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[WC Finals] (1)Denver vs. (7)LA Lakers

Discussion in 'NBA Dish' started by J.R., May 12, 2023.


(1)Nuggets vs. (7)Lakers

Poll closed May 17, 2023.
  1. Nuggets in 4

  2. Nuggets in 5

  3. Nuggets in 6

  4. Nuggets in 7

  5. Lakers in 7

  6. Lakers in 6

  7. Lakers in 5

  8. Lakers in 4

  1. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    Hachimura produced what was expected of Russell.
  2. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    Larsv8 has no archetype.
    AroundTheWorld likes this.
  3. DeBeards

    DeBeards Member

    Oct 25, 2019
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    Should Bron had retired 2-3 seasons ago, he wouldn't have been crowned as 'King of Flop' today…LBJ looked real bad last night, i mean REAL BAD.
    This story tells us, a true candidate for GOAT should at least understand when to quit.
    TimDuncanDonaut, IBTL and Os Trigonum like this.
  4. DeBeards

    DeBeards Member

    Oct 25, 2019
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    0:45 if i was that DEN fan who happened to hold a beer n got collided by bron…i would've poured more beer over bron's head, to cool down his flop a little.
  5. Ubiquitin

    Ubiquitin Member
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    Jul 7, 2001
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    Nuggets in 4
  6. astrosrule

    astrosrule Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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    That’s pretty much my view of jokic. He’s so great that he transcends archetypes. Curry is like that also. I don’t believe in the smaller no defense lead guard as your best player, but curry is an all time great so it works. The other guys that are his archetype (dame, young types) go nowhere.
  7. AroundTheWorld

    AroundTheWorld Insufferable 98er
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    Feb 3, 2000
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    So, basically, we are saying that the team with the best player at the time has the best chance to win a title, regardless of "archetype".

    The "archetype" babble is just a non-substantiated argument made to justify bias.
  8. astrosrule

    astrosrule Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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    Basically if you have a top 10-15 guy of all time it doesn’t matter how he plays. But i would rather have an allstar 2 way wing who’s the 12th best player in the league over a small guard or a center.
    If player A can be 80% of curry and player B can be 80% of kawhi, i’m taking B 100 times out of 100
  9. Sanctity

    Sanctity Member

    May 9, 2019
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    Hachimura is good enough to be a 3rd star. These are the high pressure conference finals. I think you put him on certain teams and they enough to beat certain opponents in a series.
  10. AroundTheWorld

    AroundTheWorld Insufferable 98er
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    Feb 3, 2000
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    Fortunately, we might have BOTH.

    Alpi and Tari.

    Plus potentially an 80 % of Booker guy (Green) and an 80 % of JJJ guy (Jabari).

    All of them have that potential, and more.
  11. kaw1988

    kaw1988 Member

    Oct 10, 2022
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    Just need to photoshop in a shrugging Eric Gordon lol

    Jturbofuel, B-Bob and Caesar like this.
  12. Caesar

    Caesar Member

    Jun 7, 2014
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    LeBron was so bad with some gimmies for him and settling for some straight up clanks chucked up instead of bullying his way to the basket as he always can. It just looks weird to see. He has a standard of greatness of course like other top 10 greats, but it looked almost fake like he's setting this up for some comeback resurgence storyline where he goes off and finds his "will power" to overcome all odds. The manufactured story like the rest of his career.

    Remember there's reports that there's cameras following him for a documentary. Goal is to do The Last Dance documentary but one up it and Adam Silver is the lead producer on the project.
    Jontro and JumpMan like this.
  13. Caesar

    Caesar Member

    Jun 7, 2014
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    I used to agree.
    Wish Hakeem left on a high in 99 while still having all star numbers and minutes. If SA has anything on DR34M, it's that Duncan was a better older player only. Odd to me still, because Hakeem just had the body and style and fitness level to play at a high level in his late 30's. Wonder how long he would have lasted in this era with modern medicine and recovery.

    Wish Jordan left his career with Chicago as his 31.5ppg career avg in tact, but i've grown to admire his Wizards years. The league was slow as molasses pace so the numbers don't look special compared to today's inflated pace and space stats, but Mike didn't take any easy routes and join Phil and Shaq and Kobe the way i'm 1000% sure a 38 year old LeBron in the same place would have done.
    Mike played for the worst team and almost single handedly was turning that team around defensively from worst to one of the best and his numbers kept improving leading up to the injury and his next best teammate Rip Hamilton was injured all season, but when healthy, they were 15-1 together. There's a lot to admire in that and the hidden numbers that people don't see. We'll all remember when he looked slow and had no lift at the start when he was dealing with broken ribs and having fluid drained from his knee. We'll remember post injury when he just was done physically and 2nd year run at 39/40 was just having fun for the love of the game. We'll remember Jordans efficiency dropping by a lot, but no one remembers the main reason wasn't because of age but because he sliced his shooting finger with a cigar opener while he was retired and nearly lost the finger and never got full bend of it back after surgery and leading up the injury his scoring was rising + his usual Bulls efficiency was rising.

