There's been supporters and detractors to high usage Rockets players: Harden was one. But historically speaking on this BBS, there was an extra immune response to the flocking by international fans, because of international player(s). Yao, Lin, now Alp. Many Lin fans eventually left after Lin left the Rockets. Some of the bias against the Lin fans takeover lies dormant. While it might not be fair to the new Turkish fans or new Sengun fans, it lies dormant because of a learned response. From what I've seen most Alp fans are decent. In fact if they followed Alp's early career, they can give hoop perspectives that some of us don't have. They can share translated Turkish articles, interviews, resource links. Adds more to a meaningful basketball conversation. I also don't engage on Reddit nor Twitter so the energy might be different there. Everyone can benefit from turning the temperature down a bit. People have grown old here, hopefully more mellowed out. Views can be given given and received respectfully without personal attacks. Once an opinion is given, can just move on instead going back and forth with someone. Sometimes a thread is interesting, but don't need to be that guy, who replies to every post. Let the thread breath, so other posters feel easy to chime in.
I love that you can have familiarity with other posters in a contained and fairly small forum like Clutch Fans. Guess that grudges are somewhat a downside to this. People really get riled up about a poster when they consistently say things they disagree with.