Thoughts and prayers for my CF nation brothers and sisters who bothered to take the time to support the team by going to open practice with no scrimmage…that feels like a slap in the face for people who showed up. That said, I am still ridiculously excited for this season to start.
What did the other 11 people in the stands think? Seemed like a light crowd. Did they even advertise this much?
I was there. The whole practice/event was shorter than the line to get through security. Absolutely a giant waste of time for anyone who went. By the time some people got in it was over. Lines at the concession stands was also longer than the event.
honestly I’ve been to a few of these and the crowd seemed a bit bigger than the usual. It’s free and we are Houston but this season is getting folks a little more excited than most preseason
heeeellll yeuuuuhh! our fearless leader finna show out. but who tf is dat mijjit next to cam?? he my height frfr
When I was leaving I was wondering why there was still a line. My sister was stuck for 2 hours trying to get out the Tundra garage. I'll never go to this bullshit again.
I was there, it was short but I'm excited for the season. I understand the reasoning why it was short because they just finished with training camp in Louisiana. Their first game is on Tuesday. Yes I would love to see a scrimmage but it seem like we are going to be a well structured team with players being held accountable. Didn't know why they had 3 types of tickets this year and it was confusing to get the Hyde Park merch.
It's the American way. They wanted it to last longer, and that's understandable. Sitting in front of a screen here in Austin, sympathy comes easy. Had I been there, I might have been excited and wanted more! I can't wait for the season to start!
@everyone ..... Who is that big lady in the grey sweater....she was virtually everywhere at Lake Charles.