Aiyuk would be a stellar addition. Doesn't need the ball to contribute, but can make plays when needed. GIT R DUN NICKY
I have to admit I was a whiny b**** on Day 1, and I'm still slightly salty about the Saquon negotiations (and by slightly, I mean minuscule at this point). But this reminds me of prime Morey days when you felt like the Rockets were ALWAYS going to be big players in the trade market and FA. Fun indeed.
This is exactly what I've been feeling. Big time Morey vibes. Nick is a shrewd operator. I get the anxiety over striking while CJ is on his rookie deal, but we're gonna be competing at a high level as long as CJ is here, no reason to dig too deep of a hole in year 2 of what should be 15 of elite contention.
I have a feeling it’s something we all don’t expect lol a lot of us (me included) are expecting/hoping/wanting a wr. Well see
I think the fake insiders just read the same tea we all do and just make a guess. We all saw the trade down that created space, we all saw the restructure that created space.... it's not going out on a limb to suggest they did so with a plan to make another move.
Possibly my worst NFL Draft opinion in the history of all NFL Draft opinions...I was pissed when the Texans got out-finagled for Dillard.