I was skeptical as well. However I will say I had a woman I spoke to about this say “Great, we now even have men controlling our clothing as well? I guess having control over everything else isn’t enough for men.”
How is this men controlling women’s clothing? Are women being forced to wear this or becaue a trans person wears that type of swimsuit means women can’t?
No, from what they have told me, in general they feel that most of society is controlled by and dominated by men. They point to things like medicine was developed using men as the control group, that safety designers have used male dummies etc. So there are very few things that are left for females - that the patriarchy already puts a lot of pressure on what women should and shouldn’t wear and many designers are males - and now Target is designing and denoting female clothes for males. They view it as an attack on their culture. Not every woman I know feels this way, there are some (especially younger ones) that don’t feel this way - but a lot do feel this way. Some of them are college professors, some are lawyers, doctor’s - some are college students, stay at home mom’s - some work from home. I would say about 70-75% of them are not happy with the intersection of trans rights and women’s rights…. You figure close to 80% (my estimate) of conservative women have and issue with it that I know and, over half of the liberal women I know have at least some issues with it…. Most of the liberal women I know fully support the right for someone trans to dress as a woman, will call them by the name they wish… the division seems to start after that… I have heard conservative women and some liberals express concern over bathrooms or locker rooms - but not many…. The line for a lot of them appears to be when some trans women argue their is no difference between them and females…. I’ve heard they should have a trans section for clothes, etc. I have noticed a lot more liberal men are supportive than liberal women. Some women I know are usually radical, but the majority are not - they otherwise appear practical.
I simply won't get it. Can you ask them to elaborate specifically of how their lives have been impacted. I'm really curious about this. Ask them this question: "If you were disconnected from any form of news and social media would you know this is a problem?"
You understand that I try to invoke empathy and try to understand where a group that has experienced oppression since the beginning of civilization feels on how things effect them. I'm sorry but I'm trying my best to find the empathy in this line.
What he’s saying is more or less common sense when reality doesn’t conform to how you feel the world works it should be a wake up call, not that the whole world is wrong and you’re trying to man splain or correct it for them you’re flirting with the definition of insanity, but then again it isn’t surprising considering you keep telling me I know of certain YouTube commentators I don’t. Getting strong borderline PD/ narcissistic vibes
Yes that’s true that medicine and safety standards were initially designed with only men in mind. That’s largely because doctors and engineers were mostly men for much of history. That said things now are changing quite a bit with consideration of sex differences in medicine and engineering. Much of women fashion though such as dresses and hose were worn by men first and later adopted by women. Many cultures today things like they are make clothing. This argument seems like a discussion I was having with a friend at a local Thai Festival. She is a white American and asked me how I felt about White people wearing Asian outfits like traditional Thai outfits. There have been situations discussed including here about things like a white teenager wearing a traditional Chinese Dress called a Qipao to prom. From what I’ve seen most Chinese are fine with it and even thinks it great. There are a few though who did complained about it on Social Media. A non Asian wearing a Qipao doesn’t prevent Asians from wearing it. It’s interesting to note how much criticism of those who argue against cultural appropriation are now basically raising the same argument regarding women’s clothing.
Yes because believing that Trans people should be accepted and allowed to dress as they want is the same as saying that women should be sexually assaulted.
To me "cultural appropriation" is only troublesome if someone "appropriates" with ill intent like dressing up in Native American attire to make fun of native cultures and put them down. There has to be an ill intent for "appropriation" to be problematic.