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The Chase Is On

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by j@amc, Nov 8, 2021.

  1. Sweet Lou 4 2

    Sweet Lou 4 2 Member

    Dec 16, 2007
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    This team has lost some close games and is playing in a stacked conference but we still haven't gotten to a lot of the awful teams and I suspect our record will improve somewhat in the coming months.
  2. Ramo$e

    Ramo$e Member

    Dec 11, 2016
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    Not me. I'm glad that Harden experiment is over. At least we get to watch several different youth ISO dribble and turn it over instead of just watching one very plump guy. A rebuild is beautiful when it's done right. Drafting is the best way honestly. Because if you acquire a star caliber player through trade, it's hard to tell if they have a cancer personality and if players would want to play with him. When drafting you get more time to see who they are, what drives them, if they are a mommas boy, if they think for themselves or is a follower.

    This is better than going through the regular season motions of being successful only to falter when it counts. Thinking 1 guy can get it done for you. That's literally the first thing they teach is basketball is a team sport. Harden could always get to his spot but never get others to theirs, and that why he never was and never will be a real PG. Also I was never excited about the playoffs because after a while it started to get repetitive same result, year in, year out. Once he chased Howard off their window closed. Got a second chance with CP3, still screwed that. Not surprising but disappointing though. That's what he had shown many years before. So I'm loving it like Mickie D's. Losing just means we get closer to putting more talent with these young guys. Unlimited possibilities versus Same ol', same ol'.
  3. Stephen_A

    Stephen_A Member
    Supporting Member

    Mar 18, 2016
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    Way to be positive! Who cares? They’ve competed against 4 of the best in the West in 4 consecutive games! Sky’s the limit! Choose positivity! Go Rockets!
  4. Easy

    Easy Boban Only Fan
    Supporting Member

    Jul 23, 2002
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    Francis didn't play smart. He's kind of a lesser version of Allen Iverson, a talented one on one kind of player but doesn't mesh well with team ball. We were going nowhere with him as our best player.
  5. bleedroxred79

    bleedroxred79 Member

    Mar 23, 2009
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  6. Stephen_A

    Stephen_A Member
    Supporting Member

    Mar 18, 2016
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    Last years team was dismal. This years team actually looks and feels more like a team. This team is competing yet people are still negative and complaining and criticizing. Some people can never be happy or positive I suppose.
  7. Stephen_A

    Stephen_A Member
    Supporting Member

    Mar 18, 2016
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    Because Steph curry’s warriors were always great ever since his rookie year. Because Booker’s Suns we’re always dominant. I have a hard time understanding the lack of patience and high expectations from fans who demand immediate excellence and gratification from such a young team who hasn’t gotten a chance to play together for that long. They’re young they’re learning we see the development and growth. They’re competing. Just exercise patience and enjoy them for what they are and hopefully they will build a winning culture here.
    sydmill likes this.
  8. Ramo$e

    Ramo$e Member

    Dec 11, 2016
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    So you are describing Harden. I don't believe he was our best. Cat was smoother. How would we know in the era of super teams when we didn't even give him , Cat, Yao a chance? Mobley and Francis were traded after Yao rookie season. I remember vividly. We were able to compete with top team in big games. That's what mattered not so much the record. We just couldn't make the playoffs until we got Yao, and still gave the Lakers fits. Tmac created some cool memories but that trade was huge mistake and done for Le$$ pocket, not if good faith competition. They wanted to sale Tmacs names not compete for a championship. Tmac literally did no better than Francis playoff wise. Once again you rebuild through Draft not trade. There are no easy buttons.
  9. kiwirocketsfan

    Jul 8, 2014
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    14 wins sounds low. Once we are at home and get some experience, we’ll get 15
  10. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    NBA is an up and down experience.

