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Tilman Fertitta: Rockets expect to make ‘big move’ by 2023-24 season

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by madbomber, May 5, 2022.

  1. RHU525

    RHU525 Member
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    Sep 9, 2002
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    What are you even talking about? I'm not talking about hypothetical deals. I'm talking about regular season depth. Ryan Anderson for example was also a key part of our 65 win team. He was overpaid like crazy, but he still added depth to keep the team fresh for the post season. Then Tillman turns around and trades him and Melton who is tearing up right now for Memphis and another first for Brandon Knight? We already had 2 of the best PGs in the league. Then he's gonna try to convince us its something other than LTS. Give me a break. Then the year after we gonna trade Brandon Knight and another first round for Shumpert? Like what? Iman Shumpert is not worth a first round pick. Another great LTS move. Then on top of that he agrees to a contract extension that summer then he renegs on the deal and Shumpert is pissed. Morey had to do some crazy gymnastics with NENE's deal that the NBA vetoes. Then he plays a contract game with Danuel House over 300k. Cuz he can't spend the extra LTS money.

    The warriors paid more in Luxury tax than our entire roster. 250 million dollars or something. And Tillman wanted to keep us under the line cuz he was dead broke. Explain how Harden by himself is suppose to make up that big of a difference. They just had better players cuz they were willing to spend. And they actually got to draft first round picks to develop cuz they didn't cheap out and trade for LTS.

    I would respect Tillman more if he just came in and said I have no money and we are going to do the best we can. Instead he stands up in front of the fans and lies about how hes going to improve the team only to do the exact opposite every year.

    Every other team had means of getting better and catching up to our team and we let key assets go every year.

    Tell me why Morey, Tad Brown, Dantoni and Harden all quit on us if it wasn't for Tillman. Like nothing else makes sense. His entire staff now works for the Sixers after saying they needed a personal break. Instead they took 0 break and went to another team immediately and played him like a fool.
  2. YOLO

    YOLO Member

    Apr 16, 2012
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    go back and reread the post i reposted from you. We're having the same exact conversation with someone who has no idea whats going on which is my point. and it wasn't a hypothetical deal. It was actually confirmed on the table.

    everything you just posted is exactly what's wrong with this idiot owner, which I have also highlighted for years
    RHU525 likes this.
  3. RHU525

    RHU525 Member
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    Sep 9, 2002
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    My bad I thought you were him lol. Clown has to be related to Tillman.
  4. Landry's Tooth

    Dec 31, 2020
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    You're defending Harden's actions...

    Fertitta made some mistakes trusting his basketball people but his decision making has been defensible in hindsight.

    Ariza was done. Harden was out of shape. Wall has a better additude than Russ and were were paid to take him.

    Maybe not dealing veterans at the deadline; but i understand the logic in having some vets mixed in with the young guys. Also, how much if Rafa and how much Fertitta meddling?

    I'm agnostic on Fertitta. He's spending money and that's what you expect from ownership...
  5. YOLO

    YOLO Member

    Apr 16, 2012
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  6. Le$$

    Le$$ Member

    May 28, 2016
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    We gettin Wiggins. woo hoo. lol
  7. kubli9

    kubli9 Member
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    Mar 30, 2002
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    Man, you must really be a one-tooth Landry's supporter, but I'm thinking Joe's Crab Shack is more your speed.
  8. MorningZippo

    MorningZippo Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    I mean, I guess you're right. He is spending money. You can't buy a sports team for free after all.

    That's not really spending money though. That's like saying he had to buy week old shrimp instead of fresh shrimp at his subpar restaurants. Food isn't free, but spending money is more like buying decent ingredients instead of ****.
  9. Fullcourt

    Fullcourt Member

    Nov 16, 2007
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    That’s a good question. We need to be looking at stars that fit our timeline, not the 30+ year olds. Hopefully there’s a falling out with someone in this next season. It’s a shame New Orleans seems to have turned things around, there has been rumblings of Zion wanting out for a couple years now, and that would be such a great get. Still , look at how quickly things went south with the recent star trades (Harden, Paul George, Davis, etc). These things happen suddenly, we just need to stay ready.
  10. Landry's Tooth

    Dec 31, 2020
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    There's a lot to unpack here... ryan anderson was done as a player. He and Ariza were our two of our 3 worst offensive players in the 2018 playoffs. He was a liability on defense and he lost his shot. He played in 27 games in the nba total after they dumped him. It was a trash for trash trade.

    You're obsessing over not paying bad players?

    Do you hear yourself?

    If you have one bad player and can trade them for a cheaper bad player why wouldn't you?

