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Congratulations to Gov DeSantis

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by SamFisher, Jul 31, 2021.


    ROCKSS Member

    May 9, 1999
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    The sad part is, they could do this in spades, have pics, e-mails and video about all the crooked things he has done and the maga sheep would not care, not the so called "christians", not the fringe and the majority of the moderates would simply call it a witch hunt by rino`s........................why? Because all they care about is winning, if they really wanted to do something for the American public they would actually pass legislation that was helpful to ALL Americans, but all they care about is the base and the orange man

    The gop knows trump is guilty as sin, they know he stole top secret documents, they know he is a CONVICTED sexual deviant, they know ALL this yet they still back him....................I have said this before, the vast majority of the real base are racists and they found a real connection to trump because he is just like them and he can say what there too afraid to say. They feel they have been picked on by the evil left....check, they feel foreigners are taking over........check. The base wont leave him because they are just alike from a moral compass perspective and he`s a fighter for the little people..............when in reality he will drop those hillbillies once he is done
    FranchiseBlade and Andre0087 like this.
  2. StroudAndYorDaddy

    Oct 29, 2023
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    All this dude had to do was wait till 2028, and all it woulda taken was a trump endorsement and he woulda been a solid lock coming off a nice 4 years of a trump economy

    Congratulations Ron you played yourself!
    AroundTheWorld likes this.
  3. basso

    basso Member
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    May 20, 2002
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    There Is No Distance Left to Run for Ron DeSantis
    Jeffrey BleharJanuary 16, 2024 4:26 PM

    Florida governor and Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis speaks at his Iowa caucus watch party in West Des Moines, Iowa, January 15, 2024. (Brendan McDermid/Reuters)none
    You may not have realized it because of the gimlet-eyed tone of my coverage of the Republican primary over the last year, but I am a Ron DeSantis supporter. (That’s fine — I am regularly accused of being everything from “in the bag for Trump” to a guaranteed Biden vote.) DeSantis has been a superb governor for the State of Florida. He managed one of the most life-changing crises of modern history — the pandemic — in a way that should be treated as a case study in leadership by future generations. His “culture warring” (with Disney, with transgender content in elementary-school curriculums, etc.) may offend some fainter hearts but is exactly the sort of lawful fightback I believe is welcome against a series of American institutions rotten to their core with progressive derangement.

    DeSantis had my vote and never seriously threatened to lose it; I didn’t even mind when he said or did cringeworthy things on the campaign trail (his answers on Social Security in particular were gagworthy to any honest man); certainly not when the other primary options on offer are Nikki Haley and (no, thanks, ever) Donald Trump. Having laid my cards out on the table like this, however, it’s time to turn the tarot over and give the DeSantis campaign its reading: the Death card.

    There’s no other way to put it: It’s over for the DeSantis presidential campaign after going “all in” in Iowa and getting thumped by 30 points, with Trump reaching a majority in the state. Yesterday, after narrowly edging out Haley for a distant second place, DeSantis put on a brave face in his concession speech and said that “in spite of all of that that they threw at us, everyone against us, we’ve got our ticket punched out of Iowa.” I guess you can’t go out and deliver a speech saying, “We staked it all on winning and we lost it all, hard,” so I won’t hold it against the campaign for remaining quiet for a decent interval of mourning. But given the catastrophic failure of its primary strategy and well-known money problems, it’s hard to see how the DeSantis campaign makes it to New Hampshire, much less South Carolina or beyond, unless as a purely rhetorical exercise.

    There is another article to be written about how Haley’s own chances against Donald Trump are entirely illusory — it is impossible not to see her hitting a wall in South Carolina for the exact inverse of the reasons why she potentially challenges Trump in New Hampshire — but by the arcane internal logic of campaigns, her ticket out of Iowa is punched in a much clearer way, with a roughly equivalent performance to DeSantis in a state she had invested little time or money prior to a few weeks ago. She comes out ahead of DeSantis in terms of narrative and momentum in this logic, even with an anemic third-place win, because she never staked everything on winning Iowa or even performing well there. (While nebulous and dubiously influential concepts such as “narrative” and “political momentum” may seem peripheral to you, they are not to donors and thus must be considered.)

