Doesn't reduce my enjoyment of the show at all yea, but certainly could've been done better with lore additions to wipe out most criticism (seeing how some aren't even watching and blasting it).
Agree for the most part. I guess that Snyder Cut of Galadriel and that happy (gay?) horse tells the viewer she isn't some battle hardened ice queen driven by revenge. That she sacrificed her own joy and ticket to heaven for the greater good. I was thinking the pacing was already slow enough. As for the bolded, someone already mentioned Numenor was a highly capable super power at that point in time. They didn't like the elf or the human, and they foreshadowed why they absolutely loathed Galadriel despite knowing her lineage. There's an "arrogance before the fall" foreshadowing because they're at the peak of their civilization. I guess if that happens, it's still Woke Messaging, because some might think "none of their downfall would happen iif they were a Little Nicer." Maybe it's the execution by then, but Tolkein did have these kind of themes in his books dealing with the humility and pride of people/civs. The Hobbits acted the same way as the Harfoots are doing now, insular and peace minded to the point of sticking their heads in the sand. I would like it a lot if the tall stranger was Gandalf because it would complete the loop in why he trusted and highly believed in the little the point of helping them evolve behind the shadows. But it's not guaranteed since I saw some mention online the lore's chronology might not match up, and if it isn't him rather another prophet-like figure, then they gotta speed up his development while making me want to give a crap about the proto hobbits. Otherwise the hobbit journey feels like watching slides of a coworkers move from east coast to the west. Bunch of basic nothing burgers waiting for a reveal or twist that might work. When it does... oh snap, it's episode 8 already? Where did the time go.,.
I gave it a shot but it's just a very poorly written and directed show. Why they gave $200m per ep to some white dudes who's only credits were as ghost writers for Star Trek Beyond boggles my mind. Are they some nepotism babies? Like who ever gave them the green light deserves a public trashing.
That scene of Galadriel riding the horse along the beach was frightening. What was she doing with her teeth? Did they cast her because of her teeth? I'm confused. Maybe I need to get my Tolkien books off the shelf and dig into them again. It's been a few decades, might have to dust them off first. Wanna see if that beach scene is in there, somewhere. I don't remember it.
That's like 2min out of 1.10hrs of the last episode, some of you guys are absolutely ridiculous with the criticism and acting like the entire show is trying to be woke.
Yeah, I said the same thing. She's level and serious for most of the show, but she got a little too happy riding that horse. I thought the smile was CGI. lol. You can probably put the books away. Most of this series is outside the realm of the books, so you won't find it in there.
that isn’t a “woke” thing to do so my comment has nothing to do with wokeness. my criticisms of the show have to do with terrible writing and story decisions not political agendas
Galadriel character is weird. The beach scene was so weird, but also the scenes where she is breathing heavy and seems unable to control herself.
I went ahead and decided to watch each episode as it comes out instead of binge-watching each season at the end. So far, I'm still hooked on the series. It's got some blemishes, but overall, it's a pretty good series, and I'll continue watching it. Theo's escape in the 4th episode was so damn corny... about the worst part of the show so far.
I've oily watched the first episode but they've relied heavily on the core fans. Slower than molasses in the winter time.
I haven't made it to the 2nd episode cause I'm watching Cobra Kai @VanityHalfBlack Just because they have diverse midgets doesn't mean the show is any good, can you imagine if the Rockets had diverse midgets, we would average zero rebounds I will eventually watch episode 2, I owe my friend and hero Jeff that much
That jerbs tirade was weird. Would've been better if the rioters were complaining about Soros Elf sending Southern continent bad hombres to steal guild jerbs. Ooops, I mean them complaining that elves are a sign of doom and endless wars. It's kind of the Queen's fault for enabling that fear, so the leaves dropping isn't that great a turn for her to go 180. What was that missing link for her and her people other than that speech? Derrr...u don't get it. There's Evil! Audience knows there's Evil. The Valar through Autumn shedding Tree said there's Evil. Stand up n fight sheep! Overall, the writing is like a few decades behind in quality, definitely not Golden Age of TV material and more licensed streaming "take it or leave it" geek fodder. I get the slow burn, but at least make me care more about the filler (dumb kid who has the hilt...hobbits...spoiled Cali brat with no balls to resign just so he can catch waves n surf--but dats THE Isildurrrrr!!!!!!!) and fool me into thinking I'm vested in where they'll be at the end of the season rather than 2-3 years. Pretty scenery or some callbacks doesn't equal interest or discovery.