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The state of the republican party

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by NewRoxFan, Feb 21, 2021.

  1. deb4rockets

    deb4rockets Member
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    Oct 8, 2013
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    Every bill Biden tries to push forward to tackle inflation most of the GOP votes no to out of spite. Every bill aimed at helping Veterans, domestic violence victims, gun regulations, reducing costs of prescriptions and healthcare, price gouging, etc...most Republicans vote No to out of spite.

    They don't care about people. They don't care about anything that breathes. Plain and simple. Take your BS somewhere else.
    DaDakota likes this.
  2. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
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    Mar 14, 1999
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    The MAN is the ****ing problem - you don't get to ignore all the criminality because you like policies. That is fundamentally stupid.

    Blaming the President for gas prices or inflation is fundamentally dumb as a rock as well....I mean ...it is like talking economics with a 4th grader......the factors of inflation are out of the control of the office of the President.

    And once again you prove that the GOP supporters are all about "ME ME ME" over "WE WE WE"....and are selfish at their core.....

  3. raining threes

    Jun 26, 2008
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    New wealth? How was this new wealth created?

    I'm not rich but I want less government intrusion in my life not more which is what the current administration is doing.

    We are headed towards a Venezuelan style government. One which captures it's citizens wealth and then deals the money that I've earned as they see fit. Then take away guns and voila the government has full control over the people. This is nothing more than a government power grab. You seem to be ok with the government being able to control your life, all in the name of fairness.

    This just in, life ain't fair.
  4. CCorn

    CCorn Member

    Dec 26, 2010
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    I’m sorry that you believe that lunacy.
    jiggyfly, ROCKSS and Andre0087 like this.
  5. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    What government intrusion are you talking about? Guns? They haven't said they are taking away guns - that is ****ING STUPID - the 2A says for a well regulated militia - they might put some WELL REGULATED stuff in - but guns are guaranteed in the 2A - stop living in FEAR....Obama didn't take your guns, Clinton didn't take them - .....why are you so gullible?

    Do you like the fire department in case your house is on fire - that is government.

    Do you like knowing the police are there in case of emergency - That is government

    Do you like having schools so your kids can get an education that you obviously missed out on - That is government

    Do you like that we live in a safe country because we have a mighty military - Also government

    How EXACTLY is this government infringing upon your rights, what is it doing that bothers you?

    I mean - Paying taxes is for all of the above - that is we are all part of a safe society - that is paid for by all of us......

    The government isn't redistrubiting the wealth but the UBER Rich sure are as they pay off politicians so they can avoid taxes....

    deb4rockets likes this.
  6. raining threes

    Jun 26, 2008
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    Care to point out the criminality? I certainly can point out the Bidens criminality.

    Are you saying Biden saying he was going to do away from fossil fuels isn't the main reason for high gas prices and inflation?

    Have you noticed that every time a liberal wins the POTUS that has prices and inflation goes up? You think this is a coincidence? I don't.

    From Obama to Biden policy matters.
  7. FranchiseBlade

    Supporting Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    Hunter's criminality isn't in question. Which other Biden's criminality can you point out?

    Have you noticed the economy under Democrats over the past 40 years has been better and deficits have gone down under Democratic leaders. Do you think that is a coincidence?
    Reeko, JeeberD and deb4rockets like this.
  8. deb4rockets

    deb4rockets Member
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    Oct 8, 2013
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    LOL, same old cries since Obama was elected. Fear mongering. How ridiculous that sounds. We were better then than after Trump took over and nobody went all socialist or communist. Trump brought the hate, the division, and the inciting and coddling of hate groups who cherish his every word. Fear mongering is the way the GOP justifies all their tax breaks to the wealthy that don't trickle down. Trickle down economics is such BS. The gap widens every year, and more and more Americans can't afford a home of their own, healthcare, or prescription drugs for their diseases.

