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Kevin Porter Jr. arrested for domestic violence

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Clutch, Sep 11, 2023.

  1. BMoney

    BMoney Member

    Feb 16, 2004
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    The details are chilling. That woman is going to be traumatised for a long time even after her injuries heal. I have compassion for her. I have seen and experienced abuse in the home and it never leaves you.
    I don't even know what to say to Porter. He probably needs to devote the rest of his life to fixing himself and making ammends, if those things are possible. He's broken, but it's not up to the Rockets, or his family, or anybody else to fix him. That's on him.
    DeBeards, Deuce, bcast89 and 10 others like this.
  2. CantStopJG24

    CantStopJG24 Member

    Oct 10, 2022
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    I used to think so but miles bridges is still in the league
  3. Landry's Tooth

    Dec 31, 2020
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    Apparently moronic and you go together.

    It was in reference to the domino effect of the role KPJ had opening up.

    Jalen's defensive struggles may necessitate such a move.


    That's a good defensive lineup....

    Would take FVV, Eason, and Jabari being decent outside shooters to generate points...
  4. kingjosh

    kingjosh Member

    Mar 13, 2010
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    And the cost was only three years of the most unwatchable basketball in franchise history.

    "We were tanking" is not an excuse to invest $40m+ and three years of playing time into a knucklehead who proved himself to be 10x the monster that anyone had realised.

    There were plenty of warning signs, even for us as mere fans. Serious, serious questions need to be asked of the Rockets FO and ownership. They were perfectly placed to understand precisely the type of person KPJ was. Therefore, they are directly responsible for associating the rockets brand and name, as well as our fandom, with this buffoon.
  5. i3artow i3aller

    Aug 5, 2008
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  6. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    I did not follow that as close, it seemed the woman stalked him and harassed him....which is very weird.

    He got a R Order against her.
    astros123 likes this.
  7. hlmbasketball

    hlmbasketball Member
    Supporting Member

    Jul 18, 2006
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    Thats the thing I dont think you and many on this board get. You said, you're not sure how anyone has empathy for KPJ despite his messed up upbringing. His upbringing is the very root of his problems.

    From reading most of the post on this thread, people are are saying they don't know how he can do this, where does this come from, he is an animal, he should be locked up.

    Not making excuses for KPJ, because as I said before, he was wrong! And coming from a rough background as he did, as did I, being raised in 5th Ward, TX, this was/is common place! I hate to say it but it just is.

    I seen many a fights, I was raised to fight....if anybody do something to you or try to take advantage of you, you better "KICK THEIR ASS". That was embedded in me as a young boy. It was how we survived.

    It wasnt until I got older, learned more about God and got with a good woman, that I learned everything is not a war. You do better talking things out. A good example is George Foreman. Not saying that he ever abused women but early on, Foreman was a BEAST. He use to beat the hell out of people on the streets of 5th Ward but as he got older and found Jesus, he changed.

    Unfortunately, KPJ is a product of his environment, thats all he knows at the moment. He needs time to grow into a man and find a better way.
    iJHolmes, glimmertwins and PatBev like this.
  8. heypartner

    heypartner Member

    Oct 27, 1999
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    What about whiplash from a right cross.
  9. Dobbizzle

    Dobbizzle Member

    Feb 1, 2021
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    I agree, it didn't sound like a new thing to me with them saying a broken bone. That's not what happens if a line gets crossed in the heat of the moment in a 2 way argument, that's what happens after a period of abuse that escalates. I'm still struggling to process the initial shock, but then the extra information makes me feel actually sick to my stomach that I've cheered for this guy for a couple years now. Evil ****ing C U N T he is, and I hope he gets the full extent of the law for this ****.
    berkowsk, kingjosh and Joe Rocket like this.
  10. topfive

    topfive CF OG

    Jun 12, 2002
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    Especially after being given so many second chances. Hire a shrink and a 24/7 bodyguard if you have to. Learn to f#$cking walk away from situations.

    But keep doing the same old sh!te and you lose my sympathy a little more with every act. I already wanted him off the team based on his leaving at half time, and the multiple times he displayed horrendous attitude on the court. I hope the guy figures out how to straighten his life, but I honestly don't care at all if he never plays in the NBA again.
    xtruroyaltyx and i3artow i3aller like this.
  11. Deckard

    Deckard Blade Runner
    Supporting Member

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Porter could use more than a few of those right crosses directed at himself, preferably on target.
    DeBeards and i3artow i3aller like this.
  12. astros123

    astros123 Member

    Mar 28, 2013
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    Give me a break. Just cuz you come from a rough background doesn't mean you can act out. You got all the damn money in the world to go to therapy and work on these issues.

    As a society we don't allow women who have been raped to become serial killers do we just cuz they had a traumatic experience. Porter never took responsibility of his life. That's the issue
    kingjosh, kubli9, topfive and 4 others like this.
  13. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    Amen, breh, Amen.
    Dobbizzle likes this.
  14. YOLO

    YOLO Member

    Apr 16, 2012
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    Another one of these idiotic posts. Gtfoh with this fake bs

    "not making excuses" continues to post a bunch of excuses and fake self references :rolleyes:
    clutchdabear likes this.
  15. kubli9

    kubli9 Member
    Supporting Member

    Mar 30, 2002
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    Bro, I've lived in Seattle area for almost 10 years and there isn't a neighborhood here that comes close to 5th Ward. Him losing his Dad was the problem, growing up in Seattle area is a privilege.
    OremLK and i3artow i3aller like this.
  16. glimmertwins

    glimmertwins Member

    Jun 26, 2006
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    How have we not already cut him from the team? Is there some 25% off discount for Thursdays Tillman has asked Stone to wait for in the new CBA?

    ....what is there to decide here that we don't already know? No one in Houston or the rest of the NBA wants to have anything to do with him - cancel his contract, give him the $16mil left on his deal and let this be a lesson to the org that when you sign these types of players, this is what you risk. I'm sure there is some process to limit the team's liability - whether through new CBA process since there IS a domestic violence clause now, or through insurance but regardless, you gotta just come out and at least say 'The team no longer wishes to have this player on our roster'....this is no time to try to save a few dollars over making a strong statement for your team and culture - because your team culture is worth WAY more than KPJ's contract value.
    Dobbizzle likes this.
  17. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    NBA players have limited time to earn a shet load of Benjamins.....

    So it cannot wait for him to mature and grow up, but yeah, his NBA days are finished, then he has the time to grow.

    State of the affair.
    Dobbizzle likes this.
  18. heypartner

    heypartner Member

    Oct 27, 1999
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    Last I heard on NPR he didn’t enter a plea. That’s always a possibility, too. Basically, lawyers can delay arraignment.
    i3artow i3aller likes this.
  19. Joe Rocket

    Joe Rocket Member

    Dec 11, 2020
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    Right I mean you didn't know and you certainly weren't one of the ones attacking people for seeing a pattern with him. Im shocked that people on this board are like "He will be suspended for a year and come back to another team". If that happens our justice system has failed (Which I think it has). This man should be in jail 1 to 2 years min. IMO it should be longer than that.
    Dobbizzle likes this.
  20. Snow Villiers

    Snow Villiers Member

    Mar 13, 2015
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    Y’all remember when Mr. Tilman gave KPJ a personal shout out at Imes presser?

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