600 bills to tame the ravenous LGBTQ community How many bills by the GOP in regards to rent pricing? There are working class white people who are effected by rent pricing. So therori
Cut off the foreskin from babies. If Musk and the right-wing gov are truly concerned about child abuse and since they have no qualms about limiting self-determination within families, they should ban children from all churches.
https://www2.ed.gov/rschstat/research/pubs/misconductreview/report.pdf Another fake factoid from the cesspoll that is Twitter. Skim the actual report linked above (and was written in 2004). This is exhausting.
269 (or 199) crimes vs 29000. 269 crimes from all teachers, including in private schools. Both priest and teacher should be 0, but neither are 29000 either. Even the NYPost article does not link the actual data. It's just a trust us we processed it at Fox News (albeit I do trust fox news a lot more than Twitter)
Apparently it's about 15k cases of sexual violence per year in public schools, but the majority of them student on student. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/...chools-education-department-data-shows-429663
There is probably also a 100 to 1 ratio or something ridiculous like that of teachers to priests. You have to take that in consideration before comparing numbers.
Right, it would be good if they mentioned that he banned things like psychiatry, puberty blockers, and hormone treatments. This is the right's plan to force children to go through puberty so it's too late for them to do anything by the time they are 18. It's a cruel, sick, and twisted law to make children suffer to score political points.
Is there a new meme about “care” that I’m missing? Anyhow, yes, there is a standard of care (this is a reference to standard medical treatment if you aren’t aware) for transgender. It’s been around for 50+ year.
Your unprofessional opinion repeated and noted. Fact: there is a standard of care, established by the medical professionals.
Are they researchers or doctors? Two entirely different things. You do know that. Hey people just a reminder. Doctors aren NOT scientists.