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Breaking 1-06-21: MAGA terrorist attack on Capitol

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by RESINator, Jan 6, 2021.

  1. FranchiseBlade

    Supporting Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    Great exchange with potential subject of investigation Jim Jordan.

  2. Xerobull

    Xerobull You son of a b!tch! I'm in!
    Supporting Member

    Jun 18, 2003
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    You aren't wrong. It's why people refer to Trumpers as a cult.

    All I know is that I hate the crooked GOP just a little more than I dislike the p***y Democrats. I'd love to throw my hat in the ring but I don't have the slime in my bones to negotiate with scumbags.
  3. Surfguy

    Surfguy Member

    Sep 23, 1999
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    I'll believe that when I see it.
  4. Xerobull

    Xerobull You son of a b!tch! I'm in!
    Supporting Member

    Jun 18, 2003
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    Read Google News and skim the headlines. There's a subtle shift.
    dobro1229 likes this.
  5. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    This exactly. Again back to my point about all them caring about is winning. If Trump for some reason isn't the GOP nominee, EVER SINGLE GOP Pollster knows that he will turn his base against the GOP nominee by saying it was a rigged primary, and he'll essentially be a 3rd party spoiler, or a major turnout depressor. He has the party by the balls more or less, and the guy isn't going away.

    They were really really really stupid for not impeaching the guy when they had the chance and the public sentiment on January 7th. They should have acted quick, and decisive, but they failed, and he's now a cancer they'll maybe never be able to remove until he's no longer with us unless they accept that getting rid of him at this point means likely dealing with him as a spoiler like how he spoiled the Georgia senate runoffs. That's basically the warning shot the GOP got that previewed what would happen if they served him divorce papers leading up to 2024.
    TheJuice, Surfguy and Astrosfan183 like this.
  6. tallanvor

    tallanvor Member

    Oct 9, 2007
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  7. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    I probably need to force myself to watch Hannity tonight to maybe get a better read on the situation, and strategy. It's pretty obvious now after the findings of 1/6 that Hannity is essentially the RNC Chair, and chief strategist of the party.
    TheJuice likes this.
  8. FranchiseBlade

    Supporting Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    Not really. They haven't testified under oath at all. I doubt they will. They are welcome to and I hope they do.

    But she wouldn't be in trouble because none of the relevant testimony has even been challenged. So once they go under oath they will be asked and have to confirm all of the parts if her testimony that is actually relevant to the case.

    Pat Cipolloni will probably confirm some of the things we've heard for sure and maybe add new information as well. Though he won't be able to answer questions about all of it.
  9. Xerobull

    Xerobull You son of a b!tch! I'm in!
    Supporting Member

    Jun 18, 2003
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    Yuck. You're right, Hannity is a demagogue and is the voice of the party. It's pathetic but it's where we are as a society, especially Boomers. Personality rules over character. I see Millennials and Zoomers shifting slightly back to character but with social media, likes and views are king. ****ing depressing.

    I wouldn't subject myself to Hannity. Again, just skim headlines and the real news is there in subtext. They shift lockstep to match the party stance, because the Oligarchs like the Koch brothers deem is so.
    dobro1229 and TheJuice like this.
  10. FranchiseBlade

    Supporting Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    Sure they can try. But it's the DOJ not the Senate that will ultimately prosecute.

    The GOP will hold hearings any chance they get whether or not Trump is prosecuted. I believe that Garland will be conservative in his decision to prosecute Trump or not. But Meadows, and others could definitely be prosecuted. I used to believe there was no way Trump would be prosecuted, and I'm still not whether he will or not, but I now believe it is at least a possibility. With more hearings and evidence coming out, it is only going to get worse for Trump and his chances to avoid prosecution.
  11. MojoMan

    MojoMan Member

    Apr 3, 2009
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    This is a good article. The author, who is a Democrat, is a bit to the left of me, but she makes some very good observations.

    Jan. 6 Hearings Look Like the Show Trials in Soviet Union

    If there is one thing I learned watching the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard trial it’s this: you can’t just hear one side of the story.

    Because of social media, apparently, convictions in the Court of Opinion have now replaced due process and the presumption of innocence. Had Depp never sued Heard, we would never have known Heard was the abuser.

