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Rockets would be dumb to let Houston sports media/Blogs influence them into trading Jalen Green

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by rocketchamp, Feb 3, 2024.

  1. cml750

    cml750 Member

    Jun 14, 2002
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    DaDakota likes this.
  2. Dankstronaut

    Dankstronaut Way, way out here.
    Supporting Member

    Oct 31, 2008
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    Nah this is cap, he was part of the unit that buried the Raptors early, just went 0/4 from 3 and wasn't getting to the line even though he was 7/10 inside the arc. Handful of boards and assists too, this was a decent game from Jalen Green.
    roslolian and Tankeio like this.
  3. harold bingo

    harold bingo Udoka Only Fan
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    May 16, 2017
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    Higher ceiling is for sure Jalen but if I’m betting on the most likely outcome I’ll take Sengun. Sengun has physical limitations that can never be overcome so his best possible outcome is limited. Jalen Green doesn’t have any of those limitations so he has a lot more potential, I just haven’t seen as much year over year progress from him compared to Sengun.
    roslolian likes this.
  4. Purvis2Short

    Purvis2Short Member

    Jan 29, 2008
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    You had me up until confidence in Raphael Stone... lol
  5. jcmoon

    jcmoon Member

    Jun 17, 2002
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    Again i hope yall are right. Hes a center who isnt good at defense, who also clogs the lane for amen, green, and cam. He has a slow set shot from 3 and cant hit a deep 3 yet. Itll be interesting to see. I wonder how are guards would look with a defensive beast at the five, who can hit the three, in a five out system. The warriors won without a talented 5.
  6. roslolian

    roslolian Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    I am not as high as people here are on Green, my personal opinion is Cam Whitmore has shown more in half a season than Jalen Green in 3 yrs. However even with that I agree it would be dumb to trade Jalen because right now his value is the lowest it has ever been. Trading him now is buy high sell low and there is no reason to do it. So what if he leaves in free agency? First of all that's not set in stone cuz with the way he has played Jalen won't get a huge deal, not from the Rockets and not from any other team. Secondly with how low his trade value is now missing out on a low FRP or whatever isn't worth the risk of trading him and he suddenly breaks out. In fact Rockets can even stand to gain by signing him to a cheap deal if he suddenly breaks out similar to Steph in GSW.

    The only one advocating him to get traded are those posters who always have a scapegoat and they blame that dude for everything wrong on the Rockets.
  7. roslolian

    roslolian Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    Stone has done a great job rebuilding this team and on only 3 yrs too. Not sure what else he can do lol he can't magically age Sengun and Co up from 19-21 to 23+ which is when stars usually start winning.
    arabrocket and harold bingo like this.
  8. Yinka Dare

    Yinka Dare Member

    Jan 15, 2023
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    Problem is that the star they were looking at is Bridges, who is overrated af. We'll be a 6th-8th seed and be stuck in limbo while sacrificing youth and picks, just to say that we made the playoffs even if we have no chance at contending. We need to develop the talent as this is their first year with a real coach.

    Funny thing is seeing all the people that complain about Jalen's shot selection praise Whitmore who shootsnevery ball he touches no matter if it's a good shot or not. This forum is a real clown show. The bias is undeniable.

    Btw, Jalen averaged 18 ppg in season 1 and 22 ppg in season 2, both of which Cam isn't even close to, but there are people saying Cam has showed more already than Jalen. No wonder Rockets fans get made fun of everywhere.
    roslolian, arabrocket and Carpe82 like this.
  9. backwardhead

    backwardhead Member

    Aug 3, 2001
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    I found myself doing a double take of agree/disagree with this.

    I'm one of the Jaters. I just don't think he makes anyone else better. He's the guy who needs everyone around him to accommodate his needs. And we saw what this looked like in the NO game. I'm not saying he doesn't have talent or value, but I don't think he's smart enough, there I said it, to learn to play a high level of team ball. Alpi, Jabari, Tari, Cam, and Amen are all high BBIQ players. Jalen is a baller, but not a starter on a championship team.

    He can fill the state sheet and I'm glad he's added rebounding. That he's something more than "a bucket." But I say, if we can get a high IQ young player to fill the role, move him. It doesn't matter if his value is low. He is who we think he is.

    I hope I'm wrong, but I believe I'm right. He's not the answer to the shooting guard spot.
    Corrosion, cml750 and Downtown Sniper like this.
  10. Jontro

    Jontro Member

    Feb 3, 2010
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    trade green, shenj, tari, bari and our firsts and seconds in this decade for ant and a big.
  11. rhino17

    rhino17 Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    1) Rockets fans LOVE to **** on their own players

    2) Let me know when a superstar is available lol. Say you want a superstar all you want, until one is available, talking about trading very young, high upside players for mid, non allstars is incredibly stupid. Stick with what you got. Keep building
    arabrocket and roslolian like this.
  12. hlmbasketball

    hlmbasketball Member
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    Jul 18, 2006
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    If the Rockets goal is to win a Championship, they have to go with the player with the higher upside.

    Size matters, everybody is getting bigger and if you have a 6'9, 6'10 center, unless its Hakeem, you are not going to go far. And unfortunately, Sengun struggles against the bigger players. I think trading for Adams is a definite start, so lets see the next move.
    34to11 likes this.
  13. roslolian

    roslolian Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    Regardless whether you are wrong or right about Jalen's ability when you talk about trading a player regardless if you get **** return that means you are already wrong.

    Is the game here buy high sell low? You think that's gonna win a championship down the line? Lol.
  14. cmoak1982

    cmoak1982 Member
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    Jul 13, 2012
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    Good thing we have a 6’11 center then.
    HLM is always lying, dude is just so damn disingenuous
    cml750 and Lloyd Estacio like this.
  15. roslolian

    roslolian Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    Sengun is not 6'9, he is 6'10 bare foot so would be 6'11 in shoes which is tall enough. He has been good enough to go against both AD and Jokic 1v1 and give as good as he got so he is good enough to be a no 1 of a champ team given he is only 21 right now and will get even better.
  16. iJHolmes

    iJHolmes Member

    Dec 29, 2012
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    Not as active as i used to be here.. are there really SOFs here?? is that even a thing???
  17. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Member
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    May 2, 2014
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    "nope" :cool:
  18. Lloyd Estacio

    Lloyd Estacio Member

    Jun 20, 2018
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    But the Nuggets won with a talented big ;)
    roslolian, cmoak1982 and jcmoon like this.
  19. cmoak1982

    cmoak1982 Member
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    Jul 13, 2012
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    No there’s not. There’s a group of guys that want Sengun to fail to fit their narrative.
    There’s maybe 5 Turkish posters that are here because of Alp.
    The rest of us recognize he’s the best player on the team (as does the rest of the league)
    And that we have a ton of young potential
  20. hlmbasketball

    hlmbasketball Member
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    Jul 18, 2006
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    If he is 6'11 in shoes and as good as you say, why does he struggle so much on the defensive end? He's quicker, faster and more athletic than Jokic and Steven Adams, who we just picked up. Im curious, why the struggles?

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