    Remember. Lebron just turned 38 a few months ago. Michael was 38 the first half of the season in his Wizards debut and turned 39 for the 2nd half before getting hurt so he was still older than current Lebron who is now running out of steam(but it could be the Denver air and documentary). No doubt LeBron kept himself in incredible shape like Karl Malone and Kareem. Michael was retired for 3 years partying and lounging and drinking and smoking cigars. He came back overweight, but strong and was supposed to be 230, but i highly doubt he was that close to his 98 Bulls days(222). He looked 245-250ish to me to be honest.

    Still, i admire it now. LeBron is just lucky he's got the Lakers franchise backing him and a prime AD who is still providing best defense when his offense isn't at its best. I would still say LeBron is #2 in this Lakers run to AD's #1 with LeBron having some 1B moments.

    Great research and compilation of #'s and things you may have not known on MJ's Wizards years:
    DeBeards and JumpMan like this.
  14. astrosrule

    astrosrule Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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    dude he's in his 20th season, literally nobody has ever done anything close to what he's doing at this point in their careers, and possibly nobody ever will. You sound completely ridiculous
  15. Caesar

    Caesar Member

    Jun 7, 2014
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    They also think Hakeem is the GOAT center
  16. Caesar

    Caesar Member

    Jun 7, 2014
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    What do you mean? It's because he's playing good for his age that it looks weird that he played so awful last night. Are you arguing he didn't look awful? He was missing point blank layups. Not even close on a ton of 3's he was settling for. What is his outside shooting percentage for these playoffs? Where's my stats guys? %'s outside of under the basket please. I know he's on an all time bad shooting streak from 3 right now, but all shots outside of the basket vicinity.

    It's a compliment that he basically has to manufacture a bad game so he can sell a comeback story for a docu. LeBron can bully ball all day at any age and no one can stop him even at this age with no real dominant C/PF's camping the paint-it's how he's made a living his whole career-not that he wouldn't still get his in an era of bigs-he would-but not at the pace and efficiency he did and come out of it unscathed with no injuries and bruises along the way.

    Paint the picture that no one has done what LeBron has done. Literally nobody else got to conserve as much energy on defense as older LeBron has either and to pretend these stats aren't inflated. FFS, his raw stats look better than his prime in Miami, but everyone's stats are inflated. So it's not like you can just comp it to anyone else, especially not anyone in the 90s and 2ks with super slow pace. 38 year old Karl Malone in this era is a 30/10/5 at least. There's tons of advantages LeBron has that no one else ever had. The props he gets are the incredible shape he keeps himself in. 1milly on his body, i would hope it got him this longevity.
    JumpMan likes this.
  17. JumpMan

    JumpMan Member
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    Jun 22, 2004
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    Something is definitely rotten in LA. It's one thing to make mistakes due to a loss of athleticism and another to make mistakes due to decision making.

    On the other hand, LeBron was making incredible defensive plays. Unless it was Murray, he and Davis were wrecking Jokic and the Denver offense. It's just weird to make the effort to make that interception and then fumble the ball at the goal line like he did with the Murray steal and missed layup.
    Caesar likes this.
  18. Easy

    Easy Boban Only Fan
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    Jul 23, 2002
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    Kareem played 20 seasons till he was 41. Stockton played 19 seasons till he was 40. I'm sure if those guys started their NBA career as a teenager like LeBron did, they would have ended up with at least a couple more seasons.
    Caesar likes this.
  19. Caesar

    Caesar Member

    Jun 7, 2014
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    Yeah i would agree in the 1st half, but then again i'm not that impressed consider Rui was locking up Joker game 1 after the adjustment. Joker could barely move Rui so i'm thinking it's more a Joker is soft situation vs LeBron was impressive.

    That steal and missed layup was weird. The one where he had a wide open dunk and fumbled the ball out-it happens but in this game added with all the other mistakes was odd. He missed a wide open layup that basically hit the bottom of the rim and he looked like he couldn't get inches off the ground, it was such a weird miss.
  20. Caesar

    Caesar Member

    Jun 7, 2014
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    Well the arguement LeBron fans have is that Kareem and Karl Malone were spoon fed. While i half agree in regards to Kareem who would post-catch and do his lame skyhook or under the basket points-Karl was a lot more an ISO post scorer than just relying on Stockton spoon feeding him. Stockton's assists and steals records will probably last longer than Kareem and LeBron hold the scoring record combined considering the trend of the league catering to offense and the heavy use of the 3. May even see a 4 pointer added eventually to this circus show.
    Easy likes this.

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