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FYI..Silas and Nix Are Still Embarrassingly Bad!

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Imanimal, Dec 9, 2022.

  1. Salvy

    Salvy Member

    Nov 10, 2009
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    You don't build a winning culture with a rebuilding team because a rebuilding team is going to lose over and over again. Does not matter who the coach is, does not matter who the GM is and sure as hell does not matter who the owner is. Silas is not a good coach, in fact he is pretty bad if not the worst coach in the league. But to say that The Rockets are losing because of Silas is dumb ass hell. The Rockets are losing because they are all young rookies or 2nd year players.... No way around it, none... You won't win more games with the best coach in the league so a winning culture is not possible period....

    So, lets move on from that and go to what can be done. Player development. While a good coach can be critical and essential it is also the players themselves that do the developing as they play more and more. Silas is not going to magically develop Nix into a star guard. Neither is Doc Rivers, or Popovich... Highly skilled and talented players thou will develop into stars without the need of a hall of fame coach. We have two possibly three potential stars that are all getting better and better. So what's the problem?

    With that said, since The Rockets don't yet have the talent to compete for a chip and an all star coach won't magically turned bad players good but there is a high chance for good players to get better without the need of a super coach the best thing The Rockets can do is try and continue to draft the best players possible until Green, Smith and Sengun show they are ready to take the next step. Then and only then do we bring in a good coach that will show them how to win.
  2. Ancient Moabite

    Oct 10, 2022
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    The Rockets went full blown rebuild mode going on year two with Jabari pick which they are in a rebuilding culture phase, so they tanked organically and got the 2/3 selections which could have been worse had the first pick that turned into Jalen went to OKC

    I agree they should be spamming those 1st rd picks(all from past two drafts) as far as offense plan n playing time

    I feel like they planned this to be a three yr get high picks and go from there with the cap space, which is why this upcoming off-season is going to tell you if they going to advance and create a roster that gets them to the playoffs, because winning creates positive culture

    But young squads losing as the Rockets are is learning how to win, and trying to be in as many competitive games as possible while developing the key pieces you plan on hitching your wagon to

    They are not aiming for the worst record, they just got blind sided by the Harden demand and are trying to navigate thru the storm in year two of a blindside rebuild with one of the youngest teams where the core should be in NCAA right now

    Now if they were retooling your diatribe would carry more weight, it seems from afar the players get along and have chemistry which is a major ingredient when talking about culture

    You could get Auerbach / P Jackson / Sloan and whatever else HOF style coach all on the same staff and the Rockets would still be a bottom feeder at this stage because the execution is on the players, only so much a coach can do
  3. Joe Rocket

    Joe Rocket Member

    Dec 11, 2020
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    I think you are boiling it down to wins or losses and its a clear sign that youre not really understanding what im saying or you didnt read it fully or you read out of context. Its either one of those things or youre looking to excuse SIlas once agian which Ive already said before the only way to defend him is to say no coach in the history of coaching could do a better job which as Im sure you know is completely ridiculous. Its not about losing or winning go back and read what I said.

    Theres no guarantee that once we're ready that we are going to start winning. Even when you get high picks with the wrong culture it wont matter. Thats my point. With an awful coach the last thing you want is to have him be key in rebuilding culture. He doesnt know how to. As you look at this team there are clearly terrible decisions being made that affect player development. I know the Rockets havent been in rebuild mode for a long time so you guys dont know whats its supposed to look like. This aint it. Though both teams will lose a lot no matter the coach, one team will have a well structured team in place ready to compete around a future star.

    Finally I wasnt accusing us of trying to be the worse if you actually read what I said I was telling someone that its not the way to go. If we are developing players correctly and we lose fine but if they start growing and winning you let them. That was my point to people like Larvs saying we need to tank to get the best position. I DISAGREE, That was my ultimate point.
  4. Ancient Moabite

    Oct 10, 2022
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    I didn't boil it down to win/losses because they are not built to win now, I mentioned developing young key pieces in this early rebuild phase

    I didn't excuse Silas nor any other coach because seasoned talent wins, not young ones trying to find their way that is wet behind the ears, you seems to have unrealistic expectations or something and of course probably not use to a full rebuild being the Rockets have like the third best record in past decade minus the past couple seasons due to this new phase of being bottom feeders

    They are competing, they just dig themselves big holes to start and have to claw back, a more discipline coach may help some but he can't put the ball in the basket for them, that's on the players

    There is no guarantee with nothing because sports is usually 4-5 yr window once you come of age and get into the contender convo, and that is if those high end picks reach their potential which usually takes a few yrs nowadays to put it together

    I replied according to what you said and the rockets aren't trying to be bad they are just babies trying to learn how to walk(win) so they are going thru the crawl(loss), phase

