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Congratulations to Gov DeSantis

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by SamFisher, Jul 31, 2021.


    ROCKSS Member

    May 9, 1999
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    Sorry Ron, you thought you could get fox off trump`s dxxx? LOL :rolleyes: Just a few months ago I htough fox was trying to distance themselves from trump but they are in full hard on embrace again. I love the line about being held accountable.......now you see what the rest of us want, welcome to the party, but he wont do anything about it, he needs them in the future.
  2. Major

    Major Member

    Jun 28, 1999
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    Another example of the lack of personal responsibility for his situation. It's always everyone else's fault, it seems. Now both liberal AND conservative media are his enemies.
    ROCKSS likes this.
  3. rocketsjudoka

    rocketsjudoka Member
    Supporting Member

    Jul 24, 2007
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    That Ron DeSantis is now finding that the conservative media sphere is behind Trump is partly due to him and others slavish devotion to Trump. This is the same man who during his primary campaign had a commercial featuring him telling Trump themed stories to his kids. Where did he think such devotion would lead to if he ever had greater aspirations?

    In the case of DeSantis Trump is right. He helped to build up DeSantis and now DeSantis can’t run against him.
    ROCKSS likes this.
  4. Amiga

    Amiga 10 years ago...
    Supporting Member

    Sep 18, 2008
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    He's better off aligning his behavior with his real identity. That infamous fake smile pushes people away. If there's anything Ronny should know, it's that conservatives don't like misaligned identity.
  5. adoo

    adoo Member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    The irony is rich.

    Bill O’ Outraged After School District Pulls His Books Under Florida Law He Supported: ‘It’s Absurd’

    Conservative commentator Bill O’Reilly, Tucker Carlson's predecessor at Fox New, fumed against a Florida school district’s decision to pull two of his books while officials determine whether they run afoul of a state law he supported.

    Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed the law in March 2022.

    “Unfortunately, we’ve seen some books in some of these libraries, I mean you’re talking about kids in middle school, some of the stuff that has ended up there is incredibly, incredibly disturbing stuff,” DeSantis said at the time.

    Bill O' added,

    FranchiseBlade likes this.
  6. jo mama

    jo mama Member

    Jul 9, 2002
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    some of o'reillys books are actually pornographic. this is the kind of writing that probably doesnt belong in public school libraries.

    this is from his detective thriller "those who tresspass"

    He then dropped to the floor kneeling before Ashley, pushing her skirt up to her waist. Using a fair amount of pressure, he kissed her inner thighs, using his lips and tongue. His hands reached the waistband of her hose. Shannon gently gave a tug and Ashley lifted her hips. He slipped the hose down to her ankles, all the while continuing to knead her skin with his tongue.

    Ashley was now wearing only brief white panties. By removing her shirt and skirt, and by leaning back on the couch, she had signaled her desire. Now, she closed her eyes, concentrating on nothing but Shannon's tongue and lips. He gently teased her by licking the areas around her most sensitive erogenous zone. Then he slipped her panties down her legs and, within seconds, his tongue was inside her, moving rapidly. Ashley felt intense pleasure building.

    and this bit of steamy, sexy writing...

    Stripping off her bathing-suit, she walked into the huge shower. She pulled the lime green curtain across the entrance and then set the water for a tepid 75-degrees. The spray felt great against her skin as she ducked her head underneath the nozzle. Closing her eyes she concentrated on the tingling sensation of water flowing against her body. Suddenly another sensation entered, Ashley felt two large hands wrap themselves around her breasts and hot breathe on the back of her neck. She opened her eyes wide and giggled, "I thought you drowned out there snorkel man."

    Tommy O'Malley was naked and at attention. "Drowning is not an option", he said, "unless of course you beg me to perform unnatural acts – right here in this shower."

    and also this passage, where he promotes grown men doing drugs and having sex with underage girls...

    Robo used his “product” only occasionally, but tonight was special. He had two fifteen-year-old girls who would do anything for the drug,, and he was determined to exploit the situation.