    By contrast, DeSantis’s campaign was utterly dependent on a good showing, if not an outright win, in Iowa. His entire theory of the nomination — even back when Trump seemed far more vulnerable than he did after his first indictment — was that it was Iowa that would be his springboard into the race as a serious national contender to take down Trump. The calendar dictated it: Given his lack of appeal to the New Hampshire primary electorate, and the fact that both Haley and Tim Scott were running in South Carolina (a state likely to be extremely strong for Trump regardless), his play had to be in Iowa if he was to have any hope of gathering momentum himself, particularly as Trump began to pull away during the summer of 2023. Iowa was what would vault him to contention as the Only Real Trump Alternative in redder, more traditionally Republican states, where Trump’s support was at its strongest on paper but thought to be “gettable”: composed of people who wanted to “own the libs” but more competently, and who would thus defect to DeSantis.

    Perhaps that theory of the case was nonsense all along, or perhaps no theory of the case would have availed a challenger to Trump after his indictments caused the Republican base to rally around him to the tune of 60 percent in national support. I am less interested in criticizing the DeSantis campaign’s strategy or management — many of those pieces have been written; many more are coming — than in simply noting that it didn’t work. DeSantis’s investment in Iowa was complete: He did the famed “full Grassley” tour of all 99 of Iowa’s counties, secured endorsements from a majority of the state’s Republican lawmakers as well as those of Governor Kim Reynolds and Evangelical Christian leader Bob Vander Plaats, and . . . he lost by 30 points to a man who barely bothered to show up in the state to campaign. All of the time and money DeSantis spent in the state, all of the high-level endorsements he garnered, failed to move the needle: He was polling at around 21 percent in Iowa at the time Reynolds and Vander Plaats endorsed him in November 2023. He finished with . . . 21 percent of the vote. Where to from here? Super Tuesday?

    There’s nothing more to add, despite how glum the failure of the DeSantis campaign — and this entire farce of a primary season — makes me, because I deliver coroner’s reports better than I do eulogies. When presidential candidates deliver concession speeches (and, remember, almost all seekers of a presidential nomination are necessarily losing ones), they typically refer to there “no longer being a path” forward; it’s a graceful way to bow to the inevitable loss. There is no plausible path forward remaining for Ron DeSantis, who I am convinced would have made the best Republican president of the United States on offer during the 2024 cycle. There is no distance left to run.
    AroundTheWorld and ROCKSS like this.
  4. FranchiseBlade

    Supporting Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    Yes for sure. But I think they might be able to make some inroads if they lay off of the political stuff and just focus on the fraud of everyday people. Trump's Fraudulent university, his fraudulent campaign organization which misused people's donations, his track record of not paying wages to people that do work for him.

    MAGAs don't trust politicians because they feel they've been lied to and taken advantage of by politicians who are only in it for themselves. So anything fraudulent Trump does regarding politicians will be seen as sticking it to the deep state.

    But since his supporters understand the idea of powerful types taking advantage of everyday folk and getting ripped off, show those examples. Play them up, and show that Trump has a track record of doing those types of things to people who thought they could trust him. People being ripped off by the Donald and his organizations don't get covered as much in the media which focuses on the political nature. But if that was a major talking point of his GOP rivals and then also Democrats, it might not make the supporters support a Democrat. But it might make them uninterested enough to not vote at all, or write in a candidate or anything like that.
    rocketsjudoka and ROCKSS like this.
  5. Major

    Major Member

    Jun 28, 1999
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    Unless he grew some sense of decency and empathy, his route in 2028 was not going to be better than 2024. He's the paper candidate that voters don't actually like when they see him - no different than Kamala. He'd flail in that primary too.
    #4865 Major, Jan 16, 2024
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2024
    superfob, FranchiseBlade and ROCKSS like this.
  6. StroudAndYorDaddy

    Oct 29, 2023
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    ron this process was exposed as the new neo-con establishment choice..
  7. Newlin

