Question for you that I’ve always been curious about. Do you wear the tin foil hat all day long or just when the voices in your head tell you to?
You are 8 minutes too late, now refute what I posted with actual substance n not your stand up comedy deflection reply You joined 8 yrs ago so do want a doggy treat for that or no?
Reply for you that I had on deck Are you one of the farm troll/ bot accounts on here? Or do you fear what u don't understand and hate what you can't conquer(refute) with actual substance? Are you one of the sleepy headed ones who think people are coloring crayons? Just asking for a friend No aluminum foil needed
Goggle supreme court case ruling about the pandemic, pretty sure you'll find something, fish away You notice how you have heard about the anti Semitic schism but nothing about that supreme court ruling, don't you find that sort of odd?
no - I’m part of the Illuminati closely monitoring your posts because of your striking ability to see right through all our hard work.
You are not a enlightened one or you would have saluted my posts for showcasing ''light'' You are apart of the marvel comic book version I would imagine, who is your favorite member, Xavier or Dr. Strange?
Your poor erudition skills are lacking You don't even know what illuminati means You don't even know who the true ancient Moabites are just as you don't know who the true Shem / Semites are, sacrificing is modern mankind ideology which they practice in their celebrity club today in all fields Which is why Ye said that about his mother just recently You replied to me so I must have struck a nerve, now go get your erudition weight up
I found something about the New York Supreme Court, where they ruled that government employees will be paid back wages. Is that what you're referring to? I don't see how this has anything to do with Kyrie.
It has plenty to do with Irving / NYC, just as it does the other several States in regards to the full faith and credit clause isn't Kyrie employed in the NYC area? isn't his job with the Brooklyn Nets? You don't see it because you can't read between the lines and take the blinders off but for some reason you see how Kyrie is anti-Semitic right? you do realize Irving is a direct descendant of those ancient Shem/Semite people (melanin)? ------------------------- “Litigation involving the other city employees would cost the city at least hundreds of millions—in taxpayer funds of course,” LaVeglia said. ------------------------ As a result, the court ordered that "terminated petitioners are hereby reinstated to their full employment status," which went into effect on Tuesday. Further, the court said that "petitioners are entitled to back pay in salary from the day of termination." Chokshi issued the initial vaccination mandate on Oct. 20, 2021, which required workers to supply proof of at least one dose by Oct. 29. In December 2021, the mandate was extended to the private sector. In spring 2022, however, Mayor Eric Adams issued an executive order allowing for various exemptions for private sector workers. The petitioners successfully argued that this order rendered the public sector mandate both arbitrary and capricious. In February, New York City confirmed that it had fired more than 1,400 workers for refusing to be vaccinated. FDNY-Firefighters Association President Andrew Ansbro and FDNY-Fire Officers Association President Lt. James McCarthy pleaded with the mayor to discuss the matter with the unions following his executive order for private sector employees. "We're here to say that we support the revocation of the vaccine mandate that the mayor announced on Thursday," McCarthy said in a March press conference. "We think that it should be extended, as well. We support the revocation of the mandate for the athletes and performers that work in New York City. We think that the people that work for New York City should also have the mandate relocated for them."
All those so called municipal / state etc employees are considered that being they are chattel subjects of that said territory (NYC), so of course they would fall under that because isn't that a job? isn't playing sports a job as showcased in the earlier reply in their own words (athletes and performers)?
in my other replies i already explained that those claiming the modern ideology of Jewish is a creed/religion, it's not in the divine human records as a actual nation/people the Jewels / Jew-Els were of the tribe of Ju-dah (Yahudi), who were considered the most favored or supreme tribe of Yakub (Jacob) Isra-El of those said 12 tribes
is this a trick question? are Jewels a nation of people? are Jewels recognized in the Family of Nations? are you a farm troll / bot account? did you take the jab not knowing the ingredients of it? are you corporate chattel state property (gov't employee)? do you even know what government actually means? Jewels / Jew-Els were what that tribe of Judah referred themselves to be, so hopefully that answers your dulocracy reply
Whatever floats your boat, paddle that way Inclusive with Run the Dulocracy, which you seem highly equipped to do Inclusive with the most popular in the moment, Run the anti Semitic Run Forest Run, and when all else fails, keep Running