the others?

    Thats been my point from the start. Is playing through Sengun, just good for some but not good for all, when its not conducive to their talents?
  12. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    Easy likes this.
  13. AlperenSengun

    AlperenSengun Member

    Oct 12, 2021
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    The remaining games is an excellent opportunity for the rockets to evaluate what they can do defensively when sengun is on the bench or he has a match-up that gives him problem, or they have trouble defending the pnr. We'd rather discuss this in detail rather than get lost in the idiotic 'who should be traded', 'jalen unlocked when alpi is gone' type of things.
    HardenReturns likes this.
  14. conquistador#11

    Jun 30, 2006
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    Heard he's in Russia boxing in the snow and chopping logs. Pics soon..

  15. HardenReturns

    HardenReturns Member

    Feb 5, 2023
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    Haters, hide your mothers.
    Alpi and his big Turkish stiff are coming.
  16. conquistador#11

    Jun 30, 2006
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    I've seen some posts that this means nothing. It's the ankle that's injured not the upperbody.

    But you can't be sparring flat-footed. It requires footwork and balance. So it's kind of a big deal. Unless it was just photo op propaganda by the Stones hehe
  17. Joe Joe

    Joe Joe Go Stros!
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    May 3, 1999
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    This mostly describes the 1st 6-7 minutes of the 1st and 3rd quarters (some parts elsewhere). When the Rockets go with FVV, Thompson, Brooks, and Landale with either Green or JSJ, the defense has been better than the starting lineup has been bad.
  18. Plowman

    Plowman Member
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    Sep 26, 1999
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    You've been here, how long @$$hat....Don't tell US what WE would rather discuss.
    Os Trigonum likes this.
  19. HardenReturns

    HardenReturns Member

    Feb 5, 2023
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    Oh Lord;
    Please don't let me sink so deep
    that I feed my ego by boasting
    for posting on the same internet forum
    for 25 years.
    Richie_Rich, Moe, Zen Tabak and 2 others like this.
  20. AlperenSengun

    AlperenSengun Member

    Oct 12, 2021
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    You fit right in there with the turkish stiff guys.

    I am actually not telling YOU what YOU would rather discuss. I am telling to those who have some sort of capacity to discuss.

    Now, go and make another trade jalen thread, lol.
    J.R. likes this.

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