    You want to talk about intrusion? Government intrusion is being mandated by the party you support at every turn. They want to take away rights of those they don't think live by their "So called Christian" morals. Christians who are proud white Nationalists. They are the ones cancelling anyone and everyone not like them. They are the ones banning books around the country. I'd rather take away weapons designed to kill mass victims quickly than have to spend millions in each school district to arm the, fortify them, and hire extra security guards. Meanwhile, teachers are already underpaid, overworked, and having to spend their own money in school supplies.
    #3388 deb4rockets, Aug 11, 2022
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2022
    mdrowe00 likes this.
  9. jiggyfly

    jiggyfly Member

    Jul 2, 2015
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    Wow, just when I think you can't be any more ignorant you post something like this.

    You hit on all the Republican talking points, even if they are relevant or not.

    Printing money?

    IRS is going after everybody?

    Trump policies?

    The economy is 100 times better than under Trump and the Market is better but you pining for Trumps policies?

    What policies do you like so much that are different under Biden?

    This should be interesting.
    ROCKSS, Newlin and deb4rockets like this.
  10. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
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    Mar 14, 1999
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    1. Convicted of Money Laundering 2 times
    2. Convicted of running a fake university
    3. Convicted of running a fake children's charity
    4. Accused of sexually assaulting more than 25 women
    5. Sued 2 times for having sex with a 13 year old with Epstein
    6. Paid a p*rn star for sex - denied it
    7. Currently being investigated for Fraud on his taxes, and properties - just took the 5th - which means you don't want to incriminate yourself.
    8. Campaign colluded with Russia during the 2016 election - according to Manafort his campaign manager they shared data.
    9. Illegally pressed the Ukraine for a quid per quo on aide that he withheld.
    10. Tried to overthrow an election.

    I mean the list goes on and on and on......you can't defend the indefensible if you have any integrity at all.

    So, you never answered - EXACTLY how is the government infringing upon you......please be specific.

    Cue the crickets as cowards like this run and hide from intelligent discourse.

    #3390 DaDakota, Aug 11, 2022
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2022
    FranchiseBlade and deb4rockets like this.
  11. deb4rockets

    deb4rockets Member
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    Oct 8, 2013
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    That list makes any Democrat President look like a saint! Yes, Trump is as corrupt as they come. A criminal walking on eggshells now. His yolk is about to crack out for all to see. Humpty Dumpty is about to fall off that big wall of lies once and for all. All his little brown shirt soldiers won't be able to put him together again. LOL
  12. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Member
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    May 2, 2014
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    August 11, 2022
    "I am inordinately bored of Donald Trump. I’m bored of the man himself. I’m bored of his opponents. I’m bored of his supporters."

    "I’m bored of the manner in which every last question that animates our politics is eventually plotted onto a graph that has his face at its center. You name anything Trump-related, I’m bored of it. It’s utterly inescapable. Before long, every political topic, every prominent politician, every historical trend becomes about Donald Trump in some way, shape, or form. Every piece of journalism does, too. I haven’t yet published this piece, and I’m already bored by the responses that it will engender. That’s how bad it’s gotten: I’m pre-bored — by the emails, by the analyses, by the snark, by the desire to make every last thing in American life about Trump. Nothing is safe. Bring up something almost as old as the nation itself — the Fifth Amendment, say — and within a few minutes, people will be debating whether it is functionally pro-Trump or anti-Trump. They’ll ask if it’s Trump-adjacent, or Trump-resistant, or anti-anti-Trump...."
    Charles C.W. Cooke is very bored (at The National Review).

    Posted by Ann Althouse at 6:57 AM
  13. rocketsjudoka

    rocketsjudoka Member
    Supporting Member

    Jul 24, 2007
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    Since I got time to waste jumping in.

    first off gas is under $4/ gallon and net inflation as of yesterday was 0%.

    Inflation under Obama was under control. It dropped under Clinton.

    The deficit has exploded under Reagan, GW Bush and Trump. It dropped under Obama And under Clinton there was a surplus. While the deficit rose during the first months of the Biden Presidency it is showing a slight drop recently
    ROCKSS, Reeko, Andre0087 and 2 others like this.
  14. ima_drummer2k

    ima_drummer2k Member

    Oct 18, 2002
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    Man, reading this thread kind of makes me laugh.

