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Fainting - happen to anyone

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by JayZ750, Sep 25, 2022.

  1. JayZ750

    JayZ750 Member

    May 16, 2000
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    So this is weird but sometimes I smoke a bowl of the wacky tobaccy legal purchased from a legal state in my garage at night to destress and chill.

    last night I randomly chose some 3 yo weed. I don’t know it hit me incredibly hard.

    simultaneously… also random and weird… I was listening to my phone with one apple airpod pro. Now I’ve noticed sometimes this makes me feel a little weird.

    so all of a sudden my heart starts racing and the aura around my eyes close in. I didn’t realize this was happening at all.

    All of a sudden I’m dreaming briefly and wake up on the floor of the garage. My head is in incredible pain.

    I’m ****ing high as balls, just fainted and bonked the **** lot of my head sweating my ass off and feeling like I need to puke. I manage to get up and get my wife to help me and after about 45 minutes of trying to decompress we decide it best to go to the ER cause my head is in incredible pain.

    4 hours at the ER blood urine and cat scan and ivs and everything checks out “ok” except low potassium - weird one.

    I also gave blood this past Wednesday fyi.

    I’m kind of just passing along a story. Google searches show this can happen with weed AND airpod pros make some people dizzy/headachy cause if the low frequency noise cancellation they do. In hindsight this was one of the more frightening and frustrating/depressing moments of my life. Who just randomly faints. I’m obviously going to keep an eye on it but am otherwise a healthy normal weight 42 yo male.

    my head remains is pretty legit pain as I think it will take a few weeks to bruise and recover. My mother in law has real heal problems and fell and bonked her head 6 months ago and her face was incredibly messed up and bruised purple for a week whereas if you saw mine you’d be like “did someone hit you maybe?” But otherwise it doesn’t look anywhere close to that… but damn this **** hurts.

    doctor gave me a lecture about weed and that even if bought legally it’s not highly regulated and you never know what else might be mixed in with it. I truly did feel like I was “drugged”.

    I’m obviously taking a weed break … which sucks it’s my only vice. Don’t drink. Don’t even drink caffeine really lol.

    any stay safe out there my fellow clutch fans.
    Jontro likes this.
  2. KingCheetah

    KingCheetah Notable Member
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    Jun 3, 2002
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    Air pod was cutting off air to your brain.
  3. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    Yeah I have had that happen before from weed and home stilled alcohol. If you haven’t eaten or you are dehydrated or sleep deprived it can be more likely to happen.

    As for weed, I’m not someone to tell people they should avoid all drugs or vices. We are people by nature. I will say that some of what I have heard and the attitude some take that it is completely harmless or even positive is BS. It’s a vice, like smoking cigarettes or cigars or drinking or eating too much. There are negative effects from it. Also it isn’t regulated like it should be.
    Yung-T and AroundTheWorld like this.
  4. The Real Shady

    Jun 8, 2000
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  5. B-Bob

    B-Bob "94-year-old self-described dreamer"

    Jul 26, 2002
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    100% on it's lack of steady dosage regulation, but that's a tough nut to crack. I stay away from the hippy lettuce now, but it was never my favorite.

    OP, I have only fainted one time, and it was a couple of years ago when I got COVID in the initial outbreak. Almost no other symptoms but loss of smell.

    What I really don't understand is the airpod involvement -- it sounds like it's messing with your vestibular system somehow (balance, basically).
  6. Pole

    Pole Houston Rockets--Tilman Fertitta's latest mess.

    Feb 15, 1999
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  7. JayZ750

    JayZ750 Member

    May 16, 2000
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    yeah I hadn’t really put two and two together on the airpod. And it definitely wasn’t what caused me to faint. But it contributed.

    but I definitely had noticed it and when I mentioned it to my wife she was lien oh yeah I don’t wear mine that long because it can be dizzying at times and I’d never be able to do it one ear only. I do one ear cause they are so good you can’t hear when someone else needs you ya know.

    you can google it though. Definitely seems to be an issue for some small %.

    all I know is I’m pretty pissed about the whole thing and my head still really hurts. But the cat scan gave me the all clear …
    B-Bob likes this.
  8. JayZ750

    JayZ750 Member

    May 16, 2000
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    yeah… this describes to a T how I felt. Nadeau, sweating, blurriness, depression. I even noticed now in hindsight the blood vessels in my legs were a little plumper.

    if only I fainted into a bed I’d be feeling pretty much normal right now. Unfortunately the garage floor is kind of hard…. Being concrete. I think I hit my head on a bag of old toys were getting rid of first but who knows honestly.

