After sleeping on it, I'm pretty sure Tilman is playing 100D chess with Silver. Pretty much leaking that he is looking for a trade to force Silver's hand to void KPJs contract. It's all good guys we are good.
No he is not doing the right thing. I get it, you guys see him as an expiring asset to help some team get under whatever cap they need to get under. This is a PR nightmare though. At this point the entire league would want to distance themselves from this criminal. Not sure why anyone would want to even trade for the man, even if it meant getting a non protected pick. It's just not good business.
I believe this to be true. Tracy McGrady begged to get out of Houston early and the Knicks stepped up and it's obvious agents pulled strings and the Knicks took the bad deal..... knowing that these agents would pay them back in negotiations somewhere down the line. You scratch my back I'll scratch yours later stuff. VanVleet and KlutchSports took Stone to town and bent him over. I'm guessing Stone was buying favors from KlutchSports somewhere down the line. If it was for LeBron to join Bronny on the Rockets, well cardiac arrest of Bronny probably ended the wish. Maybe somebody owes Stone a favor; but as of right now, Stone looks completely inept to me. Ripe for the picking by some team to take advantage of him.
This rant is not directed at you @ElPigto, just in general.......commence RANT ! Look, I am tired of this BULLSHIT about a PR NIGHTMARE....there is NO ****ING SUCH THING......people move on.....where is the PR NIGHTMARE about Lucas, and Wiggins and Lloyd doing cocaine and ****ING a championship up? Oh right, it doesn't exist. How is Indiana doing now that Artest went into the stands to beat up a fan - oh right? No more nightmare..... People are reacting emotionally TODAY and in 4 months - they won't give TWO ****ING ***** that this happened. If they did.....we would have GUN CONTROLS TO STOP OUR ****ING CHILDREN BEING SHOT IN SCHOOLS !!!!! Get with the program PEOPLE - there is NO PR NIGHTMARE that is permanent......that just doesn't exist. DD
KPJ almost murdered this woman. Not sure what caused him to release her neck, but for me it does not seem like a good situation. Appears like a PR nightmare in my opinion.
Well yeah, today, in 3 months when the season starts, won't matter to anyone not associated with the trial etc.....won't have a lasting effect on the Rockets or season ticket sales, or the current roster. No such thing as a PR Nightmare that lasts.....they just don't exist.....people just move on........ Or, we wouldn't be looking at a Facist like Trump and some people trying to elect him if they would take a good long look at Hitler and how he came to power.......lots of similarities, but people don't...they are too busy they move on...."Not my problem" etc.....and we get **** ups as elected officials....yeah.... DD
I hope this is true. I know that statement from the league said they cant make statements or punish him but if they are allowed to trade him why cant they waive him? It seems unlikely to allow a team to trade someone but not waive them.
Ok kid, thanks.....and when you get to the real world - and learn how it works - and the other one drops.....then people will care what you think, until then, get me a juice box ! DD
Bro you have 121,000 posts to 31,000 like literally no one cares what YOU think and that was the point of my post lol
There's no PR issues with this situation because he won't be on the team. The PR issues occur with a situation like bridgers, where he's a good player and the team wants to keep him. KPJ will never play for the rockets, so there's no PR issues for the rockets or whoever waives him, unless some team tries to have him eventually play for them (lol).
Literally no one cares what you think, that is THE point - not sure why you think you are the BBS police juice box boy? Maybe you should stay in the shallow end....and away from the dangerous waters of the deep end..... Now STFU and get me a juice box !!! DD PS. For informational purposes of the ignorant like Juiceboxboy Joe up here, the Like function came much later after more than half of my posts...we used to have a reputation system - with green bars of which I was one of the highest rated - so carry on and GET ME A JUICE BOX ! Bunch of gnats or noseeums flying around my nutsack here......ffs.
I present you with facts and the only thing you can do is try to attack my age I guess? lol its pathetic and funny lmao. Whenever I wonder if something is the right thing to do I just look at what you suggest and do the opposite. If Stone had done that this idiot wife beater KPJ wouldnt still be on the team. Maybe cool it on the advice for awhile lol You have the moral compass of a w**** in church.
I don't know. My initial reaction is that we for sure aren't ready to compete for anything past a play-in spot (10th maybe 9th seed in the west), so why sacrifice a future pick (potentially a first-rounder) just to get rid of KPJ's salary? I think the better option would be to just waive KPJ and treat his guaranteed salary this year as a sunk cost. Use the available minutes to further develop Amen and Cam.
GNat boy, Nosseum crew, beyotches...all of you that follow me around b****ing and whining not about the posts etc, but just to take shots....and get personal then you whine like a little baby when confronted.....dude when your 2nd ball drops and you get a job that doesn't require a name tag, then maybe then you can talk to the silverbacks here as a peer until then.......just stick your hand in that cooler and do your job Juice box boy ! DD
DD is an embarrassment to CF's. it's utterly pathetic that this board has him as the loser with 120k posts of stupidity