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The Astros' Hall of Fame & Retired Numbers are drunk

Discussion in 'Houston Astros' started by Hey Now!, Aug 14, 2023.

  1. The Beard

    The Beard Member

    Oct 31, 2012
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    As much as Ryan’s numbers are great

    His numbers are not the whole story with him

    He is iconic. A Houston area guy with one of the most unlikely records to ever be broken

    No way anyone else should ever wear #34

    In fact, 34 should be off limits in all sports in H Town
    scott_summers and Jake Tower like this.
  2. Hey Now!

    Hey Now! Member

    Jan 20, 2000
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    He unquestionably deserves to be in the baseball Hall of Fame. But his accomplishments outside of Houston shouldn't factor into his Astros resume. By this logic, Joe Morgan's number should be retired by the Astros.

    Players shouldn't have their jerseys retired on "what if" scenarios. His ERA with the Astros was 3.13 - not whatever number fans want to make up, if only... (I'm sure Angels fans could conjure up some what ifs for his tenure there, too.)

    He started more games and threw more innings as an Angel; his FIP & WHIP is only marginally better as an Astro (2.87/2.94; 1.206/1.294 - the Dome was a better pitcher's park) - but in California, he had more top 5 CYA finishes (3/2); more top 10 CYA finishes (4/3); more MVP votes; and his Angel bWAR is significantly higher (40/23.4).

    Also, his two calling cards - no-hitters and strikeouts: he threw more no-hitters as an Angel (4/1); averaged more strikeouts/9 as an Angel (10/9.1); had more 300+ K seasons as an Angel (5/0); led the Majors in strikeouts more times as an Angel (5/1); led his league in strikeouts more times as an Angel (7/2).

    Look, he was good here, obviously. But when you have a career where three teams can lay a legitimate claim to him.... Line up 100 baseball fans: I truly don't believe 50+ of them would identify him as an Astro. Hell, he's wearing a Rangers cap on his s f-wording Cooperstown plaque. I don't care if they paid for it, etc. To me, that's the driving force behind him not getting his number in the rafters. If he makes you think of other teams...

    (And yes, Verlander is going to fall under the same scrutiny. But - fair or not - he's going to have potentially three rings in his corner, and man, does that really mess with the equation....)

    No issue with him being in the team's Hall of Fame.

    That's a gross misrepresentation of my point. I didn't use the term, "fluke" (though, '86 is a gigantic outlier). I said his numbers outside of that one season weren't team Hall of Fame worthy and, honestly, it's hard to argue otherwise. He finished second in CY voting in '89 for one simple reason: he won 20 games. His FIP that year was 3.42; his ERA+ 110. He wouldn't finish top 20 today.

    Scott's '86 season should absolutely be honored. But he shouldn't be in their Hall of Fame, IMO. Career FIP of 3.27; career ERA+ of 107. And - to bring this full circle - even with a marginally above-average career - Scott still has a higher Astros bWAR than Ryan (despite nearly 400 fewer innings).
    #22 Hey Now!, Aug 14, 2023
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2023
  3. Nick

    Nick Member

    Feb 28, 1999
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    Agreed... unfortunately this franchise used retired numbers as a "just for the fans" thing prior, which is why they have way too many numbers up there.

    And yes, the HOF is now serving to honor those players.... but I do agree they're going to have some obscure inductees over the next few years (given that they seem to have to have at least one) before the golden era takes over and dominates every year for over a decade plus (Altuve, JV, Bregman, maybe Correa, maybe Springer, maybe LMJ, maybe Yuli, Yordan, Tucker, maybe Maldy, Pressly.... and that's before we start getting into the Pena's and Diaz's...).

    Yes, I know some of those "maybe's" are egregious... but basically any Astros player who made multiple all-star teams or was a major contributor during the golden era is going to be a future candidate.

    As far as the next few obscure years... does Ashby make it? Cammy? Again, not going to be surprised by anybody at this point.
  4. Buck Turgidson

    Feb 14, 2002
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    Since nobody asked:

    2019 Inductees: Bob Aspromonte, Jeff Bagwell, Craig Biggio, Jose Cruz, Larry Dierker, Gene Elston, Milo Hamilton, Joe Morgan, Joe Niekro, Shane Reynolds, J.R. Richard, Nolan Ryan, Mike Scott, Jim Umbricht, Don Wilson and Jimmy Wynn.

    2020 Inductees: Lance Berkman, César Cedeño, Roy Hofheinz, Roy Oswalt, Billy Wagner and Bob Watson

    2022 Inductees: Terry Puhl and Tal Smith

    2023 Inductees: Bill Doran and Bill Brown
    Snake Diggit likes this.
  5. Jake Tower

    Jake Tower Member

    Dec 30, 2012
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    My 2 cents by way of analogy: the Rockets should have retired 11... for Vernon Maxwell

    Or to put another way: playoff performance and contributions to championships 'puts the thumb on the scale' for number retirement / team HoF
  6. Nick

    Nick Member

    Feb 28, 1999
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    2024: Jim Deshaies? Darryl Kile?
  7. Nick

    Nick Member

    Feb 28, 1999
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    To counter that argument... Drexler should not have had his jersey retired by the Rockets. He's basically getting preferential treatment for being from houston, going to UH, and was continuing to be a part of the organization at the time.

