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The Jalen Green Experience is Coming

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Mathloom, Nov 9, 2021.

  1. dmoneybangbang

    May 5, 2012
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    Corey Brewer has played + 18000 NBA minutes and Green has played 907 minutes….

    And yet you want to compare their shooting.
  2. DatRocketFan

    DatRocketFan Member

    Mar 15, 2015
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    U really don't throw labels like choker, cold blooded or streaky shooters for rookies. Hell even the bust doesn't get thrown out as early as it did for Green compared to other rookies.

    Boobythegreat ridicules people who threw out the superstar/star label for Green, reasonable it quite early. But he does the exact same bs on the opposite spectrum and thinks he is unbias.

    Honestly such a small sample size to call a player anything. Green is trending in a positive direction though no matter what bs slander boobydagreat says.
    TheRealist137 likes this.
  3. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
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    Jan 23, 2013
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    You can feel free to continue crying about the past where I was overly mean to a troll....but you've gotta know it's not something that bothers me. I mean....you do right?

    As to other sites, sure, I got banned from BattleRedBlog over disagreeing with the masthead about their draft crush "the next Aaron Rodgers" Teddy Bridgewater. They were about as stupid when it comes to him as you are about Green. When you put people like you in charge of a blog, those kinds of things happen....but again, do you think that's something that I'd worry about? Tim being a scumbag has nothing at all to do with me.

    Now, I've spelled all of this out for you, care to move on.....back on topic perhaps?

    If we're changing definitions because you haven't followed basketball enough to know them.....that just means Green isn't a shooter either. Is that the argument you are trying to make? That Green isn't "streaky", he's "not a shooter"?


    I think it's far more accurate to say that he's simply a streaky rather than good shooter at this point in his career.....but by all means, if you don't know basketball enough to know what those words mean, we can say he's simply not a shooter.
    hakeem94 likes this.
  4. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
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    Jan 23, 2013
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    I ridicule people for throwing out inaccurate labels. Green is not a star or superstar caliber player right now. He IS a streaky shooter though. He IS a raw, hyper athletic prospect.

    Call people what they are when they are that thing. Saying that he's a streaky shooter today does not mean that he'll always be a streaky shooter. He could certainly develop into a quality shooter one day....he's just not one right now.

    I know, that goes over the head of some of our more simple minded posters, but I'm hoping most people can follow that logic.
  5. mightybosstone

    Feb 19, 2014
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    So I know the popular thing is to use a thread like this to bicker among ourselves like children and make claims that someone is a "[insert player name here] only fan," but I'm going to mix it up and actually talk about basketball in a way that's not demeaning to each other and without the unnecessary use of memes, if that's OK.

    Green's shooting has been abysmal in January—39.5% from the floor and 28.6% from the 3-point line. That's obvious, and no one is debating it or could debate it. But he's doing two things well this month that early on we were all begging for: rebounding and getting to the foul line. Aside from the big offensive rebound last night, he's just crashing the boards much better than he was early on in the year. He's had at least five rebounds in four of his last seven games, and he's averaging 3.9 boards a game, up from 2.7 in November—his last full-ish month. And he's attacking way more and drawing more contact, getting to the line 4.7 times per game this month compared to 3.5 in November.

    It's a beautiful thing when those two things happen in tandem, when he gets a rebound and attacks, going coast to coast for a bucket. I want to see more of that moving forward. And if you're looking for some growth or some positives in a month that has not been great for him, I'd say those are worth noting. If he keeps this up and can bump those averages up in the second half of the season and hit some shots a little more efficiently like he did last night, he'd be on his way to having a solid rookie campaign.
  6. DatRocketFan

    DatRocketFan Member

    Mar 15, 2015
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    Green is not a star or superstar caliber player right now. Sure that is reasonable take that some posters were throwing inaccurate labels dye to small sample size
    And u somehow label mathews as a star. Like u say reasonable sht but your posts does not back what u r saying.

    Mathews is streaky as fk yet somehow he gets the star label from u. Nor do I seen u use streaky to criticize him either.

    bias showing. Ridiculing posters for being delusional Jalen fans for hyping him up and here u go giving out the star label willy nilly for Garrison mathews of all players.
    #1546 DatRocketFan, Jan 17, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2022
    18pbr and dmoneybangbang like this.
  7. dmoneybangbang

    May 5, 2012
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    Lol. You went after a poster’s special need child.

    But why would you put a label like that on Green when he has only played a few games?

    Brewer was a terrible comparison. Just deal with it instead of trying to move the goal posts.
    cbass likes this.
  8. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
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    Jan 23, 2013
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    My point all along is that you don't understand what the labels mean.

    You aren't a "streaky" shooter if you are hitting 38% of your 3's....a 38% 3 point shooter can have a bad night, but if they maintain that high percentage over their ENTIRE CAREER, it would be incredibly stupid to call them "streaky".

    The label "streaky" is one you give to players who maintain poor overall 3 point percentages but can occasionally get really hot from 3 and have outlier games that way.

    So....you know, a kid shooting 30% from 3 that is capable of going 8 for 10 from 3 would EASILY fit into that definition.

    When I made the post about the Rockets "young star guards" saving the day last night with their efficient scoring, it was CLEARLY lounge in cheek. KPJ and Mathews had a very good game from a scoring efficiency standpoint.....and the joke is that every time Green has a halfway decent game it is used as evidence that he's the next Kobe.

