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The impact of the cost of food to your food spending habits?

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by Surfguy, Jul 30, 2022.

  1. SuraGotMadHops

    Nov 10, 2009
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    Every few weeks HEB and Kroger take turns running a four 12-packs for $13 or $14 sale, and that is when you stock up. Kroger usually lets you mix and match across all brands and varieties, HEB usually makes you stick to the varieties of just one brand.
    TimDuncanDonaut likes this.
  2. Blake

    Blake Member

    Apr 7, 2003
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    Rocking the cargo shorts and Tevas. 90’s me approves
  3. Blake

    Blake Member

    Apr 7, 2003
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    Double post. I love lamp
  4. Surfguy

    Surfguy Member

    Sep 23, 1999
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    What does it mean when you plug-in an electric smoker and all it does is trip a GFCI outlet in the garage I then have to reset? I assume the product is faulty. It started to work the first time I tried to use it for like 20 seconds and then this. The thing is…this thing is brand new but is three years old or so. Never used it. It was a gift. lol. Fu@k! I guess I can convert it to charcoal?
    #184 Surfguy, Apr 27, 2023
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2023
  5. RJ2311

    RJ2311 Member

    Apr 25, 2023
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    Not sure what the 12 pk of other soda prices are, but you can get a 24 pk of Coke Zero 24 at Walmart (or neighborhood Walmart) for about $13.
  6. SuraGotMadHops

    Nov 10, 2009
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    That's not really a good price
    RJ2311 likes this.
  7. RJ2311

    RJ2311 Member

    Apr 25, 2023
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    That's just your opinion, man....
    SuraGotMadHops likes this.
  8. Mango

    Mango Member

    Sep 23, 1999
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    Much the same way my Grandfather did it decades ago except with much larger hogs.

    Content that some may not be comfortable with.

    Try to do the processing on a cool day if possible.

    My grandfather had something that might have been called a sled. Basically a trailer without wheels
    that was pulled behind a tractor and was like a huge overgrown heavy duty pallet. Bring the hog in on the

    Have water heated in a kettle and then pour the water over the hog to wash off dirt and make it easier to scrape off
    bristles/hair. Finish one side then flip the hog and do the same on the other side. Galvanized buckets ruled back then, so there were no concerns about plastic buckets not being happy with hot water.

    Position the hog under a stout tree branch with a pulley & rope (or similar) already setup.

    A Single Tree is/was a solid piece of wood maybe 3' feet long. It had a ring or similar in the middle and a hook
    on each end. Insert a hook on each back leg in the area of the ankle - Achilles. Attach the rope or chain to
    the ring in the center of the Single Tree and then pull the hog up as needed.

    Start from the top as shown in the picture and let gravity help rather than start from the bottom and fight gravity.

    When it came time to open the hog up, have a large washtub or two ready to catch the internal organs.

    Then start separating the hog into smaller sections to continue the butchering process.
    #188 Mango, Apr 28, 2023
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2023

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