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Alperen Sengun is the Rockets' REAL franchise player - all other threads are copycats

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by AroundTheWorld, Jan 17, 2023.

  1. O-dawg

    O-dawg Member
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    Aug 4, 1999
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    You're right Sengun and Embiid are different archetypes. Neither their games nor their physical attributes are similar and unlike the 76ers our offense is not centered around Sengun.

    The physical attributes of JG\KPJ are similar to Steph\Klay and their roles are similar as well in that they are all combo-guards whose teams ask them to score and make plays for others.

    You asked when was the last time that type of archetype won anything. Unless you have a different definition for archetype I answered you. Understand you don't like the answer but there it is. An offensive dominated by guard play has won the championship several times recently.
  2. maypk

    maypk Member

    Dec 2, 2022
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    Neither their physical attributes nor their play styles are alike. We'll agree to disagree.
    AroundTheWorld likes this.
  3. conquistador#11

    Jun 30, 2006
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    Sengun is going to have to develop that middy and shoot it like Yao and Luifa. They never jumped more like tippy toe.
    AroundTheWorld likes this.
  4. AroundTheWorld

    AroundTheWorld Insufferable 98er
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    Feb 3, 2000
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    you gotta be ****ing kidding me
    HardenReturns likes this.
  5. AlperenSengun

    AlperenSengun Member

    Oct 12, 2021
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    If you can transform the position you play like Curry did, regardless of your archetype your team will be contending.
  6. rocketchamp

    rocketchamp Member

    Apr 29, 2012
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  7. AroundTheWorld

    AroundTheWorld Insufferable 98er
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    Feb 3, 2000
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    Matches the eye test. We kept getting killed from the perimeter, not in the paint.

    "Archetypes" my ass.
  8. O-dawg

    O-dawg Member
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    Aug 4, 1999
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    Curry is a generational player but he hasn't transformed anything. There have been a lot of great combo guards or if you want to be more specific - point guards who have been asked to also be a primary scorer for their team - Nate Archibald, Oscar Robinson, Isiah Thomas, Joe Dumars, Allen Iverson... hell there are even some in his generation - Westbrook, Kyrie, Lilliard, Ja, Trae.

    As I said like it or not player archetypes or models do exist in sports. Coaches, GM's, even the media use them to describe players and analyze how players fit within a particular team or system. Are their some players that are just so talented that they break these molds and can fit any system - yes.

    Is Alpi one of them - we'll see.
  9. maj21

    maj21 Member

    Jul 5, 2021
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    Not at all.. like 30 of the 49 are scored on Sengun. He said himself in a recent interview that he’s not good at protecting the rim bc he’s short! He also he’s comfortable switching bc guys are too fast. I’m glad Sengun isn’t a liar like his fans are
  10. mirdirir

    mirdirir Member

    Jan 18, 2013
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    The man is the best shooter NBA ever witnessed by far. Defenses literally put a hand on his face beginning from the midcourt and it's a good shot no matter how many seconds on the clock or where he pulls up. He stops and and makes contested 3pt shots in the fast break and it seems all logical. He mocked any perception we have and people literally began to pull up from half court like he does (Trae, Lillard, doncic etc) wdym he did not transformed the game?
    HardenReturns likes this.
  11. AlperenSengun

    AlperenSengun Member

    Oct 12, 2021
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    I think what people are trying to say, or at least what I am trying to say, is

    1) not that 'there are not archetypes in sports' but new archetypes are emerging all the time and some of them evolve from previously 'bad archetypes'
    2) dismissing a player because of archetype is wrong
    3) thinking a player will be good mainly because of archetype, ignoring skill level and other factors, having archetype before everything is wrong

    2) is typically is the treatment that Sengun gets on this board by some posters and an example of 3 is DD repeating 'the game has evolved, there is no classic pg anymore' as if people do not understand that or as if that is why people can't understand that and don't like kpj. The game has evolved and more scoring is expected guards and this will be the most used archetype by teams for some years before some development in the game occurs. But other archetypes like Kawhi and Butler will be in demand as long as they are good at it. And players like Westbrook(a journeyman mvp), Kyrie(needed Lebron to win a title, generally a disaster to the teams he played for), Trae(very unlikely to win anything in my opinion) show that even if you have the right archetype, it doesn't necessarily translate to success.