    I don't actually think KPJ or Mathews are "star" caliber players....the Rockets don't really have any. If anyone would catch that label it would be Wood or Gordon.

    I do think that the Rockets have some young guys with a lot of potential and KPJ, Mathews, Sengun, Green, and even KMJ would fit into that category.
  9. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
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    Jan 23, 2013
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    Because it's an accurate label based on what we've seen from him......and the Brewer comparison is accurate, even if you aren't capable of understanding it. I have no doubt that quite a few things go over your head.
  10. dmoneybangbang

    May 5, 2012
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    It’s really not, it’s just a continuation of your Green “take”. Their games are different…..

    Green is already 2 free throws away from matching Brewer’s rookie total…. And Green missed almost a month. It just tells me you aren’t trying to compare similar basketball players but find insulting comparisons.
    cbass likes this.
  11. DatRocketFan

    DatRocketFan Member

    Mar 15, 2015
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    You aren't a "streaky" shooter if you are hitting 38% of your 3's....a 38% 3 point shooter can have a bad night, but if they maintain that high percentage over their ENTIRE CAREER, it would be incredibly stupid to call them "streaky".

    True. But with such a small ass sample size is it even right to label someone streaky as a way to criticize a rookie? Green played not even a full season. It's like me calling Cade a choker with his 9 wins 24 loss. Labels don't stick forever, u can grow out of it. I just find it strange to use it on rookies.

    Tongue in cheek..... idk how to even respond to that. All I know is to me u don't seem to b consistent with how u assess players.
    I don't think I'm a Jalen only fan, but seeing how folks r assessing him on an entirely different scale just rubs me the wrong way.

    Green had a very good efficient game scoring wise (better than one of them), yet u still grade it as halfway decent game.
  12. CXbby

    CXbby Member

    Dec 13, 2002
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    Green is going to be more efficient in the second half of the season, and eventually be an overall efficient scorer I think. That was never the issue, I always thought he could be a 20 ppg guy and he seems to be on his way. The issue is that he will never be a plus defender, and he does not make his teammates better. If you are not a two way player, your offense better be elite for you to be a gamechanger, and that’s very hard to do if you are not a great playmaker and all you can do is score. The problem is exacerbated when it’s the #2 pick and you pass up on an obvious gamechanger. I have been very complimentary of Stone, and he has made more good moves than bad, but this is one move that has me on the verge of giving up on him. It’s not as if it was a case of hindsight 20/20, the Rockets analytics department was literally after the now consensus ROY and possible first team all defense as a rookie, and Stone/Fertitta ops for Instagram followers instead. I’m not sure I’m ever going to forgive them for that, when Legacy of Bigs is hanging on the side of our building.

    On the bright side Gersson Rosa(another Morey disciple) botched his first top 10 pick taking Jarret Culver, making Green look like a home run by comparison. And they still turned it around by getting Edwards the next year. So it is not hopeless as a fan.
  13. DatRocketFan

    DatRocketFan Member

    Mar 15, 2015
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    Reasonable take. All we need to do is fine a great playmaker or develop one to cover Green weakness. Is Green ideal career trajectory/target a klay Thompson?
  14. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    There are currently 22 players in the NBA who scored over 20 ppg.

    10 players scored over 25 ppg.

    Around another 6 players who scored around 19+ ppg.

    He is in good company but I think scoring alone would not elevate the team to playoff heights.
    Rocketeer likes this.
  15. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    Klay never had the physical gifts of Green. He's going to be a far better slasher and finsher. The odds of him being anywhere close to Klay in terms of a shooter are extremely slim.

    At this point it's all about what's in Green's head. He could be a Wiggens type which would be a above average starter and borderline star on a good team or he can be more but that all depends on his brain.

    Also it's so hard to project a 19 year old. Klay came into the league 2 years older with a more refined game. It's impossible to tell what Green's trajectory is.
    #1555 fchowd0311, Jan 17, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2022
  16. dmoneybangbang

    May 5, 2012
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    I guess I just can't get behind making this sort of proclamation... I could get behind the proclamation that Green will never be on an "all nba defensive team". However, saying Green will "never be a plus defender" just doesn't make sense to me. He's got a lot to learn and a lot of development needed for his body, but he isn't so deficient that I would say "never". He's quick, he can snake through screens, and he can learn where to be so he's effecting passing lanes and swooping in for weakside blocks.
    18pbr, BonziWellsGOAT and fchowd0311 like this.
  17. NewAge

    NewAge Member

    Aug 4, 2013
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    i.e. if his brain is preoccupied with hoops he’ll do well, and if it’s pre-occupied with fancy dresses, nail polish, and Instagram he won’t??
    That’s a fair statement!
    fchowd0311 likes this.
  18. ThrillaNManilla

    Jun 12, 2002
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    Bobby, honest question: Do you speak like this in person to people with such arrogance and rudeness? We are all here mainly for the same primary reason - to talk about the team we love. How about doing this respectfully? Salud compa.
    robbie380 and Milos like this.
  19. Milos

    Milos Member

    May 31, 2001
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    What a refreshing approach
    I miss CF in the old days, when that's all it was
    Thanks social media
  20. Mathloom

    Mathloom Shameless Optimist
    Supporting Member

    Oct 4, 2008
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    I'm so ecstatic we have a 6'5 future superstar playing an efficient brand of basketball.

    And a huge thank you to the Rockets fans who keep coming in here and sharing all the high potential parts of Green's game.

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