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Christian Wood expected to get "significant trade interest"

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Clutch, Nov 29, 2021.

  1. TriumVirate

    TriumVirate Member

    Feb 9, 2009
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    Buy high sell low?
    daywalker02 likes this.
  2. DeBeards

    DeBeards Member

    Oct 25, 2019
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    btw, just won 2 in a row…will this news ruin the chemistry n drag this team back to L steak mode…?
    D-rock likes this.
  3. jim1961

    jim1961 Member

    Jan 26, 2010
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    Smart teams would add players to this core that will be here beyond next year. Wood wont be.
  4. Cstyle42

    Cstyle42 Member

    Aug 2, 2008
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    It would take a GM having balls or just completely confident in knowing what he's doing to trade Jalen Green now. Stone may not trade him because he doesn't want to be looked at as a guy that has no loyalty or gave up on a guy too early. That's what I fear honestly.
  5. treyk3

    treyk3 Member

    Jun 26, 2008
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    Smart teams would sell off every player on non rookie contracts. This team will be good when Wood is 30. That’s not too old but if you can get Kuminga for a guy you signed as a FA, you do it. Don’t trade Wood for less than his highest possible value but don’t hold him because you want to build something. The Rockets aren’t going to be competitive for at least another season. Flexibility is necessary. I was the champion of the Wood sign club, Harden is gone. It’s time to be realistic. This team has to keep being bad for the season and probably next. That way OKC gets bad picks from 24-27. It’s painful but the pay off could be sweet.
  6. Joe Rocket

    Joe Rocket Member

    Dec 11, 2020
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    A lot of people including Drock dont get this. So when I was saying we should trade Wood it doesnt mean I hate him or something. Its just because it makes sense to trade him now at high value. Who knows he may get injured then we are screwed. As I stated before the top picks in next years draft are alll bigs and I cant see Wood wanting to come off the bench. I also dont see him wanting to stay when winning teams will be interested and we'd have to give him a huge contract to stay.
    IvanLCPM, slothy420, joshuaao and 7 others like this.
  7. harold bingo

    harold bingo Member
    Supporting Member

    May 16, 2017
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    I think Golden State would rather keep Kuminga than have Wood. I'm having a hard time thinking of which team(s) would want to trade for him. Anyone who has an idea, care to post it? What team(s) would be willing to give up young asset(s) for him?

    Also, where are y'all getting the idea that we can "sell high" on him, are we under the impression that he's been playing well this season? Why is his value high right now? He's looked pretty bad so far, and has taken a huge step back from last year. He's the best player on the team and has led them to the worst record in the NBA. Where is all this derived value coming from? Just his skillset alone?

    I'm not sure I'm buying the "significant trade interest" line. I'm also not buying that he's inevitably going to get a giant contract after next year so we might as well get rid of him now. I think its possible that nobody wants to trade for him, and also nobody offers him a big contract, and he stays here on a medium sized value contract.
    BonziWellsGOAT likes this.
  8. KingCheetah

    KingCheetah Notable Member
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    Jun 3, 2002
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    Good timing on adjusting the lineup so Wood could break out just in time to trade him... I hope we at least hold off long enough to see if he maintains his high level play. We might want to keep this version of Wood around.
    jiggyfly, Joe Rocket and REEKO_HTOWN like this.
  9. SamFisher

    SamFisher Member

    Apr 14, 2003
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    Exactly. Next offseason may be better.

    A team that wants wood needs 1-2 stars in place that can create and needs to be solid enough on defense to not be hurt by him.

    That's not a very long list!
    jiggyfly likes this.
  10. treyk3

    treyk3 Member

    Jun 26, 2008
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    Two games without Theis in the lineup and he looks like he’s first team All NBA. If he gets to keep playing the five he’s going to continue to dominate. His value isn’t at its peak but if you pay attention you can see that peak coming . Next four games are against teams as bad as the Rockets. I’m saying don’t trade for less than he could potentially be worth which is an allstar type package. No rush to trade but if the offer is there take it.
  11. D-rock

    D-rock Member

    Jun 29, 2006
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    None of top 5 picks are traditional 5's or will be able to START on day one as a 5.

    If anyone is confused it you.

    Both Chet and Banchero will be able to play alongside Wood. Both are perimeter players on offense but only Chet is elite rim protector on defense.

    And only Duren is a true 5 and he may not even be a top 5 pick because he is so raw. He will not be a day 1 starter in NBA.

    CF is insane to believe that Rockets will be a better team if all 5 starters are rooks or 2nd year players.
    rfrocket, RoadWarrior and jiggyfly like this.
  12. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    He is a legit 20-10 player (currently 18 and 9).

    Mostly because his 3 yr - 41 million contract which is peanuts for what he offers.

    You have to consider that market value for a good big is still around 16 million upwards.

    And he is due for a new contract, if you do not intend to sign him for 20+ million a year, which he will probably demand.


    That said, he is still too inconsistent to consider for the top 5 teams.

    I think a lower Playoff seed will want to snatch him up , he still got his lower IQ.
    #52 daywalker02, Nov 29, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2021
  13. harold bingo

    harold bingo Member
    Supporting Member

    May 16, 2017
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    First time all nba might be a stretch with how talented the bigs are in this league but point taken. If he can continue this level of play in single big lineups then you're right, it changes the calculus here a lot. But he's got to get to that level and play that way consistently for a while before that happens.
    Htown's Finest, D-rock and treyk3 like this.
  14. BonziWellsGOAT

    Oct 22, 2013
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    I think there is no way they're giving Kuminga and Wiseman. Maybe one
  15. Cstyle42

    Cstyle42 Member

    Aug 2, 2008
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    If Warriors did that I'd be ecstatic...
  16. D-rock

    D-rock Member

    Jun 29, 2006
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    If I'm running a business, my goal is to become profitable ASAP.

    I'm not waiting to be profitable because it may help my competition.

    Tanking attitude is bad for business.

    And drafting well does not always mean having to draft in top 3.

    Sengun was taken with 16th pick and he is obviously the best player the Rockets took in that draft.
    aaquaa and wolstein like this.
  17. D-rock

    D-rock Member

    Jun 29, 2006
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    CF hopes that is the case NGL.
  18. ballgame

    ballgame Member

    Jan 29, 2016
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    LOL. I was just thinking the same thing....only in Houston! Wood and KPJ are just starting to build chemistry

    I love these fans sites but hate them at the same time
    DeBeards and D-rock like this.
  19. treyk3

    treyk3 Member

    Jun 26, 2008
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    That’s fair. I don’t care about the near term. I’m looking in the Macro. Most superstars are drafted in the top of the draft. LeBron, Durant, Luka, Harden all top 5. Many Outliers exist Jokic, Kawhi and Giannis come to mind and it’s all luck of the draw. I want as many cracks at the top of the draft as possible before OKC owns our future. I’ll take my chances in finding the next franchise player at the top of the draft vs finding gold in the dirt in the teens.
  20. Joe Rocket

    Joe Rocket Member

    Dec 11, 2020
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    You are so lost. You are only thinking current. So you want Sengun to continue to come off the bench in favor of a guy who will either leave or command a ridiculous amount of money in 2023?? And you're gonna start next years pick over Sengun and you think we think we are going to be better right away by starting rookies or are we trying to develop rookies that will grow together?? Im glad youre not our GM.
    fattz and aaquaa like this.

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