    I have a “little” of the feel for what might lead up to it now so maybe it it comes on again (hopefully not!) o can quickly sit/lie down.

    one thing that sucks about old age is recovery time. I know my head is going to hurt pretty good for at least a week…. My wife broke an ankle 18 months ago and that thing hurt her for like 3 months.


    When did the world get so hard and anxiety inducing?!?!

    Wrong forum but can’t wait for rockets basketball next week. It’s just so calming and familiar. Feels like home a bit lol.

    anyone ever try meditation? It’s been recommended to me but when I’ve tried it in the past not sure I ever fully “bought in”…. I’m ready to now.
    Invisible Fan and B-Bob like this.
  9. Ottomaton

    Ottomaton Member
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    Feb 14, 2000
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    Dehydration is a big contributor to fainting in Houston in the summer. Drink more water. When I started having to take medication to control blood pressure I started getting light headed in the summer and forcing myself to drink water every day, even when not particularly wanting water has eliminated it mostly.

    Is your garage air-conditioned? If you were high as balls without AC you might not notice becoming dehydrated.
    Nook and B-Bob like this.
  10. JayZ750

    JayZ750 Member

    May 16, 2000
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    no I’m not Jeff Bezos over here air conditioning my garage lol.

    I felt very dehydrated after plus weed does that anyway. My mouth was so dry … but at the same time I was reluctant to drink heavily cause I felt like vomiting.

    it’s all coming together … y’all are being super helpful. Thanks much.
  11. B-Bob

    B-Bob "94-year-old self-described dreamer"

    Jul 26, 2002
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    These are super-stressful times, even for people who are "comfortable" and not living dollar to dollar.
    My experience? Meditation totally works if you buy in and focus. There's no half-assing it. But if committed, it can be amazing.
    I'm a care-taker these days and just cannot find the calm time, so I'm not doing it. But I'd like to try it again someday.
  12. Invisible Fan

    Invisible Fan Member

    Dec 5, 2001
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    Yeah, could be your balance got knocked off from the noise cancelling. I don't use Bose NC because I notice the low amplitude waves other people might not and it makes my inner ears go nuts.

    As for the old weed, maybe it could have other stuff in it that broke down into different chemicals over time.

    The wacky non-doctor hypothesis is that the combo gave you some form of vertigo. Maybe try airpods with the ANC off (and try to stay seated unless you want to wear a helmet lol).

    Probably a .05% chance that happened, and getting a physical would more than likely give you peace of mind over the obvious things a doctor could spot (anemia, blood-sugar imbalance, lbp, etc...).

    Meditation is ok. Try to make it a daily habit or routine rather than whenever you feel stressed out. It's like a self check for listening to your body and subconscious. When it's not consistent, it becomes a tool to push out thoughts that simmer.

    So one approach is preventative and transformative. The latter is reactive and palliative.

    Both are better than nothing, but people generally stop over time when they do the latter.
    JayZ750 and B-Bob like this.
  13. boomboom

    boomboom I GOT '99 PROBLEMS
    Supporting Member

    Sep 29, 1999
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    750 account hacked by Fatty.
  14. Dr of Dunk

    Dr of Dunk Clutch Crew

    Aug 27, 1999
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    Get some help. You're still delirious.
    Manny Ramirez, Vik, Yung-T and 5 others like this.
  15. Deckard

    Deckard Blade Runner
    Supporting Member

    Mar 28, 2002
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    A couple of comments. Not that I'm a practitioner these days, but back in the '60's and '70's, when it wasn't uncommon to plow through a "lid" in a week, what with friends constantly coming over, late nights, parties "yes, I'll bring some" and so on, it went fast. A lid was supposedly a ounce and rarely was. Somebody would get an lb (which was rarely an lb) divvy it up 16 ways by eyeing it, and then sell it for ten dollars a bag.

    One of the reasons you could plow through that lid was that it wasn't remotely as strong as it is today, or for the last 20 years. Sure, there was a lot of variety, and if some hash made it to Houston, and if you knew someone who knew someone, somebody upstairs loved you. Suddenly, that lid became golden by cleaning it really good, chopping up the Afghan real fine, and sprinkling some on what you were going to roll. Also, on rare occasions, some came down the pike that was as good as any of the grass around now, from what I've heard.

