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All of Amen Thompson’s makes and misses from midrange at OTE

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Reeko, Jun 2, 2023.

  1. invocux

    invocux Member

    Oct 21, 2022
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    Your boy can't shoot, his shooting form is broken and athletic players are dime a dozen in the league. Just because he can jump 3 inches higher than the next guy he is not gonna become an elite player. His decision making isn't super impressive either. I don't rate him highly, we don't rate him highly. He doesn't have it.
  2. Tuckmose

    Tuckmose Member

    Jun 17, 2022
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    I'm not the biggest fan either but calling him a "pedophile" is a room temperature IQ take.
  3. cmoak1982

    cmoak1982 Member
    Supporting Member

    Jul 13, 2012
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    Oof, as much as I want a big lead guard. The kid can’t shoot, and the stroke looks busted
  4. invocux

    invocux Member

    Oct 21, 2022
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    It's his cover
  5. Noob Cake

    Noob Cake Member

    Mar 10, 2008
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    This is pure falsehood based on verifiable false narritave pushed by Amen-delusional stans. None of those teams played even their bench players. If you looked at the actual players in those games, most of the players were junior teams under 18 type of players on their farm teams. It's as if Rockets played in Europe somewhere, and put in their G-Leaguers (except worse given G-League teams are adult pro teams)

    OTE isn't a 'pro' league aside from paying prospect name. There is no misconception here except your complete inability to see through the facade, and your unwillingness to do actual research by looking through the high school ranks of the rosters. There are about a dozen 4/5 stars in the league scattered on two teams. Otherwise, the league is full of filler teams with non-ranked players. This is notably worse than AAU basketball, in which the Thompsons were clearly not star players. High school ranking are based on US Team U16/U18, AAU level plays. Thompsons were not special against kids their age and were never good enough for a USA team invite.
  6. theDude

    theDude Member

    Jun 26, 2003
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    Is there an All of Amen Thompson's Assists video to help us balance it out?
    Streakshooter, OremLK and Stephen_A like this.
  7. Stephen_A

    Stephen_A Member

    Mar 18, 2016
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    No need to be a defensive a$$hole and in your feelings. Stop making shi+ up. I never said OTE was a "pro" league. Why are you talking about U16 and U18 as determinants of how competitive this league is? Who is talking about FIBA you dumbass. Are all or most College Teams and Conferences stacked with U18 players or 5 or 4 star recruits? The chatter on this thread was about the level of competition in OTE and how Amen played lesser opponents.

    You mentioned that OTE was "worse than high school". How is OTE worse than high school when there are multiple 3 to 5 star players in both seasons? In addition there were U16 and U18 guys and professional Euro guys. What season are you even talking about?

    The first season had 3 teams. There were 27 players. 5 were 5 Star recruits and 6 4 Star recruits, 6 3 stars, 6 players U16/U18 and 2 pro. The others were unranked. The second season had 6 teams and 20 guys returning from this crop and added even more talent including 5 star and top 10 guys like Naas Cunningham and Jayden Williams and Bryson Tiller. They also had multiple committed players that didn't take a salary to be able to commit to an NCAA team like Rob Dillingham and Jason Asemota. The level of competition is even better in the second year. A lot of the players are between 17-19 years old and Amen entered the league at 18 not 20. Do your due diligence before opening your damn mouth.
    #47 Stephen_A, Jun 3, 2023
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2023
    whozee likes this.
  8. roslolian

    roslolian Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    Beating up on scrub teenagers = success
    Richie_Rich likes this.
  9. roslolian

    roslolian Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    Did you watch the all of Amen 3s video? Majority of his defenders a head shorter than him and wouldn't even contest his shot. Amazing competition man.

    0:02 dude watches him take the 3.

    0:11 dude raises his hand up 3 feet away from him

    0:18 not only his guard a midget, he also gives up on the play

    Etc etc literally the first 3 plays I don't even need to cherry pick.

    Everytime somebody defends the competition at OTE I know they don't have a clue what they are talking about. BTW this is all his attempts it ain't even a lowlight compilation. From watching possessions of the Twins I can say OTE is the most garbage league I've seen, even worse than Philippine college leagues. Yeah the talent is there but so what? Nobody plays hard, Ausar prob the only dude who takes the game seriously certainly Amen's defenders watch him take shots like they're part of the audience. Amen has like 3 secs to take every attempt lol wtf is that?
    #49 roslolian, Jun 3, 2023
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2023
  10. Stephen_A

