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New GM: Dana Brown

Discussion in 'Houston Astros' started by Htown Legend, Jan 26, 2023.

  1. JeeberD

    JeeberD Member

    Sep 7, 2002
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    I guess he's got some beef!
  2. rockbox

    rockbox Around before clutchcity.com

    Jul 28, 2000
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    At least enough for an ag exemption.
  3. Wulaw Horn

    Wulaw Horn Member

    Jun 13, 2018
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    This dude basically is echoing everything I’ve said for a couple years but oh Noe’s- I’m not really an astros fan.
    Also/ I’ve had this user name online literally since 1999 when I was actually attending law school at Wash U while also you know, a Texas Ex. Basically the opposite of having a small dick- it’s bc I know people and have actual relationships throughout the 24 years I’ve gone by the same handle online. The clap back was to the idea put forth by a moron that “maybe you’d learn that if you went to school” about indentured servitude and Jose Altuve that was clearly hyperbole.
    But- it’s a happy day for me bc after the mouth breathers and ankle biters on here have negged me for a couple years we now have a Gm in here who rightly says “I hate to see talent walk out the door” and has the balls to do something about it.
    I nailed the Christian Wood post from 3 years ago on here (the only hoops post I ever started) even though it went 13 pages with people telling me I was an idiot for talking about when we were going to offload him because he was never going to be part of a good team in Houston, so, yeah, I’m feeling really really really good about things with this new GM.
    Rileydog likes this.
  4. Major

    Major Member

    Jun 28, 1999
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    Nobody cares what you say; they care that you act like a whiny ******* when saying it. Our new GM has done no such thing.
  5. ac in austin

    ac in austin Member

    Jul 31, 2000
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    Do you love Houston sports or just the Astros?

    It’s not outside the realm of possibility that we are in the midst of a legitimate undeniable dynasty that could rival any modern day sport franchise and your general posting attitude seems to be Crane isn’t doing enough.

    I mean Crane did all this. It’s awesome. And compared to McNair and Fertita. It is a miracle

    You seem ungrateful and it annoys me. I like loving everything about this team and so should you.
  6. Marshall Bryant

    Feb 4, 2018
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    Dana's spoiling me. Now I'm going to expect an extension a week until the season starts.
    Yordan The Great and Rileydog like this.
  7. Rileydog

    Rileydog Member

    May 24, 2002
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    To be fair, I guess I’m an ungrateful SOB too bc I agree with much of what @Wulaw Horn says. Honestly, I don’t see how it is hard to understand. It is entirely possible to be (1) thrilled at this golden age of Astros baseball and have the time of our lives enjoying it, and (2) simultaneously be analytical and have opinions, thoughts and criticisms about what Crane, luhnow, Hinch, click, Dusty and Brown do.

    I was furious that Crane and Click didn’t match Minny’s offer to Correa last offseason (the one with a 1 year opt out). It was unforgivable at the time. I was furious Crane and Click didn’t spend more last offseason to patch holes, like sterling marte. I’m grateful as hell we won the ring last year, but I wish Crane and Brown signed Chafin to the 1 year deal he got from AZ.

    Again, this golden age of Astros baseball is the most enjoyable stretch of Houston sports I’ve ever experienced. I’ve attended so many unforgettable playoff games, read every article I can get my hands on, even went to spring training one year. And yes, that’s thanks to Jim Crane and the leadership in the organization. But damned if I’m not gonna want Crane and company to score 100/100 with every move and decision. That’s a huge part of being a true diehard fan …. Particularly those of us who like to read, analyze and learn.
  8. ac in austin

    ac in austin Member

    Jul 31, 2000
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    It isn’t criticism in general that annoys. Every Dusty lineup decision that infuriates everyone I understand. Some of Click’s decisions were obviously terrible and deserve all the scrutiny. But I find Crane criticism especially galling. Wulaw jumped on him for the stupid ass Ausmus rumors and was ready to say the only good thing he did was hire Lunhow and all the Astro success has been despite his ownership.
  9. IdStrosfan

    IdStrosfan Member

    Nov 26, 2021
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    Just throwing a dart blindfolded, but Chafin was a FA.

    What if Brown made an offer but he wanted a more significant high leverage position without 4 other stud closers in waiting to compete with?