    Newlin Member

    May 22, 2015
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    He reminds me of a ventriloquist puppet. If he had a top hat and monocle he’d look just like Charlie McCarthy.
  8. rocketsjudoka

    rocketsjudoka Member
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    Jul 24, 2007
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    When talking to Trump supporters I primarily talk about his corruption. I’ve even gotten
    MAGA people to acknowledge he is corrupt. The problem is that they have internalized support for Trump so much that it’s a matter of identity. In their world view even if Trump is a b*stard he’s our b*stard.
    Rileydog, ROCKSS and FranchiseBlade like this.
  9. adoo

    adoo Member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Who ran a worse national campaign, Hillary 2008 or Diet Trump 2024?
  10. NewRoxFan

    NewRoxFan Member

    Feb 22, 2002
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  11. Buck Turgidson

    Feb 14, 2002
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    How about real life?

    In October 2004, the O’Reilly Factor star was hit with possibly the greatest lawsuit in the history of cable news: then-associate producer Andrea Mackris accused O’Reilly of sexual harassment, quoting the famed gasbag verbatim from phone calls she surreptitiously recorded.

    According to the suit, the at-times “tyrannical and menacing” O’Reilly would masturbate while on the phone with Mackris, at other points suggesting she purchase a vibrator; engage in phone sex or a threesome with him; and listen to lurid details of his alleged sexual encounters with a cabana masseuse, airline stewardesses, and Thai sex-show workers.

    Perhaps most famously, O’Reilly fantasized to Mackris how he’d like to shower with her and fondle her with a loofah, which he mistakenly called a “falafel thing” later in the call, according to a transcript.

    Mackris also alleged that the then-married O’Reilly threatened to make any woman who complains about his behavior “pay so dearly that she’ll wish she’d never been born.” Two weeks later, he settled the case with a payout around $9 million.
    ROCKSS likes this.
  12. Ottomaton

    Ottomaton Member
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    Feb 14, 2000
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    Ron's fatal flaw is that he is painfully uncharasmatic if you aren't already 'on board'. I dont think his hardcore "fellow travellers" really understand this. He's never ever going to have any kind of crossover appeal at all.

    I mean, I think Trump is gross AF, but I can't deny that a certain type of person JUST LIKES him. Ron as none of that at all and never will.
  13. ROCKSS

    ROCKSS Member

    May 9, 1999
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    little boy marco.....what a cuck for the puppet master............man the "men" in the gop have no balls, I guess you have to give them to MTG before the big guy will bless you
  14. ROCKSS

    ROCKSS Member

    May 9, 1999
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    Unless Ron has a complete character change, he will never be "the guy".................agreed on trump, maga folks "like" him because they can relate to him, and they both have the same moral compass and they both have a "victim" complex.
  15. jo mama

    jo mama Member

    Jul 9, 2002
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    youre still pushing trumps "ballot dump" lie after being shown that it was BS in another thread. i noticed that after i provided proof that it was a lie you disappeared...but now youre in a different thread talking about "ballot dumps".

    youre lying here and you know it.
    Rileydog, ROCKSS and FranchiseBlade like this.
  16. FranchiseBlade

    Supporting Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    It is why he will vote the next election. If they were rigged, he wouldn't bother to vote this time, nor would he encourage anyone else to vote.
  17. Buck Turgidson

    Feb 14, 2002
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    Just look at who "liked" your post
  18. rocketsjudoka

    rocketsjudoka Member
    Supporting Member

    Jul 24, 2007
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    Rubio is another one of those who Republicans who have just surrendered to Trump. He’s spoke out against Trump calling him dangerous and was also crudely insulted by Trump too yet even before IA he is endorsing Trump.

    Party ahead of country.
    FranchiseBlade likes this.
  19. Buck Turgidson

    Feb 14, 2002
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    Profiles in Cartilage
    FranchiseBlade and rocketsjudoka like this.
  20. Jugdish

    Jugdish Member

    Mar 27, 2006
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    Let's dispel this myth that Marco Rubio doesn't know what he's doing. He knows exactly what he's doing.

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