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Building around Paolo and liking it.

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Francis3422, May 21, 2022.

  1. saleem

    saleem Member

    Jan 1, 2001
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    True, I do think Paolo is a pretty good rebounder right now. 20 and 10 in the final four was impressive.
  2. xtruroyaltyx

    xtruroyaltyx Member

    Jul 1, 2011
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    Paolo is the guy I want now so if he's projected to be there at 3, that's perfect.
  3. LikeMike

    LikeMike Member

    Mar 25, 2007
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    I do believe the image of PB suffers because of his draft class. His 3pt shooting isn’t bad - 34% for a 6-10 guy is alright. But it pales in comparison to Chet and Jabari.

    His defense also isn’t bad - he doesn’t always show the effort and tends to lose his man. But compared to both Chet and Jabari he is way worse.

    On the other hand I don’t think the same is true the other way around. His strengths, including creating his own shot, being able to score from 3, midrange, drives and post-ups basically from everywhere separates him from those two - as does his passing and athleticism - but you don’t read as many people putting a spotlight on their deficiencies (especially for Jabari).

    if I were Orlando I would be very intrigued by Paolo because what they need is a #1 option. As a rockets fan I am thrilled withstand of the 3.
  4. AroundTheWorld

    AroundTheWorld Insufferable 98er
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    Feb 3, 2000
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    Sengun has no weaknesses.
  5. PatBev

    PatBev Member

    Jun 16, 2017
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    After watching some highlights I wouldn’t mind taking him at #3

    I wanted to trade up for jabari but now I would almost take Paolo and trade up that #17 into another top 10
  6. Plowman

    Plowman Member
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    Sep 26, 1999
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    The timeline/his age is all wrong for it, but can you imagine Adelman coaching this team in a few years?
    don grahamleone likes this.
  7. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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  8. saleem

    saleem Member

    Jan 1, 2001
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    I have come to the conclusion that Banchero is a mid term prospect. He could develop into a good starting PF for a playoff team at the end of his 3rd year. He's a fairly good isolation defender on the perimeter against forwards. If he puts in the hard work to get better on pick and roll defense in off seasons and in practice, he should be fine. The Rockets desperately need top class defensive coaches. Silas is a offense only coach.
  9. Two Sandwiches

    Feb 6, 2002
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    This is exactly what we should be doing. I have dreams of trading back into the top 10, but I don't think it would happen.
    don grahamleone likes this.
  10. roc1951

    roc1951 Member
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    Jul 18, 2006
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    I think the Rockets can win a championship by the 24-25 season. It depends on a very good/lucky draft this year and the Jazz wanting to blow it up and rebuild their team.

    The Draft
    I like Auburn’s Jabari Smith Jr over Paolo Banchero, but most think Smith will be the first pick of the draft. So I will plug Banchero in as the Rockets first pick. At #17 the Rockets will select 7’2” Mark Williams.

    The Block Buster Trade
    From Houston:
    John Wall ($47,366,760), Christian Wood ($14,317,459), Jae’Sean Tate ($$1,782,621), Milwalkee’s 2023 first round pick, Houston’s 2023 first round pick, and the 2024 Golden state second round pick.

    To Houston:
    Rudy Gobert ($38,172,414) and Mike Conley $($22,680,000).

    Houston would loose Christian Wood, John Wall, Jea’Sean Tate and Schroder from this years team, but would gain Rudy Gobert as a defensive anchor while Mark Williams learned behind him. Banchero and Sengun could be a great 1-2 punch at the PF spot. Both Banchero and Sengun would need to get better at the three point shot, but I believe they can. The team would learn to play together for two years and be ready to contend in the 24-25 season.

