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[Official] James Harden's Los Angeles Clippers

Discussion in 'NBA Dish' started by Os Trigonum, Jun 30, 2023.

  1. jim1961

    jim1961 Member

    Jan 26, 2010
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    The fact that the Clippers havent extended them tells me that maybe they were preparing for a rebuild anyway if things didnt go well this season.

    By next years trade deadline, if the players opt in and if they are reasonably healthy, some team one player away looking for some amo for a playoff run will want them, even if those are rental deals.
    If the players are thought to be leaning to opt out, then that applies to this year and not being sure may cause the Clips to try and trade them anyway, even for a meek return so they can start their rebuild.

    Not saying the Clips have a good situation, but this year and next is their window to win and this year, there hasnt been much winning so far.
    Easy likes this.
  2. ElPigto

    ElPigto Member
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    Sep 21, 2006
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    I have a hard time believing that Rockets fans during this era didn't have a hell of a time despite Harden's shortcomings. I can't imagine after a big win you guys were "aww damn that Harden iso and free throw baiting won us the game, I don't feel as satisfied anymore".

    I'd believe the sentiment if y'all were like @DreamShook that was disappointed after Harden laid an egg in a big game. He always had a great time when James cooked people, he was always just bummed out after Giannis called Harden trash and then Harden came out and put some bullshit performance.

    I also understand if y'all grew sour on him after the predictable shitty performances in the playoffs. I get why @Asian Sensation @Salvy @J.R. feel the way they feel about James. That's cool man.

    I don't know if y'all are just sour on how James chose to get traded away from this team or just annoyed with his performances outside of Houston, but come on, you guys can't seriously expect me to believe that whole era was not as enjoyable because of the style of play. Let's consider everyone's favorite year, 2017-2018. CP3 and Harden took turns cooking the defense. You guys seriously did not enjoy that.

    Does this pass the smell test @Reeko?
    DreamShook and ferrari77 like this.
  3. Asian Sensation

    Oct 29, 1999
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    Tell me you’re not seriously trying to compare Westbrick’s minimum $784k contract to Harden’s $35.6 Million while also giving up a bunch of assets.

    Also WB came in with a team attitude, was humbled and willing to sacrifice and do whatever needed to be done for the better of the team including coming off the bench. You think Harden’s bum ass would be cool with that when he makes dumbass claims like saying he’s the system?

    He’s slowing the Clippers down and fcking up the rotations and chemistry while making Lue look bad in the process. But it’s never Harden’s fault in the eyes of a fanboi. Always pointing the blame elsewhere, deflecting and moving goal posts.
    Salvy and grape like this.
  4. ElPigto

    ElPigto Member
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    Sep 21, 2006
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  5. LosPollosHermanos

    LosPollosHermanos Houston only fan
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    Aug 25, 2009
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    It’s always excuses man. Always…we’ve heard everything From concussion, clapping strippers the wrong way, a beard hair altering his momentum to the systemic not catering

    Right now he isn’t even meeting the benchmark for a role player and people try to talk about him like an all time great. That’s the thing with the latter, they are consistent and don’t have an endless excuse for everything . It’s not his #s, it’s always been his shitty attitude. 4-5 teams in 4 years
    Asian Sensation likes this.
  6. jim1961

    jim1961 Member

    Jan 26, 2010
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    He is the reason he had no training camp. He is the reason he is out of game shape. He is the reason he changed teams.

    He could have stayed in better shape on his own, but instead, he was busy playing mind games with Morey.
    He just cant ever own up to the part he plays in his own dramas.
    Little Bit, Easy and PolarBear like this.
  7. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    One can only wonder how the 3-7 Clippers can keep all their stars happy with 72 games remaining on the schedule. “This is my toughest challenge as a head coach, but I’m up for the task for sure,” Tyronn Lue told Bleacher Report after the Clippers dropped their sixth straight game following a 111-108 loss to the Nuggets. “The biggest thing is getting these guys to sacrifice for guys whether that’s starting the game, finishing the game, shots, touches, who’s running pick-and-rolls, and things like that. Getting these guys to sacrifice will be the biggest challenge all season.
    Source: Chris Haynes @ Bleacher Report
    Patience likes this.
  8. Salvy

    Salvy Member

    Nov 10, 2009
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    Yeah, lets completely ignore that Harden pushed CP3 out for Westbrook. Morey and co gave a player who by the way had already shown signs of choking the keys to The Rockets.... They catered to his every want and wish and when Harden's wishes failed he jumped ship and left The Rockets in the worst position possible. Yeah, I have a lot of love for the dude that caused The Rockets to be the laughing stock of The NBA for three years which by the way could have gone way longer if not for some great draft picks.

