Maybe we have different definition of filthy but when someone fakes you out then throws the ball off the backboard then dunks it that’s filthy in my book.
Must have been some things said during the game. I wouldn't be at all shocked if Banchero just ran his mouth a little more than usual being the #1 pick and all...something along the lines of why did San Antonio trade you if you were supposed to be "the guy" might do it...but hey - a lot of guys come into the league with better trash talk than the ability to back it up. Paolo wouldn't be the first - the question is, can he reach a level to back that up night in and night out.
Funny thing is that KPJ is the "crazy" one and Dejounte is the sane "G" right? Hard to tell especially when a grown ass man exhibits insecure emotions about someone who is supposed to look up to him and then you have some guys here that jump on it because they enjoyed piling on Banchero and thought that this incident would be an extension of the fun! Whoops! Nice strawman though!
Grown ass men like kd has insecurities also, doesn't mean hes crazy. Folks like to point out that kpj has shown time and time again of doing crazy sht where he can't handle his emotions. Food fight? Leaving the game mid way. There's a reason y kpj value was sht and we got him basically for free.
Awesome! Want a cookie? YOU were the one that tried to imply a correlation from this incident to anything related to KPJ - YOU brought him up not me or anyone else supporting his extension. Dont play coy. Who's obsessed?
Cool. I'll be the first to admonish anything negative that Scooter gets into. Im not allowing some personal growth issues to mar his on court ability. Young kids do dumb sht. Dejounte is 25 who supposedly learned from a rough upbringing how to be a pro and is looked up to even by guys like KPJ as a Seattle hooper and going overboard like this is corny AF. Contrived even. Drama sells.
i've never been a fan of paolo (his game or personality) but dejounte murray getting way too animated for a rookie
It's looks a bit over the top. But we need more context to know what's going on. Hey, when is the first game between Atlanta and Orlando? LOL.
It's a NBA player and the dunk was not even all that it was awkward as hell nothing filthy about it. I can see things more "filthy" at the Y. But hey you do you.