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Assessing the trade value of the Rockets players in terms of this Draft

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Clutch, Mar 22, 2022.

  1. groovemachine

    groovemachine Member

    Jun 29, 2006
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    o_O Sengun is easily the most overrated player on this forum. There's a reason he went 16.
    Wulaw Horn likes this.
  2. cmoak1982

    cmoak1982 Member
    Supporting Member

    Jul 13, 2012
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    He has a unique skill set and extremely high upside. Him and Jalen are equals
  3. hajkov

    hajkov Consummate Member

    Jun 17, 2003
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    There is also a reason he is top 5-6 in any re-draft article you find in the internet.

    Of course there is hype. We are fans.

    But it is unquestionable his bb talent and iq.
    The man was the MVP at age 18 in the 3rd or 4th best league in the world.
  4. Easy

    Easy Boban Only Fan
    Supporting Member

    Jul 23, 2002
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    Some of you undervalue our players simply because you don't want them here. You should look at it from the other teams' POV.

    We want to get rid of Wood and Gordon ASAP but they are good role players for good teams. I'd ask for a mid FRP for each of them. The problem is, good teams may not have a mid FRP to give.

    Trading Sengun is risky. He can become a special player. The risk is high enough for me to ask for a high return -- top 6 pick. Few teams would take it though.

    KPJ is a decent rotation player but has no trade value because of his time bomb reputation. I'd take anything for him. Or I'd just keep him and see how he will develop.

    Martin, Tate, and Mathews are scrappy guys good to have off the bench. You find this kind of players at late first round and early second round.
    heypartner, napalm06, Boii and 6 others like this.
  5. SamFisher

    SamFisher Member

    Apr 14, 2003
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    He isn't that high at this point.

    Barnes Mobley
    Cunningham Green
    Giddey Wagner

    Is roughly the top tier

    Then you have Dosonmu, Herb Jones (who nobody apparently has heard of, but is actually good, believe me people) Kuminga (who is getting tons of hype recently) and Sengun in the next tier.
  6. ThatBoyNick

    ThatBoyNick Member

    Dec 8, 2011
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    What pick would you be confident in replacing him with? Look at the draft board, look at the prospects, and what point would you stop saying "yeah that guy is probably going to be a better player"?

    For me, it's Chet, Smith, Ivey, Banchero, Murray, Mathurin, after that there isn't a prospect I'd feel confident I'd be willing to swap Sengun for, that means I'd want at least a top 6 pick for him if I HAD to trade him.

    Where's your marker?

    mikenm268 and Wulaw Horn like this.
  7. SamFisher

    SamFisher Member

    Apr 14, 2003
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    Depends on the fit and the player - Probably all you mentioned, plus Duren or some other late riser that fills a crying need next to Green (shotblocking or outside shooting)
    groovemachine likes this.
  8. flamingdts

    flamingdts Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    It feels like some of our players' values can only be realized when packaged with other players.

    For example, Tate by himself is not going to net you a FRP, but if you package Tate with Gordon, I can see teams giving up mid-first rounders and additional assets.

    Same for Wood and Gordon. I think their value is greatest when packaged together, so getting a quality FRP with just Gordon or Wood will be difficult. However, if you package both together, the Rockets could probably walk away with at least 1 quality FRP, and perhaps 1 or 2 protected picks and second rounders. The Rockets will be taking back deadweight salary as well to make it work.
  9. Aruba77

    Aruba77 Member

    Jul 7, 1999
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    Clutch, who’s gonna trade a late first for KPJ at this point? Do u really think there’s a market for him? It feels like someone might throw us a 2nd or wait for him to get cut, but that’s it.

    I think your valuation for everyone else is spot on. I’d keep KJ rather than a late 1st. I don’t really like a lot of the prospects after 5 or 6 so I’d rather keep Sengun.
  10. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    Kevin Porter - Late #1
    Christian Wood - Late lottery
    Jae’Sean Tate - Late #1
    Eric Gordon - Future #1 (lottery protected)
    Alpo Sengun - top 9 pick this year
    Josh Christopher - late lottery pick
    Garrison Matthews - Whataburger
    KJ Martin - Future #1

    Honestly if I were the Rockets I would try to cobble together some assets to get another pick in the top 10 this year to get Eason to play the 3/4…. He fits well with Holmgren/Smith or Ivey.

    The other thing I would look at is the future 1st from the Lakers. Gordon, Wood, Mathews and Tate all are great fits for the Lakers.
    luckyman76 and ThrillaNManilla like this.
  11. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    Tari Eason… I would take him over Sengun… Benedict Mathurin… somewhere in the 10 spot.

    Mathurin I think just has more talent and Eason I think is a far better fit than Sengun…
    groovemachine likes this.
  12. fattz

    fattz Member

    Oct 27, 2009
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    Wood & Gordon would be a big cap hit to any team.