    The January 6th hearings look a lot more like the show trials in the Soviet Union under Stalin. Witnesses would only be called if they backed up the accusations made against various prisoners of course. They would be found guilty, of course, because dissent was not allowed, nor was a fair defense.

    The point of show trials was to intimidate anyone who might consider thinking for themselves or seeing Stalin in a negative light. In our country now, journalists are expected to go along with whatever the state tells them is true. If they step out of line they will be viciously bullied on Twitter, forced to apologize or, in some cases, fired.

    The same team that tried to impeach Trump after January 6th are back in the Season Finale, this time to drive the DOJ towards criminal charges against Trump. It’s like holding a hearing to find out whether Johnny Depp was guilty or not but only presenting Amber Heard’s side. Those of us who watched the whole trial know the evidence presented destroyed Heard’s case.

    Cassidy Hutchins’ testimony is somewhat reminiscent of Amber Heard’s. It is sincere but overly dramatic. She’s pretty, with a husky voice, and definitely someone most people would want to believe. But of course, her story is starting to fall apart.

    You might wonder why would she risk her career to lie under oath? Why would Heard have done it? In Heard’s case, she believed she was going to win the trial because in the wake of the Me Too era, there was no such thing as a defense against an accusation of abuse or rape. For Hutchins, she essentially had no career left. Trump would not hire her after he left office. Her resume wasn’t going to get her much work. Ah, but to be a star witness for the Left she’ll get the Liz Cheney treatment. She’ll get a golden ticket into the land of the special people, the ruling class, MSNBC. She might even make the cover of TIME.

    She’s a hero now. She can go on Rachel Maddow’s show. She will be praised to the high heavens by people like Rob Reiner and Stephen Colbert. Hey, even Barbra Streisand is out there singing her praises. This, as opposed to starting out her political career as Mark Meadows’ aide. She would be tainted forever. Now, she’s a star.

    The media and the public, however, need for it to be true, just as they needed Amber Heard’s story to be true because they serve a much larger narrative. But some of us need more than that. We need the truth. The January 6th committee has never been about the truth.

    For four years, the Left, the Never Trump Republicans, and the mainstream media have been actively attempting to undo the results of the 2016 election that put Trump in power for four years. It wasn’t just his slim victory, it was the kinds of people who supported him. They pretended it was about “white racist trash” but really? Wasn’t it just about their refusal to adopt the ideology of Obama’s America? A fast-moving social justice movement that was changing almost everything?

    Never before in the history of this country has a president been under attack by so many forces at once from Day One, with not just the largest protests in American history, but protests abroad. A “resistance” that aligned social media, the richest people in the world, corporate America, Hollywood, Big Tech, the Democrats, and the Never Trumpers all to discredit, destroy and remove a sitting president.

    Why isn’t anyone talking about it?

    At the time, those of us in the “resistance” believed we were stopping the fascist takeover of America by a guy who looked a lot like Hitler. We were afraid. The fear was so overwhelming that two major mass hysteria events gripped the country for the four years Trump was in power. For a country that valued decency above all else, careful language adopted and mandated to prove that decency, a guy like Trump who says whatever he wants to say, was as dangerous as the Devil riding into Salem in 1692.

    By the time the 2020 election rolled around, the “resistance” formed a “cabal” that used every resource in its massive war chest to bring down Trump and install Biden -manipulating the news narrative, burying the Hunter Biden story, blaming every COVID death on Trump, even wanting the economy to crash because that is the one surefire way to bring down a one-term President. The protests and riots of 2020 were in reaction to Trump - the worse they got, the worse it made him look, or so they believed.

    I had been the most strident and loyal Hillary supporter, a well-known blue-check on Twitter. I was also one of the first Biden supporters early in 2019. Here is a picture of me at an early fundraiser on May 8th, 2019:

    It isn’t that everything Trump did was right on January 6th, or that it wasn’t irresponsible of him to deny the election results and hold a rally. It’s the lie that Trump knew about and was somehow connected to the riot.