    But since they established a precedent with his number... why not let everybody in that contributed on those teams? Smith, Cassel, Horry, Elie, Chilcutt....lol.
  8. Hey Now!

    Hey Now! Member

    Jan 20, 2000
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    I've posted about this *a lot* - in fact, I'm writing a book about - well, not this - but it's part of it. You're 100% right. And I'm not here to stomp all over the memory because I, too, have a tremendous fondness for it (including a pretty epic connection to his no-hitter I've posted about a lot)

    But..... here's the thing - only in relation to the retired number/Hall of Fame discussion... it was kind of, sort of... only four starts. Let me be clear: four iconic, legendary starts: a no-hitter; a near no-hitter; two series-defining NLCS starts. I mean, here's how the Mike Scott chapter I'm writing starts:
    Scott's entire '86 season is... incredible. I'm pretty sure it's the single greatest pitching season in team history. But those final four starts, I believe, are what what elevates it.

    And, again - I'm not trying to rain all over it. It's just a near/dear subject so I find it a fascinating topic. Anyway! I think the Astros should set aside a section of their HoF to memorialize that season - but Scott shouldn't be in their HoF.

    (Also, Pedro's FIP in '99 was 1.39!!!!!! Against a DH. 1.39!! That is...... man....)
  9. Jake Tower

    Jake Tower Member

    Dec 30, 2012
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    If there's a Rockets HoF / Ring of Honor, etc, yes absolutely

    To expand on #11, it shouldn't be retired. Not even for Yao Ming, but if it's going to be I seriously think it should be for Vernon Maxwell due to CLUTCH CITY 94
  10. Nick

    Nick Member

    Feb 28, 1999
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    Also prime steroid era... with half his games at Fenway.
    Hey Now! likes this.
  11. Nick

    Nick Member

    Feb 28, 1999
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    That is just furthering the original argument that created this thread. Maxwell was the 4th best player on that team? And had a pretty crappy playoffs minus game 3 against Phoenix.
  12. Hey Now!

    Hey Now! Member

    Jan 20, 2000
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    To me, the perfect analogy is Matt Schaub. If the Texans were to start a team Hall of Fame right now... I mean, he'd be a prime candidate, statistically/accomplishments-wise. But being one of the the best players of an era elevated simply by it not being a shitshow like nearly every other season before/after doesn't merit that player being memorialized. Schaub getting inducted would look silly down the line. (I hope! Please don't tell me Matt Schaub is going to be peak Texans QB....)

    I think that's what the Astros have fallen victim to. I mean, almost every team Hall of Famer pales in comparison to Altuve, Correa, Bregman, Springer - heck, Verlander, Tucker and Alvarez are getting up there. You have an eight-year career to name one iconic Bill Doran moment, and likely can't think of one (his catch in game 1 of the NLCS would probably be it?). I need three weeks in October 2023 to name two (!) Alvarez iconic moments that will be remembered for as long as the franchise exists.

    The retired numbers and team Hall of Fame should both have very high standards, IMO.
  13. Mr.Scarface

    Mr.Scarface Member

    Jul 8, 2003
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    Why? Earl never played for the Texans. His number was retired by the Oilers, now Titans. Texans have no rights to Earl's name or likeness. Ofcourse, Hakeem is the Rockets.
    Hey Now! likes this.
  14. Hey Now!

    Hey Now! Member

    Jan 20, 2000
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    #34 Hey Now!, Aug 14, 2023
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2023
    IBTL, Nook and arkoe like this.
  15. Jake Tower

    Jake Tower Member

    Dec 30, 2012
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    Retired numbers should have high, strict standards, but I think it's fine for team HOF/Ring of Honor, etc to include "sentimental" choices. Otherwise, the mind set is like Ricky Bobby: if you're not first, you're last. I think we as fans/org can allow some emotion to pay tribute to past players. Ultimately, the team HOF is for the fans to connect with the players and franchise past.
    HatsForBats likes this.
  16. lnchan

    lnchan Sugar Land Leonard
    Supporting Member

    Apr 14, 2010
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    Just bury him in the H and be done with it.
    NIKEstrad and The Drake like this.
  17. Radricky

    Radricky Member

    Nov 1, 2020
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    This is a stupid ****ing take.
    Billy doran deserves to be in the Astros Hall of Fame.
    Do you think yuli does?
    His numbers would say otherwise.
  18. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    You are grossly underplaying both Ryan and Scott. First, FIP isn’t “what if” and his FIP and era are lower with the Astros and he played with the Astros longer than anyone else - if you don’t want his number retired, you are entitled but you will be in the minority - he is one of the Astros that genuinely should have numbers retired.

    Also - as for Scott, over a 5 year span he was a lot more than 1986. He won 86 games over that 5 year span, accumulated 25 WAR with a sub 3.00 era and averaged like 250 innings - that is a Hall of Fame caliber run, his issue is he took too long to get started pitching well and got hurt.
    the shark likes this.
  19. IBTL

    IBTL Member
    Supporting Member

    Nov 22, 2010
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    How about we just literally bury him instead? o_O
  20. MadMax

    MadMax Member

    Sep 19, 1999
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    This thread is so sad. I’m leaving it to you math nerds to finish it all up and suck all the joy out of all of it without me. About to read some Shakespeare or watch Ted Lasso so I can sleep tonite.
    lnchan, Buck Turgidson and Nick like this.

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