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[2022 NBA Draft/1-3] Jabari Smith Jr., F, Auburn

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by J.R., Jun 23, 2022.


Do you like the selection of Jabari Smith?

Poll closed Jun 23, 2023.
  1. YES

  2. NO

  1. Ottomaton

    Ottomaton Member
    Supporting Member

    Feb 14, 2000
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    not really. If you cant figure it out from context that is a YP.
    D-rock, Drift Monkey and Little Bit like this.
  2. LikeMike

    LikeMike Member

    Mar 25, 2007
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    Ok, I guess we just have way different definitions of horrible dribble drive. He does have a spin move (into a fadeaway), he does have a fake and he can get into the paint. He is not good at creating space or getting by a defender, but adding a step back should be well within reach for him, and if he only manages to get by slower defenders or ones that overcommit to his 3pt shot, he will be very effective. And I don‘t need him to dribble more than 2-3 times by that time he should easily be in the paint.

    And yes, I guess I am content with a way worse player than you are here. We took him 3d - I am not expecting a superstar. If we got Mobley or Barnes from last years draft here at 3, I would be happy. And I believe Smith can be better than both, and that both of them are way more limited on offense than he is.
    Drift Monkey and Hakeemtheking like this.
  3. jiggyfly

    jiggyfly Member

    Jul 2, 2015
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    What do you think this means?

    If you can give me the actual percentage of these shots it means nothing or even gives the number of minutes they played without each other.

    So are you saying he can't play be efficient with a C on the floor?
  4. tzou88

    tzou88 Member

    Nov 10, 2009
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    There’s nothing wrong with discussing our players but some people wanna act like Jabari’s game is set in stone already. I think everyone knows he has some obvious weaknesses but he’s 19 with plenty of time to grow his game.

    Also, like what some people have already said his supposed weaknesses were greatly amplified by Auburn’s frankly disgustingly awful spacing.
    D-rock, 18pbr, Drift Monkey and 2 others like this.
  5. dmoneybangbang

    May 5, 2012
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    And some folks are a bit too sensitive when discussing Jabari's shortcomings coming out the draft.
    jiggyfly likes this.
  6. BasketballMind

    Mar 8, 2010
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    I know right lol. People are silly. Bennet, Oladipo, Otto Porter, Cody Zeller, Alex Len, Nerlens Noel, Ben Mclemore, KCP, Trey Burke, C.J McCollum, Michael Carter Williams, Steven Adams, Kelly Olynyk and Shabazz Muhammad must have all been better picks than Giannis.
    Drift Monkey likes this.
  7. jiggyfly

    jiggyfly Member

    Jul 2, 2015
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    The stepback is only useful if you have the threat of a dribble drive.

    As for the second bolded part NBA teams rotate much better and will not close out so helter-skelter especially the better teams.

    He has trouble finishing so just getting in the paint does not solve everything.

    No Barnes and Mobley are not way more limited they are not as limited as Smith they have far more diversity offensively it's comical you think so.

    What outside of shooting do you think they are not better at?
  8. jiggyfly

    jiggyfly Member

    Jul 2, 2015
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    Nice dodge, you might have well said I can't.
  9. jiggyfly

    jiggyfly Member

    Jul 2, 2015
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    Nobody said Jabari's game is set in stone at least I have not seen it.

    His dribble weakness had nothing to do with spacing if you can dribble you can dribble.

    So just because he can grow his game we can't talk about what he needs to grow?
  10. LikeMike

    LikeMike Member

    Mar 25, 2007
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    So, Mobley doesn‘t really have a shot - and his back to the basket game needs work. His points mainly come of assists or put backs. When you need a score and you have Jabari or Mobley on the floor, I believe most coaches wouldn‘t hesitate to give Jabari the ball.

    Barnes has a well rounded game - but he doesn‘t do anything on offense great. If you need a score, you think they go to him? Did they in college where he averaged 10 points? I like Barnes - he does everything well. But he isnt a go to guy. He is the guy you go to, if your first and second options aren‘t there.