    They will be walking sooner or later, it is what it be
  5. Joe Rocket

    Joe Rocket Member

    Dec 11, 2020
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    Yeah again this reply was unecessary. It doesnt refute anything that I said or address any point that I was making. Again I said what I said because I was replying to someone who said we needed to tank to get Wemby. I disagree with that. I think we should let them win whatever games they can naturally. If you disagree with that fine. As for the rest of the stuff you said it has no bearing on what I was saying.
  6. Ancient Moabite

    Oct 10, 2022
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    And who you were replying too I guess doesn't understand a supreme tear down and the rockets will organically be in the Wemby stakes, especially being that the Rockets core players are 19 to 20 yrs old

    Rather my reply was necessary or not, you still over reacted because they are 20 or so games into beginning of year two rebuild, with their first yr rebuild pick still learning the ropes, buckle up for the bumpy ride, necessary n sincerely

    I wasn't trying to refute what you said, just bringing clarity to how you mentioned tanking won't work and other stuff about not getting that elusive 1st overall pick etc
  7. Joe Rocket

    Joe Rocket Member

    Dec 11, 2020
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    Another nonsensical reply that addresses nothing that I said. Let it go.
  8. Ancient Moabite

    Oct 10, 2022
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    You talked about losing culture and other stuff that I spoke about in your reply/words, just because you don't agree with my reply to what you were ranting about doesn't mean its nonsensical, it just means you don't acknowledge the reality of what a bottom feeder team goes thru, let it go or don't its your troglodyte free will
  9. Imanimal

    Imanimal Member

    May 30, 2019
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    What if one of your good players is Josh Christopher or TyTy Washington and your head coach (who’s “not important”) ruins their careers by playing horrible players such as Nix in front of them. What if your head coach starts outdated guys like Gordon instead of growing talent such as KMJ? What if your head coach smiles ear to ear after each loss and provides zero discipline for a team in desperate need for discipline? Watched the UC -Xavier game today and there were multiple Bearcats crying on the floor after their loss…..our coach smiles after losses (unless he loses 20 in a row). Don’t tell me coaching isn’t important in the development of these kids!!!
    Hemingway and Joe Rocket like this.
  10. Joe Rocket

    Joe Rocket Member

    Dec 11, 2020
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    Aww youre mad over nothing lol Do you want me to pretend that what you replied was in context to what I said just so you can feel better? What exactly is the goal here? I explained my point, you were wrong on what you thought I meant, let it go.
  11. Joe Rocket

    Joe Rocket Member

    Dec 11, 2020
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    Exactly [​IMG]
    Imanimal likes this.
  12. Hemingway

    Hemingway Member
    Supporting Member

    Oct 15, 2016
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    Good post.
    Imanimal likes this.
  13. conquistador#11

    Jun 30, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Insta don't lie unless it's chics and guys using filters!

    i3artow i3aller likes this.
  14. RasaqBoi

    RasaqBoi Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Nix is about to get waived.
    Snow Villiers likes this.
  15. i3artow i3aller

    Aug 5, 2008
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    Easy, Reeko and conquistador#11 like this.
  16. ceonwuka

    ceonwuka Member

    Jun 27, 2003
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    It definitely seems like there’s going to be some movement.

    I agree with the decision to move on from him. He got a legitimate shot to be a rotation player for about a quarter of a season and ultimately didn’t show enough to stick. At the very least, he needs to be much more decisive on offense. He’s good for at least two telegraphed passes per game that lead to breakaway dunks.

    Hopefully he uses this as motivation for whatever comes next.

    I tried to search for news about Daishen on Twitter and all I saw were countless posts about how much he sucks. That has to be a really shitty thing to experience, especially as a young person.
  17. Newlin

    Newlin Member

    May 22, 2015
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    What if the head coach actually has to play Nix in order to prove to the GM and the owner that Nix isn't a first round talent.
  18. Snow Villiers

    Snow Villiers Member

    Mar 13, 2015
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    You know Sarai Minx?
  19. Ancient Moabite

    Oct 10, 2022
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    It seems like its the pot calling the kettle......

    There is no pretending if you actually go back n read your words to what I responded to

    What is the actual goal on trading back n forth thoughts on this forum? I mean you seem to know so you tell me Einstein

    How is there a right or wrong when stating your personal opinion on a rebuild matter

    Its like you having a preference choice of female, but getting mad at someone who has a diff outlook of what they want in a female

    How can either be right or wrong?

    I don't think your diatribe was wrong that I replied to, I just added my 2 cents, as many others on here seem to do since it is a forum on discussing sport topics etc, which I guess you have CF beef with whoever disagree with your troglodyte replies on here, get over it, its wack
  20. Joe Rocket

    Joe Rocket Member

    Dec 11, 2020
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    Blah blah blah youre saying nothing. I could tell you my point again but you'll just ignore it again and pretend your response was in context to what I meant. Once someone tells you what they meant just be a man and say "oh I thought you meant something else". Its literally not that serious lol

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