    These days? The THC content can be off the charts. I can believe that you got hit with something that hit you sideways, Jay, at a moment when your body wasn't prepared for it. That it made you faint clearly freaked you out and it should have. From what you've said and the comments of others, you put yourself in a prime position to have this happen to you. Scary!

    I was into meditation for a few months, but had too many distractions and not nearly enough discipline. I had a couple of friends who spent several years being into meditation and yoga. They were almost always relaxed, laid back, always having a hint of incense about them. Very cool people. Based on being around them, I'd recommend it. One is still living and he looks at least ten years younger than he is. Gives an outstanding foot massage.

    One other comment. I don't get the widespread fascination with ear pods and headphones. I always listen to music, heck, anything with good speakers. Sure, I have some headphones, but rarely use them and only when I don't want to wake someone up. Both of our grown children use headphones, unless they're watching TV in their respective apartments. Heck, they'll use them while sitting in front of a display using their PC, and they have speakers. I don't get it. Maybe it's because I've spent my entire life never needing to live in an apartment complex. Beats me.
    B-Bob and Xerobull like this.
  16. JayZ750

    JayZ750 Member

    May 16, 2000
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    this is all correct lol. I’m not that old but also old enough to have to deal with the same getting weed as a teenager type process. Mostly ****, occasionally some great kush from somewhere. And you could smoke a pound of it with friends one night because it didn’t get you so baked but also because I was just a teenager.

    I am very accustomed to the new stuff, typically. It’s all I’ve smoked for like almost a decade. And I don’t smoke much. One bowl would basically be two hits. And that’s all I need. Sometimes 2 bowls … last night was a 1.5 bowl affair, so three hits.

    An easier way to consider it is in the joint pre-rolls you can buy. I don’t usually use those but have when out of state. If I’m smoking on my own it takes me like 3 sittings to finish one joint.

    whereas I know dudes that will just pound hit after hit. Or considering edibles. They typically come in 10 mg pieces. If I do edibles (rarely but will likely switch when I get back to it) maybe I take 5 mg and another 5 later type thing or stick to the 5 (half a piece). Yet at the same time they now sell 100 mg single pieces that people take.

    in other words… I don’t get crazy high just super high FOR ME. think it was my super highness, dehydration, the ear pod, just the overall smoke - you know it gets smoky and less pure oxygen around you.

    whatever the case it sucked (sucks).
    jiggyfly and Deckard like this.
  17. FrontRunner

    FrontRunner Member

    Apr 30, 2019
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    I think you have it figured out. Although I wouldn't lay off the weed completely as it supposedly has neuroprotective qualities.
  18. mikol13

    mikol13 Protector of the Realm
    Supporting Member

    May 31, 2009
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    Totally agree. I used to mediate quite a bit. It works but like @B-Bob says you have to buy in. I’d also mix in a little yoga, that ish is awesome. Opens up channels and brings relief in a variety of ways. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy, just some simple poses.
    Deckard and B-Bob like this.
  19. Xerobull

    Xerobull You son of a b!tch! I'm in!
    Supporting Member

    Jun 18, 2003
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    My take on OP- it may have been giving blood mixed with rando weed.

    To answer the question, I've almost fainted, twice.

    Once when I was giving blood, double platelet. I hadn't eaten that morning (they should have asked). I got super cold and my vision shrunk to a pinpoint. They stopped the donation, threw a blanket on me, gave me some Gatorade and cookies and I went home.

    Once from heat exhaustion, when I was putting a new vinyl liner on my above-ground pool at a house I owned in 105 degree heat. The combination of the heat, the sun and the vinyl fumes made me severely light-headed to a point where I almost couldn't get out of the pool. I had light hives after that for a couple of hours. I finished the pool liner at night.

    I like in-ear earbuds when I'm going on a run, doing things in the yard or working on a DIY project. I also use them for phone calls (it's weird to hold a phone to my face now). Essentially when I'm moving around a lot out of the range of speakers. I don't like over-the-ear headphones, they make my ears hot, which makes my head hot.

    I think a lot of earpods/headphones is style/fad. Also, it gives a modicum of privacy to the listener. With podcasts and YouTube, you can listen to any range of topics or music, some that may not be appropriate in certain company.
    Deckard likes this.
  20. CCorn

    CCorn Member

    Dec 26, 2010
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    Obviously a symptom of 5G

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