    Stephen_A Member

    Mar 18, 2016
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    No need to be a defensive a$$hole and in your feelings. Stop making shi+ up. I never said OTE was a "pro" league. Why are you talking about U16 and U18 as determinants of how competitive this league is? Who is talking about FIBA you dumbass. Are all or most College Teams and Conferences stacked with U18 players or 5 or 4 star recruits? The chatter on this thread was about the level of competition in OTE and how Amen played lesser opponents. You mentioned that OTE was "worse than high school". How is OTE worse than high school when there are multiple 3 to 5 star players in both seasons? In addition there were U16 and U18 guys and professional Euro guys. What season are you even talking about? The first season had 3 teams. There were 27 players. 5 were 5 Star recruits and 6 4 Star recruits, 6 3 stars, 6 players U16/U18 and 2 pro. The others were unranked. The second season had 20 guys returning from this crop and added even more talent including 5 star and top 10 guys like Naas Cunningham and Jayden Williams and Bryson Tiller. They also had multiple committed players that didn't take a salary to be able to commit to an NCAA team like Rob Dillingham and Jason Asemota. The level of competition is even better in the second year. A lot of the players are between 17-19 years old and Amen entered the league at 18 not 20.
    He is a 6’7 pg. Besides some players don’t come to the line and guard him tight because they know he can’t shoot. In several of those plays a hand was up so yes you are selectively cherry picking and biased in what you are watching.
    #50 Stephen_A, Jun 3, 2023
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2023
  11. YaoMac09

    YaoMac09 Member

    Oct 8, 2008
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    Why are there no videos of Amen passing?
    Streakshooter and Stephen_A like this.
  12. Caesar

    Caesar Member

    Jun 7, 2014
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    Russell Westbrook was also the #4 pick. Furtits traded for Westbrook.
    Amon Sur is a super villain.
    His father Abin Sur (a-sur) is a hero and a GREEN lantern. Ie: better fit with Green. Drop down and take Ausur.
  13. TimDuncanDonaut

    Feb 20, 2009
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    Thread is specifically on his midrange, so I'll guess I'll comment more on that.

    His higher percentage area seems to be at the elbow. If mid-range at the free throw line or any other mid range area; he misses most of those.

    2nd half of video shows him with his one legged turn around (left or right); he misses most of those. This is the one where if I was a NBA coach, I'd ask him not to shoot it. If a defender is successfully able to stop his drive, he should be passing instead of shooting it. It's a low percentage shot in general, but definitely one for him.
    #53 TimDuncanDonaut, Jun 3, 2023
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2023
  14. Noob Cake

    Noob Cake Member

    Mar 10, 2008
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    Tip, when you resort to excuses in the face of overwhelming evidence, you have already lost. It is okay to admit that you bought into propaganda hook bait and sinker. It doesn't hurt to admit when youa re wrong.
  15. Stephen_A

    Stephen_A Member

    Mar 18, 2016
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    Tip, know what the fuc$ you are talking about before you come at me. I simply presented facts in opposition of bias and misinformation. I never said these are the greatest players but they aren’t what people are conveniently labeling them as OTE heavily recruits these players and convince them to not go NCAA or G League route. If you were smart you would know that most if not all of the arguments on here against Amen or the OTE league are not rooted in facts but merely judgement and bias such as generalizations that the league is nothing but “high schoolers” or “every play” a player isn’t defending Amen at the 3. That’s not what that video showed. Now if you weren’t lazy and were diligent enough to read up on the league or watch the videos then it would resolve a lot of your lack of knowledge issues.

    That brings me to my second tip, I know it’s hard for you but read something.

    Third tip, don’t be a bi+ch. stop doing bi+ch like things like coming at me without a real argument but spewing bullshi+ in an attempt to irritate me. It’s not working.
    #55 Stephen_A, Jun 3, 2023
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2023
  16. roslolian

    roslolian Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    Huh? So it's OK to guard a dude 3 feet away as long as your hand is up? Rox should pay defenders in the stands then they should raise their hands every time opponent is gonna take a shot.

    You are clearly the one biased here the video is there right instead of talking so much crap why dont you show evidence of how competitive the OTE is?
    Noob Cake likes this.
  17. Dankstronaut

    Dankstronaut Way, way out here.
    Supporting Member

    Oct 31, 2008
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    The only delusion going on here is your willful misunderstanding of the word professional.

    Literally no one is arguing Amen Thompson is a cold-blooded shooter.

    Literally no one is arguing that Amen Thompson played the highest level of competition ever known.

    All I did was put the facts on the table, the one conveniently missing. His scoring efficiency is elite, do you disagree? >60 TS% is reserved for centers who only dunk and the greatest shooters of all time. His efficiency is higher than all of his peers, I've presented you with a fact, do you disagree?

    Talking about narratives and you're so dug into one that you can't even say "well damn that's a pretty good TS% I didn't know that".
    Stephen_A likes this.
  18. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    62% ts in the Gleague for Green translated to 54% ts in the NBA for him and that's the Gleague where he played against a
    range of former college stars to NBA vets.
    Stephen_A likes this.
  19. Dankstronaut

    Dankstronaut Way, way out here.
    Supporting Member

    Oct 31, 2008
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    What does that say about Henderson then? Or any of these guys.
  20. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    It says this is a one player draft, which we've known for a long time now.

    Everyone else in this class is just a bag of magic beans and hoping for miracles.

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