    He saw how Smith, with a good career track record and performance as an Astro was used.
    The Beard and Marshall Bryant like this.
  10. Rileydog

    Rileydog Member

    May 24, 2002
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    Fair point, and maybe that’s what happened. Or maybe he wanted to work with Brent Strom. Or he likes Arizona. To be clear, I’d like Chafin, but I don’t feel how I felt regarding Correa or Marte. Our pen is insanely stacked and adding a good lefty is more of a finishing piece than a key move.
  11. Marshall Bryant

    Feb 4, 2018
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    We have 4 guys better at getting lefties out as righties than almost any lefty we could get. We don't need a left handed thrower that makes us a worse team just to appease pre analytic generalizations. They're also good at getting righties out too.
  12. Marshall Bryant

    Feb 4, 2018
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    The mindset of some reflect their lack of understanding of basic economics. Crane has shown he will spend for the right player for a reasonable amount of time. But he won't pay over value for just anyone like some owners just to win a spending contest. This goes against the grain for those who love spending other people's money.

    I for one have lived though much worse ownership going back to the days of ownership by creditors (GE and FORD Credit subsidiaries) after forcing bankruptcy on Hofheinz.
    #312 Marshall Bryant, Feb 13, 2023
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2023
    chievous minniefield likes this.
  13. Rileydog

    Rileydog Member

    May 24, 2002
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    I get that there are good righties in the pen and I know the numbers. The first question is whether the player in question makes us better, deeper. Based on Chafin’s track record, I think that’s a clear yes. He is better than other arms projected to make our pen. He would also add depth.

    The next question is risk of the proposed contract. This also weighs in favor of signing the player (assuming it were possible due to his preferences). It’s a one year deal at a reasonable price. He might even get dealt for a prospect mid year as an expiring contract. Which has value. We have plenty of $$$ under the LT to sign him.

    The last question is whether he blocks another pitcher we need to see. That’s the only legit reason I can see to not add someone like Chafin.

    personally, I think the value (upgrade over our worst bullpen arm) relative to cost is why we wouldn’t sign a chafin (again, assuming he was open to it). Our pen is so strong, I can see Crane saying it’s not worth the $$. It is to me unless it blocks another move, like extending a core player. And I can’t see how that one year deal would have any impact on our ability to extend Tucker Valdez Altuve or Bregs. Or even Peña or brown if management wanted to.

    I’m a fan and yeah, I’d rather our owner spend all out where it improves us on the edges without compromising long term deals.
    Marshall Bryant likes this.
  14. Major

    Major Member

    Jun 28, 1999
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    I feel like middle relievers having good seasons tend to be pretty easy to acquire at the deadline. I think it's worth keeping that roster spot open for younger guys to develop or for people the Astros may want to call up at some point during the season. If we need to fortify the bullpen at midseason, it seems like something we excel at.
    The Beard, travfrancis and No Worries like this.
  15. Marshall Bryant

    Feb 4, 2018
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    We may not agree completely, but it would be boring if we all agreed on everything.
  16. Rileydog

    Rileydog Member

    May 24, 2002
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    fair position to take. It’s like the question of whether we should sign someone like Jurickson profar as our utility guy instead of rolling with Hensley. There is value in having a spot open to develop young players. That would be the reason I’m not beating the table for Chafin like I was Correa and Marte
    No Worries and Major like this.
  17. Major

    Major Member

    Jun 28, 1999
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    Agreed - like you, I wouldn't be upset either way. And I'm a fan of rolling with Hensley as well.
  18. The Beard

    The Beard Member

    Oct 31, 2012
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    It’s very possible Chafin wouldn’t have signed that same contract here. He possibly wants the best opportunity he can to end up closing games which could lead to a better potential deal next year, and knows with our pen it’s very unlikely here

    No, I don’t know that for a fact, just saying there can be things other than the exact dollar that goes into these things

    As for criticizing Crane or any of the others, they absolutely fair game and quite frankly these message boards wouldn’t exist without those kind of complaints

    Horn just comes across as always trying to be the smartest guy in the room. He knows more than Crane, and Click, and everyone else. Just listen to him, he will tell you. He is a tool
  19. Rileydog

    Rileydog Member

    May 24, 2002
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    I agree with much of this, except I don’t agree Wulaw horn is a tool. He isn’t for everyone bc he isn’t a casual fan. He obviously reads a lot of baseball, pays attention, and is devoted as hell to the Astros.
  20. The Beard

    The Beard Member

    Oct 31, 2012
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    Oh I don’t disagree that he obviously pays attention to a lot of baseball

    and he very well could be highly educated

    never confuse that with having sense and understanding how to get your point across. A lot of people have knowledge. He has no clue how to get that across to people without coming across as a self righteous a$$. He is a tool

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