    Basically what you are saying is, his college shot creation won‘t translate. I agree that it will need some help - he is the kind of player, you set a screen for. Auburn didn‘t do that. He is the kind of player you clear one side of the field for. Auburn didn‘t do that. He is the kind of player, you put shooters around. Auburn didn‘t do that either. Basically Auburn did nothing to help him - and he still was one of the best offensive players in all college, despite his problems of creating space for himself. And he did shoot over 42% on threes - and most of those shots weren‘t open. And he did shoot 65% at the rim, despite the paint usually being packed. And he did create basically all of his own shots.
    18pbr and Drift Monkey like this.
  11. torque

    torque Member
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    Sep 15, 2003
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    It indicates that his efficiency, especially at the rim, was affected by playing in a system that lacked spacing. In the NBA, where spacing is paramount, it's quite possible he gets to the rim and finishes well.
    18pbr, Drift Monkey and Astrodome like this.
  12. mac_got_this

    mac_got_this Member

    Feb 12, 2007
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    You’re only thinking about on side of the ball.If he can anchor the defense and also bring the intangibles he sure would be worth it. Middleton is a Robin, Klay is a Robin,
    D-rock, 18pbr and Drift Monkey like this.
  13. jiggyfly

    jiggyfly Member

    Jul 2, 2015
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    No that's not what it indicates that's what you want it to indicate.

    His guards took a lot of 3 pointers and were the driver of that offense so how does that affect spacing?

    Ivey had real spacing issues and is much shorter and his numbers are much better in the paint and at the rim.

    Do you think he will not be contested in the paint in the NBA where they rotate much better?
  14. jiggyfly

    jiggyfly Member

    Jul 2, 2015
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    No I am not thinking of one side of the ball I said in a previous post he is going to have to be an all nba level defender, so now he is a defensive anchor?

    What are the intangibles he brings?

    Middleton and Klay have far more offensive diversity than Smith and offer more playmaking.

    How does a wing defender anchor a defense?
  15. robbie380

    robbie380 ლ(▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿ლ)
    Supporting Member

    Aug 16, 2002
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    I wish I watched Auburn more to understand the context of these numbers but interesting to note.
  16. tmacfor35

    tmacfor35 Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    Jalen Green via Daniel Theis
    Drift Monkey and torque like this.
  17. torque

    torque Member
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    Sep 15, 2003
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    His guards were awful. Check out their shooting percentages. Having a huge 5 camping down low will obviously make it more difficult for a driver to finish at the rim. Remember when we traded Capela just so Westbrook could get to the rim because his jumper was broken? The whole point of Morey-ball is to space the floor in order to get efficient shots at the rim or from 3. Spacing matters.
    D-rock and Drift Monkey like this.
  18. mac_got_this

    mac_got_this Member

    Feb 12, 2007
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    Jabari can guard 1-5. Him and Tari can do a lot for us defensively as a team. we play 5 out. I’m not worried about ajabari offensively becaue we’re not goin to ask him To do a lot by himself. We have our backcourt for that to happen him transition to scoring at the pro levels. He was doing way too much at Auburn.
    D-rock and Drift Monkey like this.
  19. coachbadlee

    coachbadlee Member

    Feb 5, 2010
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    Wow! Is it true Orlando had billboards put up for Jabari ahead of the draft? If so that's lowdown and dirty.
    Drift Monkey likes this.
  20. jiggyfly

    jiggyfly Member

    Jul 2, 2015
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    I watched a lot of Auburn and I know they had terrible guard play but that has nothing to do with spacing, they were being checked at the 3-point line and nobody was packing the paint.

    So what does Westbrook have to do with anything who is the Westbrook in this scenario?

    yes, spacing matters but there was not the same spacing problems because Kessler could shoot the 3 at Auburn.

    So are you now saying that he needs a clear lane to finish at a high rate?

    Morey ball has nothing to do with this and I am not debating if spacing matters what I am debating is that Auburn had a spacing problem they played 4 out.
    Yung-T likes this.

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