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ClutchFans Game Thread: Rockets @ Warriors 1/21/2022

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Clutch, Jan 20, 2022.

  1. sirjesse

    sirjesse The Udoker has spoken!
    Supporting Member

    Sep 29, 2002
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    Lucas after the game:

    if you just made one more play, just one of you out of the whole team, you would have been undefeated last night. Matthews, you did miss the last shot and allowed some warriors to push you in the stands with no foul called. Don’t worry though team game baby! Be undefeated next game!
    D-rock and hakeem94 like this.
  2. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
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    Mar 14, 1999
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    I think posts like this are of a "Jalen only" fan's perspective.

    If you were going by whom is the better player - and going by - meritocracies, KPJ would be starting, and Green would be on the bench.

    Weird how Brooks and Mathews can come in and contribute with KPJ at the point, by moving off the ball but Green can't....

    No one is hampering Green other than himself.

    Make him earn it.

    jiggyfly, D-rock and cdxiong like this.
  3. hakeem94

    hakeem94 Member

    Sep 23, 2016
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  4. Stephen_A

    Stephen_A Member

    Mar 18, 2016
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    Not my point. The organization has made a commitment to KPJ as a reclamation project playing him as a PG. This is the direction they chose. This may have hindered Green’s development a bit and doesn’t allow him to make plays or have the ball in his hands in situations he otherwise would have if KPJ isn’t there. I think it’s difficult to play a guy who isn’t a pg who is mistake prone and needs the ball with a scoring shooting guard who needs the ball. And Wood further compounds this issue with his touches. I never said Green was great. I never said he doesn’t make mistakes. But we have seen him make great reads and plays attacking the paint, something that KPJ lacks. I think the organization made the wrong decision in drafting him at 2 but forcing him to play behind KPJ.
  5. sirjesse

    sirjesse The Udoker has spoken!
    Supporting Member

    Sep 29, 2002
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    John Lucas at the next practice:

    DeBeards, D-rock, cheke64 and 2 others like this.
  6. Stephen_A

    Stephen_A Member

    Mar 18, 2016
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    Brooks and Matthews aren’t the same type of players. Green needs the ball in his hands to create and make plays, which is my point. There’s a log jam between Wood KPJ and Green for touches. Matthews and Brooks are spot up shooters coming off of off ball screens and flares. While Green does this his game is also dribble drive and make plays and i do think that is his own reluctance and lack of comfort in this offense playing behind KPJ and Wood. Hopefully there’s a harmony and they all can thrive but it hasn’t been working and looks very much out of synch on the court.
  7. Joe Rocket

    Joe Rocket Member

    Dec 11, 2020
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    It wouldnt matter if you dont put them in the position to utilize those things. Thats why some players look great on one team and horrible on others.
    #1147 Joe Rocket, Jan 22, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2022
    hakeem94 likes this.
  8. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
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    Mar 14, 1999
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    Well you may be right in that the org may eventually need to chose between Green and KPJ, probably should have taken Mobley...


    Yes, I getcha now, they do both need the ball at this point in their careers, and KPJ is much better on the ball than Green is at this time, doesn't mean he always will be, but he is.

    Green has a lot to work on, they should work on that to see if maybe he and KPJ can coexist...

    I also think KPJ has a lot to work on.....neither is a finished product....

    #1148 DaDakota, Jan 22, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2022
    hakeem94 and Stephen_A like this.
  9. Joe Rocket

    Joe Rocket Member

    Dec 11, 2020
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    This is not true, he said that was the case BEFORE. HE SAID HE IS READY NOW. And that was almost 2 months ago. I really hate when people dont pay attention to quotes and then use them wrong later to fit their needs.
    hakeem94 likes this.
  10. DasouthDakota