    Harden thinks he is the system, he thinks teams need to cater to him and the ones that did paid a very hefty price for doing so. The Rockets rebuild was brought upon by Harden.... He didn't want part of the very mess he himself created. He didn't want responsibility then and does not want it now, sooner or later he will start pointing fingers within the Clippers for why things aren't working out.
    jim1961 likes this.
  9. durvasa

    durvasa Member

    Feb 11, 2006
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    A small part of me would be happy to see James Harden break through, prove the doubters wrong, and lead the Clippers to a championship.

    A larger part of me is enjoying seeing him crash and burn at every stop since he left the Rockets.
    ferrari77 likes this.
  10. Salvy

    Salvy Member

    Nov 10, 2009
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    The problem is that everything Harden did for The Rockets during the "fun" years was erased by his exit. He didn't stick around and just sign somewhere else. He didn't request a trade to any team that could have given The Rockets a future young star to build around. He didn't leave anything in Houston except a highlight reel that he would continue to use til this day to have his way despite never giving Houston at least a single chip. Houston gave him a chance to be the main guy and he excelled. No one expected it, not even him. He was a bench player and 6th man when he arrived, in Houston he became The Beard. He was never humble, it was excuse after excuse until he quit and left the team that gave him a chance to be the super star. 3 years later and he accomplished nothing. The fun moments don't make up for the worst record in the league 3 years in a row.
    jim1961 likes this.
  11. ElPigto

    ElPigto Member
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    Sep 21, 2006
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    Very cool that you gave an honest take. I don't think being bitter over how he ****ed over the franchise erases the great years we had with him here, but certainly understand that not everyone will feel like me.
    ferrari77 likes this.
  12. Salvy

    Salvy Member

    Nov 10, 2009
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    It was one great year by the way and CP3 probably had more to do with it than Harden... Despite how anyone feels about Harden whether bitter or angry or happy the truth is he is a choker. Its not a myth created by bitterness, it is a reality created by Harden himself.
    PolarBear and LosPollosHermanos like this.
  13. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    I blocked it out but not because it was Harden but because Ariza bricked so much....People should not remember things they do not intend to remember.

  14. ElPigto

    ElPigto Member
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    Sep 21, 2006
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    We aren't talking about him choking though. I think the majority of us accept that, right? I mean we've all expressed our frustrations with him showing up on the big stage. I'm sure there is a very small minority of fans that cling on to something different, but the majority of us are fine of seeing Harden for what he is.

    I'm very specifically talking about this whole notion that the years we were competitive were not fun. I call complete bullshit on that, otherwise why the **** did you even follow the team if you knew after the 2015 playoffs that Harden was a choker???
    napalm06 likes this.
  15. Patience

    Patience Member

    Apr 25, 2002
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    This seems like a huge understatement by Lue.
  16. napalm06

    napalm06 Huge Flopping Fan

    Sep 30, 2008
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    Indeed, 2018 was an absolute blast and even the Howard years were fun enough, if often painful. But part of that is because Harden had a strong cast around him holding him accountable through team play (Ariza, Tucker, Moute, Capela, Paul, D'Antoni, Bzdelik, etc). It was only once he wanted Paul out of town that the downward spiral began, also coinciding with a certain new owner.
    gifford1967 and jim1961 like this.
  17. StroudAndYorDaddy

    Oct 29, 2023
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    lets be honest bro the breakup was mutual because after every rockets loss during his tenure.. many posters would bump the "trade james harden thread"or the "ive grown to hate james frauden" thread. A lot of posters here wanted him and his playstyle gone.
    jim1961 likes this.

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