    Curry might have been dismissed because of too much of defensive liability if he came into the nba at the wrong time or to the wrong hands and we might have never seen his potential as an offensive power that makes his defensive liability much less relevant. I think something similar is going on with sengun. He fits in well with a type of offense(that Silas never played) so well that when used correctly his defensive drawbacks(which probably will be much less than some people think here) compared to the rim protector archetype will be irrelevant. Denver has the best offensive rating when jokic is on the court. The top 4 players in offensive rating are from denver. This is literally the best offense in the league.

    https://www.nba.com/stats/players/a...sonType=Regular Season&dir=-1&sort=OFF_RATING

    Jokic's archetype success goes unnoticed in some sense because he had very bad supporting casts. And most people dismiss it as regular season success that doesn't translate to playoffs. That's a very shallow reasoning as there is only 1 team with his archetype, now maybe 2 with sacramento. And he has had very bad supporting cast. So if anything, Sengun has a very promising archetype.

    So overall, having the archetype thrown in every other sentence to judge players future is very simplistic and not a very good argument in my opinion.
    Ankara1923 likes this.
  12. DatRocketFan

    DatRocketFan Member

    Mar 15, 2015
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    All this talk about archetype reminds me of a fighting game.

    Fighters come in shape and sizes, of course there are the meta fighters (those that have the ideal body, reach, etc), those small underdogs that overcome their weakness to become great and even those who you think suck that can fight well. They can all win and they can all lose, there are many variables that needs to b accounted for.
    a lot of folks are too narrow minded (maybe) in thinking only a certain type of player can succeed and that success is ring or bust.

    Sengun can definitely succeed in this league with his talent, will he b a trend setter for his position? probably not, but he could make the post game relevant again if he keeps honing it.
    HardenReturns and AlperenSengun like this.
  13. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    Lol nope, JG is like a homeless version of Kobe while Porter is sort of a homeless version of Harden and Lou Williams.

    Harden also shot 39% from 3 this year.
  14. chenjy9

    chenjy9 Numbers Don't Lie
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    Nov 1, 2008
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    No but they certainly have more in common with Curry and Klay than Al P has to any recent big that led their team to a ring.
    O-dawg likes this.
  15. AroundTheWorld

    AroundTheWorld Insufferable 98er
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    Feb 3, 2000
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    cml750 and HardenReturns like this.
  16. chenjy9

    chenjy9 Numbers Don't Lie
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    Nov 1, 2008
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    Well since you said so, it must be true! :rolleyes:
  17. AroundTheWorld

    AroundTheWorld Insufferable 98er
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    Feb 3, 2000
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    Jalen Green and KPJ have literally nothing in common with Curry and Klay, other than that they are all guards.
    cml750 and cmoak1982 like this.
  18. chenjy9

    chenjy9 Numbers Don't Lie
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    Nov 1, 2008
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    KPJ is a great catch and shoot player like Klay and Green just as quick as Curry if not quicker. This is already for more similarity than Sengun who is basically on the other side of the spectrum when compared with bigs that have gotten to the finals.
    O-dawg likes this.
  19. AroundTheWorld

    AroundTheWorld Insufferable 98er
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    Feb 3, 2000
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    The defining characteristic of Curry and Klay is that they are amazing shooters (.427 and .416 career 3-point shooting %%s, at a very high volume). They are called the Splash brothers for a reason.

    Porter and Green are .357 and .340 career 3-point shooters.

    Nothing alike whatsoever.

    Also, Sengun is not "at the other end of the spectrum" of anything. He is already a great rebounder, a passer like Jokic, and his FG % is good.
    cml750 and HardenReturns like this.
  20. chenjy9

    chenjy9 Numbers Don't Lie
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    Nov 1, 2008
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    I never said they were the same or alike. What I said was that KPJ and Green bear far more similarities to Curry and Klay than Sengun does to any lead big on any championship team. You will have to go all the way back to Dirk to find a big that even kind of matches Sengun.

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