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Kamala is no joke; will vote for her again

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by KingCheetah, Jul 2, 2021.

  1. jiggyfly

    jiggyfly Member

    Jul 2, 2015
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    If you actually think I am trying to pick a fight, what are you doing by spamming multiple threads?

    No I am not trying to pick a fight, just commenting on how desperate for attention you are and how sad it makes you seem.
  2. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Member
    Supporting Member

    May 2, 2014
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    you win. I concede
  3. jiggyfly

    jiggyfly Member

    Jul 2, 2015
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    So you really are turning into that guy.

    You hate Biden just as much as any right-winger, the only thing egregious about that list is the best economy ever.

    It's people like you that will keep Republicans in power because if it's not exactly the way you want things you will just take your ball and go home.

    You damn well know that is not linked to Biden admin but could not help yourself.

    If this what is going on in Lefty Liberal circles, we are ****ed.

    Gonna be a lot of people staying home out of spite and I guess moving to Canada.
  4. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    This is why we can't have nice things. Generalizing the left much here?

    Anyways, if you sincerely believe I "hate" Biden as much as a right winger, then you either are trolling me or hopelessly out of touch.

    Me not cheerleading a president doesn't mean I think he's as bad as what conservatives believe.

    Just for your comfort, Biden is leagues beyond Trump in terms of quality of a human.
  5. IBTL

    IBTL Member
    Supporting Member

    Nov 22, 2010
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    Biden is no joke will vote for him again

    I like that boom boom pow


    Harder, faster, better, stronger
    Sexing ladies, extra longer


  6. IBTL

    IBTL Member
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    Nov 22, 2010
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    deb4rockets likes this.
  7. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    This again is misleading. Trump inherited an economy that was growing for a while in terms of gdp. Therefore the rate of change for growth would be slower. Biden inherited an economy eviscerated by the pandemic so when lockdowns ended towards the beginning of Biden's presidency there was just a lot more headroom for rapid gpd growth.

    I only make this a point because these were the same slight of hand tactics used by the Trump admin in terms of excluding context with economic numbers.
    Astrodome, STR8Thugg and IBTL like this.
  8. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Member
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    May 2, 2014
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  9. Salvy

    Salvy Member

    Nov 10, 2009
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  10. rocketsjudoka

    rocketsjudoka Member
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    Jul 24, 2007
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    I agree there should be more context to this and it's pretty much propaganda. That said the message does need to get out that the Biden Admin isn't the failure that many would believe it to be. It's had several successes. That doesn't mean there aren't problems and they could do much better but it's not what many others are portraying it to be.
  11. IBTL

    IBTL Member
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    Nov 22, 2010
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    Here we go. here we go ..satellite radio
    Y'all gettin' hit with the ..boom boom



    No Worries and adoo like this.
  12. IBTL

    IBTL Member
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    Nov 22, 2010
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    into the future cyber tron


    im on that supersonic biden boom
    Y'all hear that spaceship zoom
    Nook and dobro1229 like this.
  13. deb4rockets

    deb4rockets Member
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    Oct 8, 2013
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    We need two new candidates in the next election. America can do better. That being said, if our choices are Biden and Trump in the next election Biden gets my vote. Trump was the worst President in history. He was, and always will be a complete disaster of a President.

    Looking back at recent presidents, this development is particularly troubling for Biden, as he has the second-lowest approval rating of any president one-year in. Only Donald Trump, whose approval rating was in the high 30s, had a lower rating.


  14. STR8Thugg

    STR8Thugg STR8Thugg Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    I can't believe I'm agreeing with you about something, but you're spot on with your posts in the last couple of pages that I read. Context is everything. It's nice to know someone else out their can look through the propaganda and not blindly support someone just bc it aligns with their political party.

    This blind, over the top loyalty to political parties and affiliations is offensive. The blind left and right are both equally bad. Ignorant as can be. Garbage.

    If only GW got his wish back in the day. Political parties are the absolute worst invention in the history of politics.
    fchowd0311 and IBTL like this.
  15. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Member
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    May 2, 2014
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    so you're saying Trump
  16. IBTL

    IBTL Member
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    Nov 22, 2010
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    It's like joe rogan satellite radio ya'll getting hit with the boom boom

    Not buying huh? It's fine Biden is a placeholder
    So you aren't voting for Biden next time?

    #bidenboom not doing it for you? Can you hear that space ship zoom? @tinman
  17. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    There is no question in my mind I'm voting for whoever the Democrat candidate is for president.

    That's the nature of the two party system. Everything the GOP represents I'm against. I'm only against like 50% of what the DNC represents.
    deb4rockets and IBTL like this.
  18. IBTL

    IBTL Member
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    Nov 22, 2010
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    I agree and we will see what str8thug says..

    I find it funny and pathetic when people want to say what you are saying and try to get all nuanced about some candidate then turn around and vote orange.

    It's a joke and how often you see it here where it's some weird ass orange defense and somehow now it's 'i didn't vote for him' and against political parties but will vote for orange we all know..

    Gimme a break
  19. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    What this poll doesn't tell you and honestly Trump's polling didn't tell you is the depletion of approval ratings from the further reaches of the party. Yes there is a few points that comes from the middle in both cases, but for the most part the approval ratings when it comes to choice isn't what it shows here.

    That said, I think Biden being LBJ without Vietnam is not necessarily a bad thing as you are right the country needs new blood, and a fresh start. With so little time though I just don't see that as a reality. Trump is almost certainly the party nominee, and right now the way the right is if Trump isn't the nominee whoever is would be further to the right of him. Namely Tucker Carlson would be the mold I can see overtaking Trump. So I think it's a real reality that with all the choices out there, like in 2016, the Biden coalition is the way to go IF there is an existential crisis of authoritarianism on the right, and the rest of the country needs to hold together 100 different political factions.

    If Trump or someone worse emerges, and is being covered daily like a nominee would, I suspect Biden's approval would go waaaayyyy up. I think Biden would benefit though with Congress having new blood and at least having Chuck Schumer replaced with a stronger leader in the Senate, and maybe having someone like Hakeem Jefferies take over as House leader (hopefully speaker). Biden would benefit greatly from not having the visual of standing next to Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi as the 3 party leaders. Biden standing next to Hakeem Jefferies, and maybe Corey Booker or Amy Klobachar I think would be a much better presentation of the party to the next generation of voters they need to turn out.
    deb4rockets likes this.
  20. STR8Thugg

    STR8Thugg STR8Thugg Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    I will probably not be voting, which is what I did last time as well. I realize many people think this is worse than being an extremist, but I hate to break it to you, your vote doesn't matter. At all. Our political system is broken. I suppose you could argue that if you live in one of those vitally important swing counties, then it could potentially matter, maybe, but I don't.

    Election after election the political machine pumps out worse and worse and worse candidates. They are all horrible, corrupt, and out of touch with 95% of the country, and I can't bring myself to get behind any of it. We seriously live in a world where people are saying: "well Biden's not that bad, at least he isn't Trump." Sure, that's fine, but the reality is our choice was a orange alien, with breathtaking narcissistic personality traits, who is an absolute embarrassment to everyone in this country, vs. an 80 year old, senile, white, bourgeoisie, career politician who more than likely is a figurehead for what is really going on behind the scenes. It's a complete disgrace. I've lost all confidence in our government and the populace. It's douche vs. turd sandwich.

    IBTL likes this.

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