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Chapter 6: Green & Redemption

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Mathloom, Apr 5, 2023.

  1. jayhow92

    jayhow92 Member

    Jan 15, 2011
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    It’s frustrating watching him play.
  2. jb86

    jb86 Member

    Nov 30, 2015
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    It seems like Jalen is not putting the extra work in to be great.
  3. Melik

    Melik Member

    Jan 21, 2023
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    This guy is getting on my nerves. I really don't want to see him play. I'm so angry.
  4. MoochiSmoochi

    MoochiSmoochi Member

    Dec 3, 2023
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    Sometimes I just think about plug in play situation with our roster. I just cannot imagine how crazy Warriors would be if we plug in Sengun on their line up, they can’t send double sengun inside since Curry and Klay will kill them or Bari playing for Lakers along side of Lebron and AD… however I don’t see any team that could benefit of replacing their SG position for Jalen (other than Poole since it’s a wash)
    Downtown Sniper and Melik like this.
  5. plegus

    plegus Member

    Nov 20, 2021
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    I wish he did not strike me as a good person/kid, it hurts to see him going 2 steps ahead and 3 steps back in the SAME game. I am starting to believe that he is truly scarred here, after all the expectations both from the team and himself. Maybe he will flourish elsewhere where he makes peace with his new role, IDK man he seems so talented but he has not been able to hone any skills. Slow learner, slow processing power basketballwise, every shot he takes looks a tad different then the previous. I am physically hurt…
    glynch likes this.
  6. Glenyo

    Glenyo Member

    Dec 6, 2010
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    I think todays game was the last straw for me. To scared to drive in the lane and he has no counter moves which is frustrating, still playing at one speed. Also he can't shoot and doesn't know what to do when he drives the ball then its a turnover ...
  7. CXbby

    CXbby Member

    Dec 13, 2002
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    I’m on it
  8. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    Jalen is a net negative on both sides of the ball, he needs to be stripped down and totally rebuilt, he should have spent time in the Gleague but now we have a guy that is at least 2-3 more years away, doesn't seem to have the acumen to be a good NBA player, just doesn't process things fast enough and we continue to try to make him fit.

    The team is better if he were dumped for nothing, so for me, I am all about trading him now, and rolling with Cam.

  9. T for 3

    T for 3 Member

    Mar 27, 2012
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    I don't know why tonight specifically felt like the breaking point because this is nothing new, but tonight was somehow the worst. He needs to be moved and we need to go back to the drawing board and get some shooters.

    For the record I am not happy with Sengun's effort tonight either. We need actual interior defense and size in the worst way.
  10. CXbby

    CXbby Member

    Dec 13, 2002
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    hey @Clutch is there a reason why i cant start threads anymore? Cuz i got a banger lined up for Mr. Untouchable Actual Core.
    clutchdabear likes this.
  11. CXbby

    CXbby Member

    Dec 13, 2002
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    Ok let me finish your book for you

    Final Chapter: Busty Green & Mr Trade Bait

    I sat near courtside today at the Garden and saw first hand where we are at with Green. It boils down to this: the possessions we give to Jalen, ball in his hand to make a decision to attack or to pass, either will end in horrible shot selection - a chuck, or a turnover that leads to a fast break, or a vicious, embarrassing block at the rim that for practical purposes may as well be a turnover because it also turns into a fast break. These are game changing, back breaking possessions that we are just gifting to the other team on a regular basis, sapping the life and energy from the rest of his teammates that are actually playing the right way for the most part (Dillon had some lapses tonight).

    40 games, half the season over and there has been ZERO progress. Three seasons and extension eligible and there has been ZERO progress. The number one reason I hear people say in defense of Green is that “he is ONLY 21 years old, you can’t give up on someone so young”. Here’s a news flash for you: there is no player that I can think of that turned into a star after starting out as such a net negative and failing to progress after three seasons. You can start out very bad, but the improvement then needs to be exponential year after year. Or you start out already good and make a leap after a few years. If you start out bad and after three years you are equally as bad: Hello! You are a BUST.

    And I don’t use that term lightly. I have been highly critical of Jalen and our selection of him with the #2 pick the past two years but I have never called him a bust. The criticism has always been “we could have picked someone better, but Jalen still can be good, just not superstar great.” To be sure, Jalen is no Anthony Bennett, or Hasheem Thabeet. But for all intents and purposes as a #2 pick I’m ready to call him an absolute failure and history backs up that claim.

    This team was on the right track for much of the season but have been off the rails for some time now, and the solution is so glaringly obvious to see. Whether it is through trade or internal improvement (Cam Whitmore), Jalen is going to be shipped out - either to the bench or another team. There is absolutely no path forward with him in the starting lineup anymore, every possession he wastes is a cancer to the team.

    And that’s all folks. There is no silver lining here. There is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, no light at the end of the tunnel, no happy ending or happily ever after kids, because this is a tragedy, a comedy at times, but mostly a cautionary tale of hubris by fanboys, the organization, and Mr Actual Core himself. I harken back to the first interview Jalen did after he was drafted, a few things stood out to me: he listed “dpoy” as a goal for his rookie year, and “max contract” as a goal for the future. And that sums up his mentality on the court pretty well: delusional and self-centered.

    #1191 CXbby, Jan 17, 2024
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2024
  12. GOATuve

    GOATuve Member

    Aug 25, 2023
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    His confidence is completely gone and he's taken a step back which is disappointing.

    I honestly don't know what he's good at.
  13. MadMax

    MadMax Member

    Sep 19, 1999
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    Well said. “Welcome to the party, pal” - John McLane
  14. CXbby

    CXbby Member

    Dec 13, 2002
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    All that being said I would have still rooted for Jalen as a 6th man if not for my biggest issue with him. Watching Jaden Ivey tonight and I’m uncertain if he’s a long term star or even starter due to his bbiq, much like Jalen, but that kid competes like a dog out there. I’ll take a kid like that on my team any day. Jalen just has zero competitive fire, and gets punked with a smile on his face on a nightly basis. Get this fking fool off my team.
  15. alex_eg6

    alex_eg6 Member

    Aug 29, 2008
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    Is Kevin Porter Jr. still availble?
  16. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    Redeeming himself from what? He should become a fashion model....
  17. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    Hah I posted to trade Green for Ivey a while ago and was blasted.

  18. Mathloom

    Mathloom Shameless Optimist
    Supporting Member

    Oct 4, 2008
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    I just woke up but let me guess, Jalen Green had a bad game and that's all the proof you needed.

    This is not that thread children, there are Jalen Green threads for that kind of stuff.

    In this thread we want him to succeed even if he's not succeeding. That's a different thing than doing back flips when he has a bad game.
    anthony59237 likes this.
  19. CXbby

    CXbby Member

    Dec 13, 2002
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    Jalen did have a bad game but that’s not the main reason why we got blown out. The main reason is because Sengun had a pedestrian game, and we need him to have an allstar game for this team to have a chance to beat good teams. So if one player is to be blamed for this particular loss, one player who played below their season standards, it was Sengun.

    And that right there is the problem with Green. Having bad games is already the accepted norm, whether his teammates can play well enough to overcome him is the question every night. That realization is what has prompted the Final Chapter and how his story ends, not how particularly bad he was tonight. He’s been this bad the entire season. He’s been this bad his entire career. NOTHING HAS CHANGED.
  20. CXbby

    CXbby Member

    Dec 13, 2002
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    I’m afraid the Pistons would be the ones blasting you now.

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