    It makes no sense. Trump had convinced Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley to argue his case against the election results in the Senate. They were doing that. Trump gave a speech, then said to march “peacefully” to the Capitol.

    At the same time, there were Proud Boys who did plan to bust into the Capitol. There are people on video telling supporters to go into the Capitol. They have video evidence of that. Are they FBI informants? Who knows? No one in the media will ever ask. They write it off the same way they did everything else since 2020. They give you the narrative they want to be true.

    I have no doubt that “hearing” is persuasive to those watching. They are a living, breathing extension of what it’s like to be on Twitter. The problem is that they are preaching to the choir. They are making an already hysterical group of people more hysterical. The pressure is mounting on Merrick Garland to charge Trump with something. I think he’s too smart to do that. He knows there is no THERE there. Trump is covered by the First Amendment.

    {More at the link}​
  12. Astrosfan183

    Astrosfan183 Member

    Jul 26, 2006
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    If the GOP takes back the House there'll be a committee and impeachment inquiry immediately on January 21st over something with Hunter Biden, I almost guarantee you, regardless of the outcome of the Jan 6th stuff.

    It won't lead to anything but the clownshow to try to damage Biden for 2024 will kick into full gear
  13. FranchiseBlade

    Supporting Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    The fact that all the Trump defenders have to talk about is one piece of testimony that holds no real consequence shows exactly how strong and convincing Hutchison's testimony was.

    The fact that they try and misrepresent what Cassidy said by trying to present it as if she claimed that incident happened only further weakens their attempts.

    It shows they are scared and have no real ammo to use in their defense.
  14. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Member
    Supporting Member

    May 2, 2014
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    lol. pretty sure Biden is doing all the damage to Biden that is needed
  15. FranchiseBlade

    Supporting Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    Andre0087 and Blatz like this.
  16. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Member
    Supporting Member

    May 2, 2014
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    seriously? why would Republicans waste their time on something so dumb
  17. Astrosfan183

    Astrosfan183 Member

    Jul 26, 2006
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    You can't possibly unironically believe that someone linking Ben Shapiro videos in an article is a Democrat can you? I know you want to say that to try to make this article sound more legit but come on, you don't have to be THAT disingenuous

    Even the about page says she's not a Democrat lmao. If you think it's good writing then fine, link it, but don't try to present it falsely like Democrats believe that way too
    jiggyfly, TheJuice and FranchiseBlade like this.
  18. FranchiseBlade

    Supporting Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    Why did they do it over and over again with Beghazi?

    Past history shows they will. Their hearings, unlike the current ones are all about allowing members to grandstand, make speeches and ask gotcha questions to help them in their individual races.
    Andre0087 and Blatz like this.
  19. Astrosfan183

    Astrosfan183 Member

    Jul 26, 2006
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    He's been far from perfect and I have complaints, but it is the GOP playbook to come up with "scandals" to damage them further.

    Also the biggest complaints I see about Biden, namely inflation, I haven't seen a single GOP plan to fix. I've been searching. Posted asking in another thread you post in with no reply. Not sure if we just live in a post policy world where saying "I'll do the opposite of Joe" is enough now but I'm not loving that if so!
  20. Astrosfan183

    Astrosfan183 Member

    Jul 26, 2006
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    Playbook on these things
    1. First try to paint the person as unimportant, never was close to Trump, actually a Democrat in disguise, something like that
    2. Have talking heads on the news stations saying speech/testimony/evidence was a nothingburger without showing any details from said speech
    3. Wait for someone to find one small piece that can be disputed, use that to say the whole thing is false
    4. Fox, Newsmax, OAN, all those start saying its "debunked"
    5. Right wingers repeat that it's debunked until its the narrative on the right.
    6. Disregard all further evidence and don't show any of that to your base, keep repeating the narrative that it's all "debunked"
    7. If all that doesn't work, claim maybe something did happen but no laws were broken on some technicality anyway so its fine

    Happened with the Russia stuff. Happened with the first impeachment trial. Happening with Jan 6.

    That being said, I do wish Democrats would start realizing the playbook and trying harder to avoid it. As mentioned, the steering wheel detail here was unnecessary, even if it was true
    Xerobull, Andre0087, TheJuice and 2 others like this.

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