    Tate / Martin / Garuba / Christopher / Mathews and even Porter can added to almost any deal. Christopher / Martin & Garuba would have to be a very nice return to move them.

    Dream Trade:
    Wood + Tate / Porter (sub any or all of the before mentioned)
    #4 AJ Griffin or better along with a bad long term contract.
  13. mikenm268

    mikenm268 Member

    Aug 1, 2018
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    If we are fortunate enough to trade Wood, CF nation is going to be very disappointed with the return. Porzingis is a 7’3” two-way, better player than Wood, and the Mavs traded KP + a 2nd for:

    -Zero 1sts
    -Spencer Dinwiddie
    -The privilege of paying Davis Bertans for the next four (!) seasons

    The market for injury-prone, talented-but-flawed, stretch-shooting bigs has been set, and it ain’t what some of you all want.

    Before you come at me with ‘Wood is on a way better contract!’, read the ‘Spencer Dinwiddie and Davis Bertans’ portion of the above again. We’d be lucky to get a late first with protections for Wood. I’d still take it too. That dude is a walking empty box score with the wrong vibe to have around our rooks.
    glenadyll, Boii, Richie_Rich and 3 others like this.
  14. BonziWellsGOAT

    Oct 22, 2013
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    You're smoking some strong sht if you think KPJ is getting you a lottery or Mathews is hitting a 1st. No shot
    groovemachine and cmoak1982 like this.
  15. rimrocker

    rimrocker Member

    Dec 22, 1999
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    I see what you did there.
    Easy, BigggReddd and don grahamleone like this.
  16. Mathloom

    Mathloom Shameless Optimist
    Supporting Member

    Oct 4, 2008
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    Kevin Porter Jr. > I would accept an overpay of a late first rounder, otherwise I'd rather keep
    Christian Wood > #12 pick
    Jae'Sean Tate > #12 pick
    Eric Gordon > Any first rounder
    Alperen Sengun > #2
    KJ Martin > #12 pick
    Garrison Mathews > Any first rounder

    Setting price slightly high, but that's because I know we have the "All I have is time" leverage over every other team. We need to package Woods and Matthews: affordable and brings a tremendous amount of shooting to your team. Could get a top 10 pick for that imo.

    We went with 4 picks last draft, I think we should try for 2-3 in this draft and end the tank. Why pick many players over many years when you have two deep back to back drafts? Stone would be smart to push all his chips in and let these guys develop together early before he enters the Max FA market next summer. We'll really know what we have before spending big money.

    Jabari and Tyty would seal the tank for me.
    Boii likes this.
  17. HorryForThree

    HorryForThree Member

    Jan 5, 2001
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    I think you nailed it. The only quip I'd have is with Sengun. I don't think he's worth a late lotto yet and suspect he'd probably get us a late first if we tried to move him. He's in a weird place where he's young and intriguing but hasn't shown enough to warrant that type of draft capital unless you're just not very high on what's available in the draft. So to me he's one of those players who is not trade worthy because his value hasn't materialized yet.
    groovemachine likes this.
  18. groovemachine

    groovemachine Member

    Jun 29, 2006
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    I put 12 earlier, I'd revise that to top 10. I'm probably not giving him enough credit for his offensive potential. I'd have to consider guys like Griffin, Duren, and Sharpe in addition to the 6 you mentioned. Plus trading him for a pick this year would give the team an extra year of control. I think he was a steal at 16 but don't think he's a top 10 talent honestly, due to defensive deficiencies.
  19. groovemachine

    groovemachine Member

    Jun 29, 2006
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    No doubt, I'm a Sengun fan, I thought he should have gone 8th last year. But guys saying they would need a top 2 or top 4 pick for him are overlooking his flaws imo. I'd take guys like Ivey, Banchero, Murray, Griffin, arguably even Duren or Sharpe over Sengun. He's in the talent range of guys like Agbaji and Washington in this draft imo. So that's around 10-12 I would think. Plus you have to consider the pick this year would be under a rookie contract for an additional year.
    hajkov likes this.
  20. don grahamleone

    Aug 11, 2001
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    I'll play your silly little awesome game.

    Kevin Porter Jr. - 30th or 31st (Leave at halftime, learn your lesson and I will care about you. Substitution moping 15 games later, bye.)
    Christian Wood - 42nd
    Jae'Sean Tate - 24th
    Eric Gordon - 20th
    Alperen Sengun - 3rd
    KJ Martin - 24th
    Garrison Mathews - red nose 1st pick, without the red nose... 31st

    Now that I've answered, I'll read all of your pathetic answers... mind you, you are not pathetic. Our team is so the draft pick values are pathetic.

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