    You contend one day, you rebuild the other day.
    Ramo$e likes this.
  11. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    Him and Marbury in one backcourt was a revelation lol of sorts.
    Easy and Ramo$e like this.
  12. Ramo$e

    Ramo$e Member

    Dec 11, 2016
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    Weird how people complain about Francis but he was a better PG than Westbrook.
  13. kubli9

    kubli9 Member

    Mar 30, 2002
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    Wow, you are wrong so many times in these posts.
    Corrosion and BMoney like this.
  14. J.R.

    J.R. Member

    Jun 30, 2008
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  15. Ramo$e

    Ramo$e Member

    Dec 11, 2016
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    Thanks but don't reply if you don't want to engage. Where Am I wrong at? How is Francis not better than Westbrick?? Please explain. The same things he said about Francis can be said about Harden. Francis as much as he dribbled at least he knew what he was doing. lol He just didn't get nearly as much usage and therefore inflated stats as Harden. Harden's the pick and roll MacGyver that's about it.
  16. kubli9

    kubli9 Member

    Mar 30, 2002
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    For starters, any era where the team was competing for a championship and getting past the 1st round of the playoffs blows away all others. Maybe you like watching trash, but most fans prefer a winner, and Harden was a winner. Objectively you are wrong even if you didn't like the style of play.

    Mobley was not better than Francis. Maybe he was a slightly better shooter but nowhere close as an all around player. Neither were great, Francis had his moments. The trade to get McGrady was a no-brainer. Francis and Mobley had reached their maximum potential with Yao, McGrady just never lived up to his. I was upset at the trade initially also but it was the right basketball decision.

    Francis was not better than Westbrook. I'm no fan of Westbrook and I loved Steve's heart, but the numbers and results do not lie. I don't think it's very close honestly.
    Stephen_A and BMoney like this.
  17. Easy

    Easy Boban Only Fan
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    Jul 23, 2002
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    I disagree with your view about Francis. TMac was the superior player skill and talent-wise. Too bad his body broke down and he didn't have the right attitude to lead a team. Anyway, I have no intention in talking about Francis. I think the nickname Stevie Franchise was a bad mistake given to him. My hope one of these young guys we have now, Green, Sengun, or someone we draft next year will turn out to be a true franchise player.
    Stephen_A likes this.
  18. SuperKev

    SuperKev Member

    Sep 26, 1999
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    Only 3 out of 9 games did we actually compete. Even in those we weren't taken seriously. Most teams are so sure they will crush us they are either resting or playing their starters a lot less minutes.

    It's a fact we that are last place in the entire league. Your statement that "some" people are criticizing or complaining seems rather hollow when we have a worse record today than our NBA last place last year. I think when you are sitting in last place with 30 teams people have every right to criticize. When we were sitting at the top of the league for ..years people here were still calling for coaches and players to be fired, traded, benched etc. as if we were in last place and it seemed completely unfair. But right now we ARE indeed in last place same as we were last year.
    kubli9 likes this.
  19. j@amc

    j@amc Member

    Jul 22, 2002
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    I don't think I'm setting an unrealistic bar to demand less than 21-25 turnovers per game. I think as fans we should demand a higher percentage than 65% from the line as a team (after all, FTs are uncontested 15-foot shots and every team in NBA history has shot better than 65% as a team).

    I know we're young going to lose, but it is all about how you lose. If the Rockets struggle with physicality, shooting in the fourth quarter, or even make loads of mental mistakes in defensive rotations, I can chalk that up to learning how to win. But before you can learn to win, you have to resolve not to play losing basketball. When you can't dribble, pass, or protect the ball, that's losing basketball. Even amateurs at the Y figure out how to do these things. I hope the players won't settle into a mindset that playing bad, losing basketball is acceptable.

    I hate to set measurements for being average, but is 17 TOs and 70% from the line on the road too much to ask?
    Williamson and kubli9 like this.
  20. jimmyv281

    jimmyv281 Member

    Jul 21, 2008
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    Banchero is bad ass last name.

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