Jerseys have always been bad, soooo plain, no identity, all colors associated with other teams. The Battle reds were the only ones that ever gave them that. And this is a perfect opportunity to rebrand with the franchise in complete shambles, I don't think anyone would be clinging on to anything associated with what this franchise has been for the past 20 years. Go full red, make the color rush blue ones the normal blue ones. And come up with a more interesting white jersey.
That helmet is fugly but at least they're trying. The Texans aesthetic has always been so tired and boring.
Meh. At least it's not white. It WILL improve what's a terrible look (the mono red), but all they really need to do is make the Color Rush blues the regular home jersey and then pull THIS look out a couple of times a year:
Absolutely agree. Ever since they rolled out the color rush blues I wanted them to make that the regular blue. As far as the whites, I've always liked white jersey on white pants, just a clean, streamlined look. The Oilers white on whites looked great. I'd prefer that over white jersey on blue pants. One thing they should never, ever, do again, is roll out the red jersey on the blue pants.
Not necessary but would be worth a try. It's really just the bland colors and uniform that are so bothersome. It looks like a generic "create a team" template you see in some mobile game. Deep down, we're all going to be upset until we get our columbia blue back. I say do it, f*** the Titans.