    That's money that can be used to make a difference later when it's wasted otherwise...

    Did you learn nothing from the Astros rebuild?

    Btw, those guys probably wanted out because they torpedoed the future with the Westbrook deal and weren't going to be allowed to give Harden whatever he wanted done as a result. It was a chance at a reset on their careers.

    If i was their boss i wouldn't be happy with their job. Morey was an excellent GM but he went too far appeasing Harden much like bad GMs would appease Lebron....
  11. Landry's Tooth

    Dec 31, 2020
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    Explain what he should have spent money on?????

    All ive seen are suggestions to have extended ryan anderson, ariza, and luc when they have all done nothing in the league since..

    They had no cap space. Harden made them trade Paul for his pal... they had no leverage...

    Fertitta's mistake was not stepping in to stop them from appeasing Harden with a dumb deal.
  12. Landry's Tooth

    Dec 31, 2020
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    This is just stupid... here's the spending ranking out of 30 teams since Tillman purchase the Rockets...


    Top half of the league every year and he's rebuilding right now.

    You have a very limited view of the league... there are far cheaper owners out there...

    So far this year they will outspend the knicks, mavericks, and spurs...

    You are literally incorrect.
  13. YOLO

    YOLO Member

    Apr 16, 2012
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    yeah @sealclubber1016 is right. There's a clear dumbass in here who has no idea wtf he is talking about. probably one of the worse ones yet. patrick really has a burner or one of his friends on here yapping
  14. Rashmon

    Rashmon Member

    Jun 2, 2000
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    I'm hoping the "big move" references improvement and maturation of the young guys in their ability to compete being a big move forward, rather than personnel moves. But, it is Tilman, so...
  15. RHU525

    RHU525 Member
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    Sep 9, 2002
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    You hold onto those bad contracts and trade them when they are expiring. When the value is at the peak. Not dump them
    With picks for nothing when their values are at an all time low. Anderson was unplayable in the playoffs everyone knows that. But it doesn't mean we couldn't use him the regular season to weather the storm of 82 games. Instead harden was out there with likes of James Ennis, James Nunnally, Austin Rivers, Danuel House, Kenneth Faried and countless other scrubs that other teams just casted off.

    Do you know nothing of a salary cap? Gordon, Harden, Capela, CP3 basically had us at the cap line with just four players. Dumping your only contracts you have bird rights to and never using the MLE means we can never use that money again. Cuz it's against the rules.

    Rockets were better off signing Ariza and Keeping Anderson using those two expiring deals and the 5 first round picks we wasted to acquire an actual 3rd star. But it was impossible to do once Anderson and Ariza left.
    Der Rabbi, larsv8 and YOLO like this.
  16. RHU525

    RHU525 Member
    Supporting Member

    Sep 9, 2002
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    Lol you gotta be related to Fertita to think this. All he's done since he's taken over is cut cost. From GM to coach to players to staff ar Toyota Center. Which son of his are you? No one believes this trash you are spewing.
    YOLO likes this.
  17. Landry's Tooth

    Dec 31, 2020
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    Ryan Anderson wasn't a help to any team in the regular season. He barely ever played in the nba again.

    That's fine you believe there was a star to get for Ariza and Anderson. Who? I just looked... it would have been Porzingis or Harrison Barnes. Butler was traded that November... i don't think they would have been allowed to trade them that soon. Even so, they wanted nba talent in Covington over picks.

    I'm not sure why you overpay those guys and hope to unload your picks is a plan...

    They unloaded Capela for Covington so I'm sure if Anthony Davis was available they would have parted with capela...

    Can you just admit Ariza and Anderson were shot as players and wouldn't have contributed?

    I get it that 30 million dumped on them for the 10% chance you can trade them for a star is a plan... i don't think it would have worked, but maybe somehow it would have...
  18. Landry's Tooth

    Dec 31, 2020
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    Top 10 in payroll...

    You made the claims, what's your source?

    All I've seen are trolls whining about him being cheap but no one explains how and cites evidence...

    Didn't he pay Moray AND his replacement?

    I would like to believe you but you are contradicting reality with many of your statements...
  19. Landry's Tooth

    Dec 31, 2020
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    So the reality is your plan is stupid because they should have been traded the year prior as expiring contracts for someone that wouldn't have cratered in the 2018 playoffs... you're a year late using your logic...
  20. larsv8

    larsv8 Member

    Nov 11, 2007
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    Pay 10th in payroll, expect tenth in results.

    Patrick, you are not fooling anybody.

    Your dad is one of the worst three owners in the league.
    Der Rabbi and YOLO like this.

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