    The team would look like this…

    First team:
    Rudy Gobert 7’1”
    Poalo Banchero 6’10”
    Kenyon Martin Jr. 6’6”
    Jalen Green 6’4”
    Kevin Porter Jr. 6’4”

    Second Team:
    Mark Williams 7’2”
    Alperen Sengun 6’10”
    Garrison Mathews 6’5”
    Josh Christopher 6’3”
    Mike Conley 6’1”

    Third Team:
    Bruno Fernando 6’9”
    Usman Garuba 6’8”
    David Nwaba 6’5”
    Eric Gordon 6’3”
    Daishen Nix 6’4”

    NBA G League:
    Trevelin Queen 6’6”
    Anthony Lamb 6’6”
  11. KingSamJack

    KingSamJack Member

    Mar 29, 2013
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    You really must not watch the play offs, Rudy is unplayable there because he is bad at switching
  12. HTownTmac1

    HTownTmac1 Member

    May 31, 2006
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    Banchero is a great offensive rebounder
    Verbal Christ and palmsnbananas like this.
  13. cmoak1982

    cmoak1982 Member
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    Jul 13, 2012
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    He’s not a great offensive rebounder.
    His ORB% is 6.4% with his DRB% at 19.1%
    TRB% at 13.2%
    He’s an average to good rebounder overall.
    Sengun is a little better rebounder, specially given his propensity to block out for others.

    ORB% is 10.1% DRB% 18.9% TRB 14.5%

    Really don’t get the rhetoric that either are poor rebounders. Both are solid, with each other on the floor they should be solid.

    While we’re on the % rates.
    Sengun has higher assist %, same steal % and higher block %.

    These two should be able to play together, if there’s growth and a defensive system that works for them.
  14. Cstyle42

    Cstyle42 Member

    Aug 2, 2008
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    If Paolo is a more athletic and taller Carmelo Anthony in his prime then I still like that pick at 3. Hell Jalen Green could easily end up a more athletic and taller Allen Iverson in his prime... save the ball handling...
    leebigez likes this.
  15. Dankstronaut

    Dankstronaut Way, way out here.
    Supporting Member

    Oct 31, 2008
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    Regarding what?
  16. peleincubus

    peleincubus Member

    Oct 26, 2002
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    By the playoffs in 2025 he will be younger and faster with the capability then to be able to do that and bam championship.
    Verbal Christ likes this.
  17. roc1951

    roc1951 Member
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    Jul 18, 2006
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    I did watch the playoffs. With the right coaching, surrounded by the right players, Rudy will be OK. It's all about having good schemes provided by the coaches to get the best out of each team member. Steph Curry is not a good defender in my opinion, but Golden State is able to hide his deficiencies very well. Rudy's job will be to protect the basket, get offensive and defensive rebounds, block out for Kenyon's highlight dunks, and receive the multitude of opportunities he is going to get from Green and Kevin Porter Jr. passes at the basket. All of this while Sengun and Banchero drops midrange shots in the opposing team. Sometimes it's all about fit.

    With Hornacek and Weaver leaving, I am optimistic that the organization can find a defensive wizard to bring onto the coaching staff.
  18. roc1951

    roc1951 Member
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    Jul 18, 2006
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    By the playoffs in 2025 Mark Williams (having learned behind Rudy) will be the starting center center. Rudy will be doing cleanup. After 25-26 season when his contract ends, Rudy can retire if he wants to. Fernando or someone new will become the backup.
    peleincubus likes this.
  19. Hemingway

    Hemingway Member
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    Oct 15, 2016
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    If you can get Williams in the draft then you don’t need to waste assets on Rudy. Williams will already be a rim protector when he is playing, maybe not quite as good as Rudy at the rim, but better on the perimeter and in transition. Rudy is a one hit wonder and is only a component on a championship team later in his career as a backup center.
    leebigez likes this.
  20. conquistador#11

    Jun 30, 2006
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    If Banchero is as good as some of the Banchero fans describe him to be, he wouldn't make it to three or two.
    I trust Stone with the draft so I'm not going to make a big deal about this guy or that guy. Still wanting Chet though.

    But I'll play along to 'building' a team 'around' Banchero and 'liking it'

    for me to like it, everyone is going to have to take a leap forward defensively.
    Green's work ethic will have him improving his defense, which he did through the 2nd half.
    Take Sengun out of the 5th world gyms in Turkey and he's going to get stronger to go with that motor he has.

    KPJ was one of the best on the ball defenders for this team which is not saying much but the want/ effort is there.

    Howevaaaah, we're going to need a starting small forward that can lock down everything from SG to PGs

    A taller Caleb Martin type

    The bench will have a lot of defense but still be missing a rim protector.
    Tate/ Garuba/Christopher/ KM/ Eric Gordon--he ain't leaving.

    If it fails. Oh no! looks like we have a chance at drafting France's greatest prospect.
    cmoak1982 likes this.

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