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Have the rockets received trade calls on KPJ?

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by studogg, Dec 19, 2022.

  1. JW86

    JW86 Member

    Mar 25, 2016
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    You guys are idiots. Next
    Zen Tabak and Ren ason like this.
  2. Bo6

    Bo6 Member

    Jul 1, 2010
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  3. evo8lover

    evo8lover Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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    I was one of the few on board with porter jr, but not so much lately. Still I rather him and not nix be on the team
  4. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
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    Mar 14, 1999
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    So sick of people blaming KPJ when the people he passes too are shooting around 30%......I mean he wasn't great but had 4 assists and 1 turnover last night and shot 6-16, missing most of his 3s (Like everyone else).

    The entire team sucked.

    Zen Tabak likes this.
  5. weopeo9744

    weopeo9744 Member

    Nov 7, 2013
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    Chill guys, he’s the ultimate tank commander
  6. rockets1995

    rockets1995 Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    Not passing the ball up ahead to a open Jalen Green and ignoring Jalen while Kevin dribbles all the way down the court for a slam being down 20 points to the Spurs, in the worst teams this season.

    It honestly got me mad and still thinking about how to trade or waive Kevin Porter Jr.

    Look closely at Jalen Green at the last clip

  7. pippendagimp

    pippendagimp Member

    Sep 1, 2000
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    he did the same shiit last year w/ 2 teammates ahead of him. the simple mentality of a selfish little biitch
  8. studogg

    studogg Member

    Jul 1, 2002
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    They did - and getting rid of KPJ won’t suddenly make them into a 50-win team. But it will begin to balance the roster, make a statement about team play, and get rid of uncoachable talent.

    sometimes the old adage of addition by subtraction is true.

    the offense has to change too. There needs to be more motion and back picks set to free up shooters. Green, Gordon, and Smith should be getting looks off cuts without the ball instead of trying to initiate up top with the ball in their hands.

    The high side pick and roll with Sengun and KJM works - but it’s way too high a % of the offensive plays leading to 3 off ball players standing around motionless and disengaged.

    KPJ just doesn’t fit. So you must acquit.
  9. xaos

    xaos Member

    Jan 31, 2015
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    KPJ is a throw in in a deal for a team looking to tank, take picks, and have a player they think they can convince their fanbase he's just young and talented, but now with their team he can reach his potential. Which, might ultimately be true.
  10. Aruba77

    Aruba77 Member

    Jul 7, 1999
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    he’d be a great shooting guard ;)
    larry cook and Plowman like this.
  11. LeDakota

    LeDakota Member

    Oct 26, 2022
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    Pairing Wood and KPJ is the best move that Mavs can do for Doncic…

    peleincubus, Nook and Ankara1923 like this.
  12. LeDakota

    LeDakota Member

    Oct 26, 2022
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    Maybe Stone was on drugs because I see his eyes red all the time… only an hard drug can make someone extend this bum’s contract.
  13. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
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    Mar 14, 1999
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    Screw taking one fricken clip as a judgement on the entire thing did you see the behind the back bounce pass to Sengun for the dunk?

    Come on people....FFS - he is 22 years old, he is not the reason the Rox suck...he is doing 100% what he is asked to do......by the ORG.

  14. studogg

    studogg Member

    Jul 1, 2002
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    No he's not. I watched Silas get visibly frustrated by how slow he was bringing the ball up the court. A point guards job is to set the pace and turtle slow is not what you try to do with a young team.

    It's very reminiscent of Francis at the point. We had the youngest backcourt in the league and were near last in fast break opps because steve couldn't push tempo.

    how many times do you see - in the freaking middle of the game - scoot let the ball roll up 1/3 of the court before he touches it. You don't need a full 24 seconds in the shot clock to run the same damn high side pick and roll every play. And hey - maybe if you pushed tempo instead of allowing the defense to get totally set for your one offensive set - you'd catch them off guard.

    Players biggest growth comes in year three. Not 4, not 5, not 6, not 7. There is no magical light bulb that's going to turn on.
    aaquaa, Nook, rockets1995 and 3 others like this.
  15. Easy

    Easy Boban Only Fan
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    Jul 23, 2002
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    Do you really believe that the coach tells him, "Hey, Kevin. When you have the ball in your hand (which I want a lot), dribble into a crowd and put up a highly contested shot. Don't even look whether your teammates are open."
    aaquaa, clutchdabear and YOLO like this.
  16. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
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    Mar 14, 1999
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    No it won't it won't make a ****ING HILL OF BEANS DIFFERENCE unless we get a new coach that puts in a system of success.