    “Say, baby, put that pipe down and get my pipe up,” Robo said to one of the girls. She was so intoxicated she had trouble standing, but Robo was her sugar daddy, and as he sat in a filthy, imitation, leather couch, there in the living room of a run-down three-bedroom apartment, she obediently performed oral sex on him.

    Five feet away, the other teenage girl sat on a mattress on the floor and watched, greedily sucking on the crack pipe Robo had passed to her. Edgar looked over and grinned, showing yellow, decaying teeth. Obviously, he preferred oral sex to oral hygiene.

    “You’re next, girl, and I want you to do her too,” he ordered. As Robo took the crack pipe back the girl groggily nodded her consent. Inhaling deeply, Robo blew the cocaine smoke out through his nose and mouth. The bitter taste left him feeling powerful, energized, and free of worry. He was bad and he was flush.

    #4846 jo mama, Jan 13, 2024
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2024
    ROCKSS likes this.
  7. jo mama

    jo mama Member

    Jul 9, 2002
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    i saw a house yesterday that had a flag hanging from the front that said "trump 2024...f*** your feelings". they were right across the street from an elementary school. i also remember being at padre island a couple years ago and seeing "f*** biden" flags and a flag with a red, white and blue middle finger saying "impeach this". there were kids running around everywhere.

    these are the same people that accuse liberals of promoting child indecency and pedophilia. its yet another example of trumper/right winger hypocrisy.
  8. Rashmon

    Rashmon Member

    Jun 2, 2000
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    He'll always have ATW...
  9. AroundTheWorld

    AroundTheWorld Insufferable 98er
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    Feb 3, 2000
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  10. NewRoxFan

    NewRoxFan Member

    Feb 22, 2002
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    Congrats Ron on your big win...

    No Worries likes this.
  11. Invisible Fan

    Invisible Fan Member

    Dec 5, 2001
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    His "real identity" hasn't earned many friends or allies at the upper levels that he hasn't burned before and will go to bat for him.

    At this point, he's doing what his media personality wife is telling him to do and LOVIN IT with a shitfaced grin.
  12. rocketsjudoka

    rocketsjudoka Member
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    Jul 24, 2007
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    DeSantis’ personality is a problem but his biggest problem is that he can’t crack the base loyalty to Trump. That he helped build up Trump makes it nearly impossible for him to
    counter Trump.

    Even though Haley was part if Trump’s admin she wasn’t so slavish in her devotion as DeSantis.
    Andre0087 and FranchiseBlade like this.
  13. FranchiseBlade

    Supporting Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    I think Haley and Ron-Ron need to hammer the times Trump has defrauded supporters. Highlight those and never stop bringing that up.

    Showing Trump to be an anti-American criminal detracts none of his base and makes them love him more.

    But most folks don't like being ripped off and it is possible at least a part of the base might be enough curious to stay home rather than vote.

    Biden should also employ the tactic in part but can mix it with his own message and accomplishments.
    Andre0087 likes this.
  14. Salvy

    Salvy Member

    Nov 10, 2009
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    Its time to start accepting Trump will be the nominee, and highly likely your next president. There is nothing Nimarata or DeSantis can do to stop it, there is nothing Democrats can do to stop it. DeSantis could have easily run off of MAGA in 4 years and been a very favorable republican candidate but you know..
  15. FranchiseBlade

    Supporting Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    Have Trump supporters prematurely celebrated and predicted Trump's victory before in elections, court cases, etc.?
  16. No Worries

    No Worries Member

    Jun 30, 1999
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    Trump will be the next President if the Deep State allows.
  17. Salvy

    Salvy Member

    Nov 10, 2009
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    Anything can happen, that is true.... I mean Trump was winning in 2020 before a massive ballot dump in the middle of the night all for Biden but thinking Trump is likely to win is mainly because Biden has been an absolute disaster. People see that Biden was a major mistake...
  18. FranchiseBlade

    Supporting Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    You are definitely entitled to make guesses.
  19. Salvy

    Salvy Member

    Nov 10, 2009
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    Its not exactly a coin flip....
  20. Air Langhi

    Air Langhi Contributing Member

    Aug 26, 2000
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    He lost by 7 million votes.
    Rashmon likes this.

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