    It reminds me of the days when I used to consider myself an "anti-Trump Republican." Then came Jan 6th and more importantly, post-Jan 6th, when I finally realized that it's impossible to be an anti-Trump Republican because....Trump IS the Republican party. And the only conservative movement out there is led by Trump.

    If you're anti-Trump, you are NOT a conservative. Not anymore. It's like saying you're an "anti-Olajuwon Rockets fan." It's literally impossible.

    I'm a straight up Democrat now, baby. First time since 1992. Not because I agree with the Democrats. It's because Democrats are the only people left who are anti-Trump.
    #3394 ima_drummer2k, Aug 11, 2022
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2022
    Xopher, TheFreak, jiggyfly and 7 others like this.
  15. rocketsjudoka

    rocketsjudoka Member
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    Jul 24, 2007
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    Yes I’m not enamored of the Democrat party and there are still a lot of aspects about it that bother me. Compared to the personality cult that is the Republican Party there is not contest
    jiggyfly, ROCKSS, mdrowe00 and 3 others like this.
  16. StupidMoniker

    StupidMoniker I lost a bet

    Jul 18, 2001
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    I would much prefer Trump to Clinton, yes. Republicans aren't great, but on a lot of issues important to me, they are better than Democrats. I have never said otherwise. On a couple things, Democrats are better. On some things both are terrible.
    I don't care about your hook, and I never claimed to be a swing voter.
    You're welcome to do so. I'll give you a huge leg up and say if you pick the libertarian position, you will be right far more often than you will be wrong.
    Why would anyone care what you want them to be? I am what I am, regardless of your opinion. I would guess most everyone else is, too.
    They are far more in favor of the Democrats than I am, why would they post eight paragraphs against them?
    Yes, because once you find that many, any more is surplus. That changes nothing. If he had said change the votes, it would be open to only one interpretation, but he said there are 100,000s of thousands of fraudulent votes and gives multiple different potential areas of fraud (non-matching signatures, voting from a vacant address, voting from a PO Box, votes associated with some person whose name is redacted, etc.) and says finding 11,780 (enough to win) is enough. Did you read the transcript?
    I frankly don't know how you could read that transcript and the only conclusion you could think is possible is that Trump believes the actual count is perfectly accurate and reflects 100% legitimate votes and wants Raffensperger to illegally change or throw out exactly enough to let him win by 1. And that was only one section, there are several others of similar character. If you look at the find 11780 votes line in isolation, maybe, but in context it looks to me like a perfectly reasonable explanation is that Trump believes he was cheated and wants Raffensperger to find the evidence.
    No one should be using inflammatory language about judges. Trump shouldn't say he doesn't think a judge can be fair because he is Mexican. Ocasio-Cortez shouldn't say a judge should be impeached and falsely claim they lied under oath at their confirmation. Schumer shouldn't say that if they overturn Roe they will reap the whirlwind. Schumer is Senate Majority Leader. Biden should not have said the Dobbs decision was outrageous and that the SCOTUS was destabilizing the United States to a meeting of NATO. Biden is President, btw. That is a really weird standard btw, that it isn't as bad for the Senate majority leader or a Congressional representative to go after judges as for the president to do it.
    You seemed to take issue with me saying it is stupid to stand with Democrats because of federalism, separation of powers, and preventing government interference in the market. It seems like you actually agree with me.
    I think you are overselling the danger. C'est la vie.
  17. dc rock

    dc rock Member

    Jan 10, 2001
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    Winds them up and off they go… Where they stop? No one knows.
    Phillyrocket, ROCKSS and No Worries like this.
  18. Reeko

    Reeko Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    must be trash day for the FBI

    another mindless drone dying for nothing
  19. No Worries

    No Worries Member

    Jun 30, 1999
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    But ... but ... but Trump's policies.
  20. dc rock

    dc rock Member

    Jan 10, 2001
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    Imagine sacrificing your life for a sloppy, old grifter like Donald ****ing Trump. Insane times.
    No Worries and jiggyfly like this.

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