    We don't know whether KPJ can be a productive SG, a terrible SG, or an average one...people keep saying 6th man, but they don't have a ****ING CLUE as to whether he can play that role, neither do I.

    Right now we are a pissed off fan base who are looking to blame someone because our new players SUCK right now because they aren't as good as we thought starting out thus pushing our contender status out YEARS from now .....and we are blaming KPJ.....when he has literally NOTHING to do with it, as he is doing exactly what the ORG is tasking him to do.

    Do I think KPJ is a great player???? HOW THE **** DO I KNOW?????

    I Don't know if he is good, bad or indifferent, because SIlas is possibly the WORST coach I have ever seen on an NBA level....he is literally a terrible coach......and if the org is causing him to play guys and dictating from above that only proves how **** of a coach he is, no respectable coach would ever allow that.

    As for playing with pace, I 100% agree, been screaming for that.....and if Scoot doesn't or isn't doing it.....a good coach - YANKS HIS ASS OUT OF THE GAME - until he does......right?

    Every NBA player does that, every single one...especially young ones.....what I don't see happening is him being YANKED when he does, sat down explained what he should do there and then put back in....you know coaching them up.

    OUR SUCKING THIS BAD - Jabari shooting like ****, Jalen shooting like ****, Sengun slow footed no defense, KPJ and Green letting their guys blow by them at will - Ego not giving 2 *****......is 100% on the coaching staff and the org and their lack of accountability.

    AND, IT DOESN'T just go away.......it has to be DEMANDED out....and I have seen Silas and his BETA Passive aggressive arms folded self just sit there and do nothing from literally 5 feet away.....he is 100% the main issue......

    #56 DaDakota, Dec 20, 2022
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2022
    aaquaa and Nook like this.
  17. studogg

    studogg Member

    Jul 1, 2002
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    we already have a shooting guard who has much higher upside and is actually developing. His development is also being hampered by your darling who coaches have to handle with kid gloves.

    do you remember Coach Lucas being frustrated with KPJ last year because he wasn't putting in the work and had to be handled with kid gloves?

    no you selectively eliminated it from your memory because you have a boner for him

    King1, aaquaa and clutchdabear like this.
  18. LeDakota

    LeDakota Member

    Oct 26, 2022
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    I truly believe you could coach this team better. Even if you couldn’t coach well, at least it would be fun to see you on the bench…harlem shake all day.
    aaquaa likes this.
  19. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
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    Mar 14, 1999
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    1. He is not my darling, I just can't stand people blaming a guy when he is doing what he is asked to do - or he is doing what he believes he is asked to do and the coaches aren't REDIRECTING him to what they actually want (coaching failure). I hate bullying and simplistic thinking he is the problem. (His play is one of the many problems).

    2. Green may be the guy, but he stinks as a SG right now, he is all right handed, he has no hesi in his game and his dribble is suspect, he looks more like a 6th man right now than a starting SG.....but as you said he is developing and is in his 2nd year so got to give him time.

    3. I do recall Lucas b****ing about KPJ not hitting the voluntary workouts......haven't seen that this year, but that did bother me for sure, but the org saying he put the most time in this summer and his media day alleviated those concerns as he seemed to have stepped it up. But, again, he is NOT MY GUY - Eason is my favorite player on the team ATM - I just hate bullying and simplistic viewpoints.

    4. I use ALL CAPS for EMPHASIS.....it just shows that I really believe it and it helps break up walls of text in a rant. You should try it.....it is fun.

    Well, I would certainly hold them accountable and be truthful with them about what is expected, but I am not an NBA coach.....

  20. Mathloom

    Mathloom Shameless Optimist
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    Oct 4, 2008
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    Look KPJ is struggling but it's not his fault they tried to make him into a PG fast and instead it's happening slow. I don't have a problem with him working to develop that skill and improve his shot because he will need those skills to be a good NBA player.

    My concern is that he's running the offense for 3 scorers who are at a point in their career where the last thing they need is for the distribution of the ball to be unstable. They really need to be spoon fed just to have one fewer thing to worry about while they're working on the rest of their game.

    I also really want him to get back to better and more consistent defense. I was hoping he'd improve on last season but he has regressed this season. That's half the entire game. PG play is less than a quarter of the game. The lack of defense is a bigger concern to me because it's more relevant to his long term viability.

    Hopefully there will be a turnaround and an adjustment soon. I'd love to move him to the 3 and bench Gordon, we just need a PG who can start. I think that might be a better environment for developing KPJ as well as our draft picks.
    GotGame15 likes this.

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