    DasouthDakota Rookie

    Nov 22, 2009
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    i bet they don’t nitpick segun the same way. He’ll turn the ball over, miss shots, foul and get abused on defense; but people will praise him and bloviate about how hard he sets picks
    Stephen_A likes this.
  11. hakeem94

    hakeem94 Member

    Sep 23, 2016
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    you cant nitpick sengun because he doesnt get regular playing time as these 2 if he were getting their playing time hed be ROY by wide margin and an MVP contender

    sengun is getting the crumbs... not even lebron would look great playing 12 minutes a night after being injured for 2 weeks previously and getting PT crumbs for half a year now...
    Joe Rocket likes this.
  12. Stephen_A

    Stephen_A Member

    Mar 18, 2016
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    Yeah unfortunately KPJ is in the picture and yes as much as I dislike KPJ he is still better than Green at this point.
  13. Stephen_A

    Stephen_A Member

    Mar 18, 2016
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    Sengun has been terrible as of late. Not sure what the issue is. While I think he can be a really good player, I saw a lot of things he isn’t doing and never bought into all the hype and commotion about him.
    DasouthDakota likes this.
  14. NewAge

    NewAge Member

    Aug 4, 2013
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    Yes. And I think after the next possession Josh was taken out!!
  15. eliefor3

    eliefor3 Member

    Mar 8, 2019
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    I don't completely disagree with you but you just used two players who are going to make a living off of catch and shoot to try to reason why green should play well. Greens game is totally diff than Matthews and Brooks and his type of game does get hurt more.
    Green should get blame for missing shots that's not on kpj but where he is positioned on offense has to do with coaching and when he gets the ball is affected by players.
    Stephen_A likes this.
  16. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
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    Jan 23, 2013
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    In no way is KPJ playing well "hindering" Green's development. That's just an absurd take on its face. Green isn't a playmaker, he's not a primary ball handler. If they just gave the ball to Green and told him to wing it, he'd probably average 10 turnovers a game.....and then you'd accuse them of setting him up to fail.

    The Green fanbois like to say that KPJ isn't a PG.....but compared to Jalen Green, he's CP3.

    KPJ has had 2 turnovers to 16 assists in the last 2 games where Green was the worst player on the team.....I get that you feel you have to attack other players when Jalen Green looks pathetic, but this ain't it guy.

    Right now Green can't handle the ball, he can't shoot, he can't defend.....he can't play. Now sure he's good for the occasional flashy highlight dunk, but he honestly has no business being a starter in the NBA right now. About the only thing he's good for is attacking in transition where he can use his speed....and helping the team tank by putting him in during the 4th quarter to ensure the Rockets lose.
    solid, NewAge and hakeem94 like this.
  17. hakeem94

    hakeem94 Member

    Sep 23, 2016
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    same case as you, not thinking too much, thats why your post rarely look good

    cant play good if you dont play its kind a logical...

    but take your time and perhaps some bad coaching by the worse thinking coaches, then you might start to think better

    or perhaps you had a brain injury so doctors werent allowing you to think for 2 weeks straight before writing this?
  18. HorryForThree

    HorryForThree Member

    Jan 5, 2001
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    I wish he had more moves at the rim. He has like one or two, which are easy to disrupt. If he can figure that out, he'll immediately be a 20ppg player.

    The other thing he has to do is improve his dribble. Right now he does a quick side to side move to get to the hoop, and he's so fast that it works a lot but sometimes doesn't. He needs to get more crossovers in his arsenal (that's one thing Harden expanded A LOT throughout his career). What really makes the stars of this league different is their ability to handle the ball. Green has a way to go on this topic.
    NewAge likes this.
  19. Stephen_A

    Stephen_A Member

    Mar 18, 2016
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    Im right you are wrong. You are stupid. Resentment Disrespect disrespect disrespect behind a keyboard over sports name calling name calling I am smarter than you. Repeat
  20. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
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    Jan 23, 2013
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    It's good that you didn't even attempt to make a coherent argument against anything I said.

    I consider that a concession of the points I just made.
    hakeem94 likes this.

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